2021-22 Letters

Well I’m not really good at this whole letter writing thing though the money from this award has benefitted me greatly throughout my final year of high school. As with the money from this award I was able to buy a new headset that could be used as my FM system as I am hard of hearing. That helped me in a classroom setting. And as my family each wasn’t always the most well off financially. The money from this award helped me to be able to purchase school lunches in and outside of the school cafeteria so I would be able to eat. The money from this award also helped pay for a speech to text program on my phone that I am using to make this letter right now and that I used throughout grade 12 to complete written assignments. So without this Award I would not be able to fully complete the work that was assigned to me so this award really helped me complete this year; my final year of high school. So without this award I would not be able to graduate with the proper marks I was aiming for.


I don't even know how to describe this feeling of gratefulness, it is something that I will never forget and that I will be forever grateful for. I have never in my whole life had the feeling of financial security that I have, that in case my mom gets kicked out I can help pay for a hotel room, or that I can be there to support my family and friends. 

Growing up I was always the kid with no money to go on the field trips, or the grad trips, or being able to afford food or other things, and I know how upsetting it is, to grow up poor, to grow up having to worry about whether or not there will be food on the table it is stressful. 

This financial aid created a security blanket for me knowing that if I ever needed anything dire I would have some money as backup or my family would.

So thank you for everything.


It was in October that I first got this award. It was a week after my sister had moved out and I truly lived on my own for the first time in my life. Bills were cutting into the savings I built up over the summer, so I decided to get a part time job. I ended up working most nights to make ends meet. Between the late nights I wasn't able to work on any school work. I was so stressed I barely got any sleep. It got to the point where I considered dropping out and just getting a full time job. This was the headspace I was at when I was awarded the grant. At first I was skeptical about getting the grant, I didn't really believe I deserved it. I'm sure there were other kids who needed it more. It wasn't until after an uncharacteristically deep conversation with an old friend of mine in an abandoned building that I changed how I thought. She told me that it wasn't about if I was the most in need or the smartest person, it was that I worked hard and someone believed in that. And it wasn't until I reframed it like this that the full weight of this gift that I was granted hit me. Not really the money (although it really saved me from dropping out) but more importantly that someone believed in me when I really didn't. And for that I want to sincerely thank Mr. Richard for this opportunity and for believing in a kid he’s never met and changing his world. I would go on to open a proper savings account  to help save for my college next year, I’d put in any money left over after paying my bills.


First off, I would like to thank Richard Lussier, the HOST program, and all the staff that have awarded me with this scholarship. I just want to say, before jumping into details, that this award gave me hope. This award gave a lot of hope. When I received this award, I was at the beginning of grade 11, where I had academic math and kinesiology (study of the human body). During that time, I was struggling a lot with my classes. I don't know why. Maybe it's the fact that we’ve been doing 2 years of online schooling and now we are at school. Or the fact that I wanted to apply to university as an early applicant and I needed the grade 11 marks. But during that time, I was very stressed and I felt like maybe I didn't belong in the academic class and those students that were doing well were just better than me. I tried so much to study harder and ask students or teachers for help during my lunchtime, but nothing was working out for me. Then one day, my teacher comes and explains to me that I will receive this award. I didn't believe it. I cried because I felt like somebody had noticed my effort and that there was still a chance to change. From that day till now, I’m very thankful to you, Richard Lussier, for the hope you've given me. Just in case you're wondering how I am doing at school now, I would like to say I'm doing great! :) and I'm very happy at school. Other than the award giving me hope, it also helped me in terms of financial support, which I used a lot this last semester. I was able to book appointments with tutors that helped me in my science class whenever I needed it. It also brought support and comfort to me and my family whenever we needed to turn to an emergency income. Thank you, Richard Lussier and thanks to all staff that helped and donated, Thank you so much.


