
The Host Program has helped me so much. Just a few days before I was selected, I was looking for a way to fund a bus pass of $90.00 to help me to get to my Co-Op Placement and back. I was afraid I was going to have no choice but to stop going to Co-Op. Until my prayers were answered and I was selected to be part of an amazing program that has encouraged me to one day pay it forward and help a student in need. The Host Program has put me one step closer to my goal of one day being the Prime Minister of Canada.


When I was told that I was awarded the HOST award, I was shocked. I've never been recognized for my marks. I would like to thank whoever is involved in sponsoring this program. So far it has helped me a lot. I have bought myself a scarf, mittens, and hat. I buy hot lunches every day for myself with my money. I remember missing school because I wouldn't have a lunch. Now I'm able to attend every day. I love school. My plan was to purchase myself a winter coat/winter boots with my December funds. Again I thank you with all my heart.


I'd like to start this last letter to you by saying Thank you. This year has gone by so fast and when I was granted this financial assistance, I was speechless. The money helped me so much. I used it for things like clothes and food for lunch at school. It was the first time I got to feel what it was really like to be a teenager. It made me realize the responsibility of having money coming in. It made me feel more mature. I learned how quickly money goes too. It doesn't last long and I appreciate my Mother more. It's really nice that there's help out there for students like me. Before I was granted this help, I never knew it existed. It was nice to just be able to focus on my studies for a change. So once again thank you very much for considering me for the host program.


I wanted to let you know that I am very thankful for how much you’re helping me and my family through the good and the bad. The money that is deposited in my account every month gave me the opportunity to eat well and help my family. This also gave me the chance to help my Dad on gas money to get places. Now I can depend on myself and eventually get a new cellphone that works. The money given to me makes me feel grateful because I am not from a wealthy family and I don’t see or have money often. Things are looking better for me in classes as I am more focused on my work. I am less worried about my family at home being in need. Also, I have recently made the senior boys basketball team and I am continuing to work hard in all that I do. I really appreciate what you are doing to help other students, thanks a lot!

P.S – This means a lot!

It is not easy to describe how the HOST program has affected my life. It has given me the motivation and strength to not give up and be the best I can be. Every time I think school is too hard and I want to give up and go the easy road, I think about how fortunate I am to be receiving this help when there are so many others that also need it. It makes me feel special but also gives me a sense of responsibility.


During this year I have discovered that I really like to help others. I've always had a mind biased towards existentialism and finding a meaning in life. Helping others gives a meaning to my life. Be it tutoring other people, volunteering or helping a friend in need, it always feels great to be able to help. I hope I can someday return this favour and be able to help others the way you do. I want to wish Merry Christmas and a lot of happiness for all of the donors.

I can't thank you enough for this opportunity -- it has made my life easier. Since it is a $1000 scholarship, it takes off some of the pressure for me to perform at a genius rate and get a 95% average. With the scholarship and me working part-time, I haven't had a breakdown -- yet. This scholarship gives me the opportunity to go to university and not be in so much debt down the road. Once again, thank you so, so much. My family was ecstatic when I told them, and I'm always happy when I remember that I was chosen for this opportunity.

The money I received has really made life easier for me. First of all I am using the money for university applications; this allows me to not bother my mum too much about money or have to tap into my tuition savings. The money has also given me peace of mind. This is my senior year and like any student I want to make it count. I bought a grade hoody from school which I wouldn't have been able to afford, some winter boots and I am now paying for my own chemistry tutoring. This program has really helped a lot and I say thank you once again.

Thank you for choosing me. It’s a great opportunity that you give to students. It gives the students a motivation to work harder during the school year. I’m able to buy birthday gifts for my family. This has helped me pay my grad fees and with applying to university. I also bought some clothes for myself. I started paying for events that happen at school. Thank you again for your support. My family and I really appreciate your help and care.



I really appreciate your help. These past few months, I have learned lots of stuff from the school, family, friends and myself but I have learned to appreciate what I have. Having $100 each month has been an eye opener. I have learned to appreciate the money that you have given me. I now think on how I can spend it and when I told my mom about it she asked me to “buy something as a reward for yourself.” After she said that, I learned not to be very materialistic. She laughed at me because she said “See! Now that it is your money and not your mom’s, you take care of it.” That was true and since then I have learned a bigger view of what a budget means and what the real value of money stands for. So far I have spent part of it only for school stuff that I know I have to pay for, like my grad fee. I may not have spent all of it every month because I want to economize and enjoy every single penny of it. I always think that anything can happen in the future and you always have to be prepared so I also save it because it is good to have a backup plan for future expenses.

P.S. I just can’t find the words to say thanks to you guys. I can only say have a Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year!

Thank you for the donations. It is such a great gift and it means a lot and has helped. My (parent) has been very ill and has recently been transferred from out of town to an Ottawa hospital. I am very excited that we will be together for Christmas.


Je veux vous laissez savoir comment le 100$ par mois m’a aidé. Je me suis acheté un nouveau cellulaire que je voulais depuis longtemps and je me suis aussi acheté du linge nouveau. Je vous remercie encore pour ce programme qui m’aide beaucoup.

For the past few months it has been great receiving the HOST Program Award money. I'm very happy to have been offered this opportunity from the HOST Program, as it has been very helpful. I'm a very serious person when it comes to school and homework. This money has been fantastic because I've been able to purchase many items that have improved my daily and school life. For example I've purchased a lamp for my desk to brighten my room and mechanical pencils for class. I've also been able to buy some clothing and other items that have been very useful. So overall this award I have been giving has been fantastic and has had a positive affect and impact on my life.