I remember being brought into the office back in early months of 2022, thinking there was a problem with my school work, or my sisters had gotten into some high school drama. But I never would have guessed what was ahead of me a few minutes later. My principal and guidance councillor sat down with me and from the start of the conversation, I knew there was something good in store for the visit. When I was told what this program was and she had told me I had been selected, I was instantly in shock. Coming from a home where everything wasn’t always stable, I had moved out of the house for a while at that time. I was keeping my little sisters together in hard times like this, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I have never had such an amazing opportunity handed to me like this and I am forever thankful I was chosen. I was able to feel more stable with moving towards my future, knowing I had a huge help if I needed it. With $700 put away for school, I was still able to pay for many things I struggled to find the extra money for at times. Such as rides to work many times. $2.25 a bus ride and $11 for a cab, added up when I wasn't in walking distance to my work. Also, it was also a very big help towards groceries, especially when moving into my own home. One thing I used the money for that wasn’t a necessity, but I felt was more of a present to myself and the ones who stood next to me in hard times, was treating my 3 younger sisters and going clothes shopping for myself. Growing up was never the easiest of times for my siblings and I. They have had it just as hard at times as I have. I felt they needed to feel appreciated especially when I won this award for being a hard working student, etc. and they were a part of me trying my best and never giving up. With everything going well, I am taking a year off and going to college  in 2023/2024. I want to give a very big thank you to the Help Our Student Program and especially Richard. Your story truly was inspiring, and thank you for a huge help and change you made in my life.


I received the Help our students Program award for $110 a month. I’m a grade 12 student who also works part time as a manager. My family has been hit hard with Covid. I have been contributing to my household buying groceries, clothes etc. This award has changed my life dramatically giving me a sense of hope that I could get through the month. For some people $110 might not sound like a lot but to me and my family it was everything. I used basically all of the money I was given to support not only myself but my two little sisters. We would get new shoes that we couldn’t afford before, small lunch dates and we became a lot closer these past few months we started making our little “adventures” a monthly thing. I feel as though this money has improved my daily life. I want to get up and be productive throughout the day. It has really made me see the beautiful things in life what I’ve been missing for a long time. I thank everyone from the bottom of my heart who contributed to this program you.


I just wanted to say first things first, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for such a blessing you have given me. Second thing I wanted to say was how you don’t understand how the money you gave me meant a lot and helped me and my family out through these past months paying rent and buying food and things for my mom and dad to make them happy and make sure my family is always positive. Did you know that before you were giving me the money that my family was going through a hard time through bills and personal issues but when I was given the opportunity to be given $110 per month made me feel in disbelief because of what my Counsellor and you have made me such a relieved man going through things people couldn’t bear to go through  and thanks to you, you made my life feel so much easier. Last thing before I end my letter I hope that you do this to kids just like me and continue to go through the path you are on with such good intentions and your kindness from your heart and also THANK YOU from me and from my family. It still doesn’t seem real to me. Thank you.


I was able to use the money I got each month from the HOST Award to help encourage me to stay in school in small ways such as buying a coffee before school multiple times a week, getting myself a lunch from a French fry truck and be able to use the money to get what I want while going to school. I also saved some of the money to put towards a plane ticket to Nunavut to see my family before I attend Algonquin College. I have only seen my entire family that lives in Nunavut three times since I was nine years old. Not many of them are able to attend my high-school graduation which is a huge accomplishment in my family. I thought it would be a great surprise for me to go in the summer as a high-school graduate and soon-to-be college student. It took a lot for me to be able to accomplish and create goals for myself but with the HOST Award funds I got, it helped me see my potential which encouraged me to follow my dreams.


I used the host award for basic necessities such as grocery shopping for food. It has impacted my life because now I don't need to rely on family members. It means my needs are much better-taken care of and set myself up for the path of success using such resources and planning for the future how it can possibly look for me. It helped me regain the strength I had lost and gave me more hope for my future plans and endeavors especially when I was on the verge of letting go. It removed me from being super stressed out to being at much more peace with myself and allowed me to be so much more comfortable talking with others especially when I had faced a couple of traumatic childhood experiences which made me super uncomfortable with the world. It made the situation much better and allowed me to regain control over my life. 


First and foremost I would like to thank you for the gifts of financial aid during such troubling times. This award program has allowed me to relieve some burden on me and my family's financial struggles, especially during the pandemic. Since my father's death in 2017, things have never been the same. Still to this day, I've never truly fully recovered from such a devastating event. Being supported by a single mother who doesn't have a stable source of income with the addition of two other siblings that are much younger than me is a troubling obstacle to overcome. For the last 5 years, I've seen my mother through sweat and tears overcome such hardened obstacles that come with being a single parent. Seeing her not be the same woman that she once was before definitely hurt me on the inside. I wanted to find a way to help her financially so I got a job to help ease the burden. Being part-time and going to school was a daunting task to handle. On some days, I would finish school and head to work straight away, sometimes ending around 9-10 pm. Afterwards, I would usually be very tired and still have school the next day.

 Upon receiving the news that I would be granted financial aid, I was astonished by such a blessed opportunity. This was the first time that I was given the chance to receive aid via financial assistance. It took me quite a bit of time before I truly realized how impactful this opportunity would be.

 Following the bestowment of financial aid, I was able to utilize this award money for various expenses. I first and foremost decided to utilize only half of the total amount for educational purposes while the other half would be utilized for other amenities. Some of these amenities would be household bills, buying food, participation in social activities etc. On the educational side, I would use it to pay for post-secondary applications, graduation expenses, school activities/supplies etc. However, in the end, I would still have some money left over. 

 With many expenses now being able to be securely taken care of thanks to the financial aid, a lot of familial stress, as well as personal stress, was alleviated. Being able to focus on my own education without the burden of potential expenses that await when I get home takes the weight off my shoulders. With such a burden taken care of, my grades and overall happiness increased simultaneously as well.

 All in all, the Help Our Students Program through its financial aid changes the outlook of a student who has been impacted by uncontrollable factors that are part of the road in life. I'm truly thankful for the opportunity that this program has bestowed upon me and I hope, that those other future students will too. Something that I'd to take from this experience would be to always look for those that require aid as it is only right for one to share their blessings with others. Thank you.


To begin, I'd like to show my thankfulness to Richard Lussier, the HOST program, and all of the people that helped me receive this scholarship. I'd also want to thank everyone who donates to and helps with the HOST foundation, as it has been extremely helpful to me over the past few months. This scholarship is a miracle because a few months before I received it, I was in prayer asking God for financial assistance. Even though I have a job, I still need money for school materials and to assist my family with groceries and other home necessities. As an immigrant student in Canada with a single mother, I have a mother who attends school just like me, attempting to learn English because she has never attended school in her life due to her family's circumstances. Being unable to work as a result of a lack of life education.  As a single mother with seven children, she is collecting money from the government to pay her rent, feed her children, and purchase school supplies. However, receiving the Host Program award was one of the best things that could have occurred to me since it was exactly what I had hoped for. This financial help is much appreciated. I was able to use the scholarship money to buy something I wanted and to buy groceries for my family. I am once again grateful for being selected for the HOST program. It was a completely unexpected change that has given me a tremendous amount of confidence. I'd want to express my gratitude to everyone who donated this help, which strengthened my motivation to study even more. I give thanks to God for you, and may he continue to bless everyone who assisted.


I’d like to give you a huge thank you from me and my family, we are truly grateful for the help you’ve given us. When I went into the guidance office that day, I would’ve never thought this would be the reason I was called down, and this was truly an impactful experience. I am still speechless that out of all the graduating students, I was the one picked for this program. I still haven’t fully processed it yet but I am forever grateful. Thank you for choosing me for this program. This money did not just impact me, it impacted my family as well. With the money, we were able to afford our daily needs like paying the rent, buying food, paying phone bills and much more. This money helped us live our daily life, and although much of it was spend on this rather than university, I do not regret this decision, as our health and well-being was more important, and I know we would be struggling if I had not spent it on this. That being said, I am still saving some of it for university, I was accepted at UOttawa, and I am really excited to be able to give back to the community by helping others through the job I will get once I complete my studies. Your decision to help me also helped my family, you’ve impacted all of us and for this I give you a huge thank you from me and my family. You will be in our prayers and we are grateful. Thank you.


Being a senior in high school after the death of my father was hard. My family lost not only a parent but a big part of our income. This scholarship helped me pay for my own needs without having to worry about taking money from my mother. I was able to pay for books and outings with my friends to help me get back into my normal life after experiencing such a traumatic experience. This scholarship took away the stress of being able to financially support myself during my last year of high school. It was a bit of joy that helped me through therapy, and recovery for my depression and ptsd. It’s great not having to stress my mother out about buying me things that I needed because this scholarship helped me do it on my own. I paid for my prom dress and prom ticket with this scholarship and I couldn’t be happier about it. Being able to go to my last high school event thanks to your scholarship brought so much joy to me. 