About a month ago, when I asked myself the question, "How has the Host Program affected my life?", I couldn't get a concrete answer. This made me feel a little bad inside; it made me feel ungrateful. Now that I have finally graduated and I've had some time to think and reflect, I can finally say with confidence that your help has had in fact an important effect in my life. I still remember that one time when I was called down to the office one morning while I was in philosophy class and Mr. (name withheld) introduced me to you and to the program. I have to confess that after I walked out of that office, I had no actual idea of just what in the heck had happened. I mean, I wasn't the smartest kid or the best athlete or anything too special. Why would someone want to give me money? It made me feel really special, gave me something to be proud of. And even to this day, I still find that amazing.


You saw something in me, something good. And at that very time, I really needed someone to remind me that there was something good about me. This year has been full of ups and downs, and when I was down, the Host Program gave me motivation and hope. This last year I've redefined myself. There have been events in my life this year that have changed my goals in life and my purpose. It reminded me how much I like helping others because I don't want others to have to go through what I had to go through.

The money you gave me came in very handy too. With the money you gave me and some money I made at work, I was able to save enough to buy a really awesome computer/tablet that will really help me in university. Having so much money at the bank also made me want to have even more. Since then, I've been trying to save most of the money I make. Your help pointed me in the right direction when I was starting to lose my way and I really, really appreciate the money, especially with university coming next year.


When I first started in the Host Program, I was in need of funds to cover the cost of my bus pass to be able to go to my Co-Op placement. As the year progressed, my family and I moved out of the school district and my dad was not able to pay for my transportation to school and back. I wanted to graduate with my friends so I started using the money to pay for my bus pass so I was able to stay at the school. I hope that the Host Program is able to keep helping students in Ottawa for many years to come and I hope that one day I will be able to help someone who is in need of help. Thank you for all you have done.


This was my senior year of high school and getting a Host Program award made it all that much more fun. The money I got monthly helped me pay for some things like prom ticket, grad jackets and gave me the peace of mind to just focus on my studies without the worry about money. Having a single mother also meant things were tight at times; because I had the money coming in, I was able to lighten my mother’s burden with buying my own school supplies and buying lunches for my younger siblings and myself. Thank you once again for having this great program that truly helped me a lot.


With the money that you gave me I got a few things for my prom. I'm so excited to graduate and go to college. I am very scared to but I know that I have the support of many people. Thank you so much for the gift.


Thank you for choosing me again this year. It's really a great opportunity to have. I was fortunate enough to be able to take my parents for dinner. This has helped me pay my grad fees and also with applying to university. I bought some new clothes for myself. I also started paying for the events that happen at school, for example: coffee house and prom. I’ve also saved some of the money to help cover the cost of books in university. I'd like to thank you again for your support and making the last two years of high school possible. My family and I really appreciate your help and care.


I can’t even begin to say how grateful I am for being chosen to be in this program. Receiving the $100 every month is amazing. It does not seem like a lot to many but, in my case, it’s a blessing. It does so much good, including buying clothes to put on my back, filing my dad’s tank when it was empty and even doing groceries for the family. This program is very helpful for students because they know that there are people out there who care and want you to succeed. I feel great knowing the fact that not just me but my family also get that money. The whole family smiles off of this payment. Your help is really appreciated and will never be forgotten.


Je veux vous remercier encore pour les paiements de 100$. Ces paiements m’aident beaucoup car je me suis casser la cheville et j’ai aucune autre manière à gagner de l’argent. Donc vous m’aidez beaucoup à payer mes dépenses. Merci.


I cannot appreciate this scholarship enough. It has taken off some of the pressure to exceed academic expectations but it has also motivated me to work harder because I know that I can achieve and exceed my own expectations. Recently, my entrance scholarship to Carleton University has been increased, and with that, on top of the HOST program scholarship, I don’t feel as nauseated going into university life as I did before.


Your help has been there for the last couple of months every single time I have to pay for something. I've been saving from what you guys have given me and I've been using it as wisely as I can. From the start of the new year and on I've been using your money to save for a camera I needed to buy for my career at Algonquin. I also used your money to get new pants for my suit for prom. I also used the money you provide me to buy my ticket for the bus that got my group of friends from pre-prom to prom, also for the prom ticket and the after-prom ticket. I still have some money saved and I'm thinking on keeping it on my bank account just in case I need in in a emergency or if I need to invest in something for my career at college at Algonquin. I want to thank you guys again for the help you have provided me! I really appreciate it!


It's been really helpful of you giving me money every month. I bought myself and my little brother some stuff. I went to the mall with my family and got some clothes. This took off lots of stress and actually made me feel better mentally and physically. It’s also harder when my parents don't work because we can't really buy anything. This is the first time I can actually go out and buy something new because before I use to buy my stuff from Value Village. I really appreciate the help and the support that you have shown to me and I think that it is a really good program especially for students and it puts up a big smile on my face.


I would like to say how appreciative I am to be chosen and given this money from the Host Program this past school year. The money definitely has come in handy quite often. For example, to buy some essentials (ex, food) or other important items for me. I was able to buy a cell phone this year, which is something very important in my life, as I use it for almost everything, from researching, to being able to text or call. I hope this program continues to exist and help more students in the future.


This program had been amazing. I cannot describe how happy I feel of being part of this program. It helped me a lot. Even though I planned for this money to go straight to my college fund, I spend it most on groceries and other necessities. This meant the world for me. Your program is wonderful and I am grateful for being a part of it.


hostprogram@rogers.com    © RICHARD LUSSIER 2016