For the past nine months, I have been accepted into the amazing Help our Students Program, and I have been so grateful ever since. The generous money allowed me to have access to my own personal technology. It gave me the opportunity to treat family members. It will be a great amount of savings in the future. On the whole, the generosity of the Help our Students Program has significantly changed my life for the better. 

 Firstly, the money allowed me to purchase my own piece of technology, a laptop. Previously, I relied on the school to supply me with technology for my work, but now, I can work efficiently and independently with my own laptop. Because I do not rely on the school’s technology anymore, other students who need it have more technology to share, which is a big benefit for the school. I purchased this laptop during the 2021 winter break, in which we returned to online learning, and having my own laptop was vital for my learning at that time. In summary, my new laptop changed my life so I can be more productive, and that is thanks to the kindness of the Help our Students Program. 

 Secondly, the money gave me a chance to be kind to the people around me, such as my family. I have always loved and appreciated my family, but often I never had some way to show my gratitude. But thanks to the good will of the Help our Students Program, I can now buy gifts for them on special occasions. For example, I brought my younger brother gifts for his eleventh birthday, and I also bought gifts for my mother on her birthday as well. Thus, these gifts made me closer to my family, and I have to thank the Help our Students Program for that amazing opportunity. 

 Lastly, the money I have been given is fantastic for my saving plans. After high school, I plan to go to university outside of Ottawa, and the cost of living is expensive. During that time, it will be hard for me to make enough money to survive. But this generous money will help me be stable for a long time during my university life. In brief, this kind gift will help me a lot during that period of my life, and the Help our Students Program gave me a great future because of that. 

 Overall, the Help our Students Program made a massive positive impact on my life. I was able to get a laptop, which made me an independent student. I obtained computer accessories which made me more productive and happy during work. I was able to show my thankfulness to my family. In conclusion, the Help our Students Program made my life better and I could not be more grateful for this opportunity.


As someone who needed to work while being in school, being a part of the HOST Program award helped me tremendously. I was able to work less hours during the week, and focus more on school, which helped me be more free and relaxed, and this helped me achieve higher grades to further my education. My dream school is the University of Toronto, and money was always a barrier. The money allowed me to save up for university in order for me to be able to afford it, and I put 50% of the money towards it every month. The other half was divided in two, and one was helping my mom with house expenses, such as groceries. The rest of the money was put towards personal expenses such as public transportation and school supplies. I am extremely grateful to have been chosen for this award, and it contributed greatly to my future.


Truly, over the course of the last few months, I have been blessed with the opportunity to receive your beneficial givings. These payments, which may seem little to some, have impacted me very much in the most positive way. Although I have my own personal job now, these payments allowed for me to gain extra sleep during those times where I have overworked myself too hard and needed time-off, balancing practically a full time job and school. Simply going out with friends and being able to match the purchases they’re making is such a great and inclusive feeling in which I was also able to experience with these payments. Finally, pitching in for the weekly cost of groceries has helped my dad and my family very much and has lifted many pounds of weight off my dad’s shoulders. With all said, I thank you for this help you’ve given my family and I, it really has added some ease to our lives.


Thank you so much for being able to help me financially. It really does mean a lot to me. For the past school year, I have been struggling with mental health because my dog passed away. I thought it was for the best I didn't get a job considering I had my school workload and mental health. I had to get through some tough times, but I was able to get the necessary requirements for the courses I need to get into college. 

 Amazingly, I got conditional acceptance into college for Mechanical Engineering Technology. Even though I am going to college with little knowledge of being financially stable, this program has taught me how to manage my own money, and know the difference in prices for groceries. I would say about half the money that I received I spent on necessities such as food and hygiene products. Daily tasks were hard, and my parents didn't have enough money to provide 3 meals a day but being able to buy fruits and vegetables was enough for me, and thankfully I was able to because of the money I was receiving. The other half, my friend helped me a bit, I was able to get a computer which I wanted for all the school work, and future college/university work, and with that, I ended up paying them back with the money received from the program. So in the end I got a computer and was able to get necessities, now I feel like I'm truly prepared for college in September with a fresh start. Thank you so much.


I would like to say thank you for this program. It has helped relieve some of the financial pressure I have had to face just knowing I would get an extra 110 a month means that I don’t have to pick up an extra shift a month and gives me the ability to feel like a normal kid. I work after school every day and also on Saturday so I have only one real day off. I never really appreciated my time until I had to work all the time but now I cherish it. I have spent the money on my rent every month and the rest of the money I make goes into a bank account for my paramedic school next year. I am very passionate about my paramedic college. This opportunity means I can do something useful in my life.


I received the HOST grant foundation funding this past fall and am very appreciative of it. It was very helpful this year. I used it to help with groceries at home, supported my mom, and bought some new clothes to help me feel more comfortable at school.

 The money helped keep me in school as I did not have to work to help out with expenses at home. I have recently got a position working security for a company so that I can make some money and save over the Summer. 

 I would like to thank the HOST program for how it has positively impacted my school year, and made it possible to stay in school and get closer to my graduation. I will be back next year full time and hope to graduate by next year in the Spring.


I never expected to be chosen for something like this. The Pandemic was like a tsunami. When things stopped being a ghost-town, I had a job as a Janitor, disinfecting doorknobs, railings, and alike. I could only work 2 hours a day, making minimum wage. I wasn't used to just having money to spend, or save, because it all went towards my household. When I was picked to receive money from the HOST program, I was baffled. And under any different circumstances, I would have declined, left this spot for someone who was in a tighter spot than I was. I'm pretty sure my guidance counsellor talked me out of that. I used the funds I received to aid my household. I bought ingredients to cook instead of ordering takeout. I could actually contribute to the household bills, and even had the incentive to put some money into my savings. Not much, but I'm hoping it's a habit I can maintain with my new job as well.

 I really appreciate being given the opportunity by the Host Program to stop worrying about my financial situation as much as I had been, and to use that extra time to better myself and focus on other things. 

 I also have my teachers at my school to thank for picking me out of the hundreds of other students, and believing in my ability to succeed. 

 I'm not sure how professional this is supposed to be so... 

a big hell yeah, thank you so much =}


I'm very grateful that I received the scholarship. I feel like I was working hard at school without any acknowledgement. When I received this award, I felt seen and that made me very proud and happy. I saved some of the award money but ended up spending most on expenses. It really allowed me to have a more full high school experience since I had lost a lot because of Covid. It allowed me not only to focus on school more but to have meaningful experiences as well. I also learned to manage my money with this program, which is very helpful. This award helped me very much in school and outside of it and would like to thank you very much.


Thank you very much for this awesome award. I really appreciate the awesome gesture. This award came just when I needed it at the beginning of my 12th grade. I was looking for a job and needed some money to buy my school needs. I was having a hard time finding a job since I had no experience at all, and had to buy some stuff urgently. Your help had changed my mentality and shown me that there are good people in the world who are willing to lend a hand to a student. I do intend after finishing my career to pay back the money to another student in need and share this awesome story with them, so they might contribute as well and make other students happy at the end of their career. Thank you and I wish you all the best of luck.


I used the host program award to pay for my financial needs. I had to go on leave from work in October to November due to my depression being so severe. The host program gave me the opportunity to have money during those rough times. This award was such an amazing opportunity and lifted so much stress because I did not have to worry about not having money. I used the money for gas, basic necessities, and to treat myself. If I did not have the host program award this year, my year would have looked a lot different from what it is now. I would have struggled a lot harder than what I did because I would have not been able to provide for myself. It is really important that I am capable of providing for myself because my mother is a single mother and she cannot always provide for me. By simply receiving $110 a month, it made me so grateful for having such an honourable opportunity. There are no words to describe the amount of thanks I have for receiving this award. Thank you kindly for making my year more manageable.


I would like to start this letter by thanking the president of the HOST program, the donors and everyone who plays a role in this wonderful program that helps students with their daily life expenses. I have mostly put the funds to use for my mental health by seeing counsellors that have helped me with my day-to-day hardships and my mental health struggles. I was going through a very difficult time when I was moving out of my family’s house, and this scholarship couldn't have come at a better time in my life. The funds also helped me clear a few of my weekly shifts at my job, leaving me more free time to focus on school and assignments. As an immigrant, my education is my top priority as I know this is what my parents have struggled so much for, to be able to give me an opportunity in this country. That opportunity is found in my education and my hard work, and this scholarship has made that education so much more accessible for me. I'm so grateful for being chosen for this award and thankful for all the motivation this award has given me to continue my studies.


I really am thankful for this opportunity. This has really helped me get through high school and I am graduating this year. With the money I could buy things like textbooks and tools and stuff for my classes and co-op I am doing right now. Also I can now get some new cloths for the upcoming prom. This has helped me so much with just all the stress of everything and I really am happy that I have enough for all the school stuff I need to succeed and achieve my goals. I am now on my way to becoming a mechanic and right now I can say that I couldn't have done this without your help.  Thank you so much for all this. You don’t understand how much this has helped me.


I greatly appreciate and thank everyone who has donated to this program as it has helped me and my mum immensely. We have had to worry about money less, which makes it easier to focus on school and other things in life. My mum has been laid off for a while because of the pandemic, and it’s really nice to know that I'll get some money each month, especially with her work hours being so unreliable. It has helped with paying our bills countless times, and I’ve even started a savings account with a portion of the money that I add to each month. Currently I’m unable to get a job, so again just having access to this really helps, and I will be grateful for a very long time. It’s also been refreshing being able to spend money on myself on certain occasions, as I did not have that opportunity often before. It’s helped me appreciate getting help more and realize that people do care.


High school was a tough place for me where I didn’t really have a friend or group for support and fun times. That being said, when I decided to go back to complete my missing credits I was anxious to renter the learning environment. Being given this award early on put a lot of positivity into being back at higher school with people a year younger than me! 

 I live with a single mom with a disability. Because of that I have to help pay rent, buy food and anything else I might need. Having that extra money each month gave me the ability to save for college expenses for the next year and have less financial stress.

 Overall the program helped make a negative experience better and gave me the ability to save so I can further my education. I am so grateful! 


The Host Program award has been very impactful throughout high school. I remember coming to school one day and getting called to the guidance office. Unsure why I was going there, I was very surprised by the opportunity of the Host Program award, which I am very grateful for. I have spent years mostly saving this money for college and offering to buy some groceries for my family to do an act of kindness. As well as being able to buy gifts for my family. Now, I am almost at the end of high school, about to graduate with the support I have from my school and the Host Program. I used the Host Program award to pay my $500 down payment deposit recently, releasing some of the financial stress I have from college. I've seen how stressful it can be to come from a financially struggling family throughout my life, so having the Host Program support me financially has really helped me to not be so reliant on my parents. I would like to thank everyone who is a part of the Host Program for not only financially supporting me, but for also supporting so many other students because this has really impacted me throughout high school. I have learned how to budget and manage my money, as well as learning how to save for such an important moment of my life (college).


I just want to say thank you so much giving us money to use on opportunities. It taught me a lot about how money is useful and how to use it. One of the lesson it taught me is why it is good to have emergency money on you. There were times where my brother and sisters bus passes would run out. I would use it on that or when I just needed to get a few things at the grocery store for dinner. Sometimes there were big things, for instance when  I moved in with my dad at the beginning of grade 11. I slept in the living room. I used it to get a bed and myself set up. Because of you this you encouraged me a get a job to ensure I have financial security and stability. Thanks once again.


I am very grateful to have gotten this opportunity. The money has really helped me out a lot, and it means even more to me as I’ve just started living on my own as of September 2021. It for sure has not been easy, as well as facing different challenges with one of my hardest being budgeting. When I had first received the letter offer, I wanted to save the money to put towards my first car, instead I have put it towards groceries, phone bills, and hydro bills, and my home internet. The money I have received has helped me more than ever, and I hope that other students who are in need of help will get to appreciate this opportunity as much as I did. 

 Thank you so much, you don’t know how much all of this means to me, and I will keep in mind that when I’m able to, I will try to help out others, the same way I was helped.


In the summer of 2021 I had made 3000 dollars from my co-op and it lasted me until this summer. This has to do with the HOST program money because I would keep a goal of never spending more than 100 dollars a month unless I had a very good reason or goal to use my money for. Many may think 100 dollars is not a lot in today’s struggles. And they are right! But receiving 100 dollars has a big psychological impact that most won’t think of. Being gifted 100$ a month means you can use this money for things like a good meal or an item of clothing you’ve been wanting without the extra stress of using money you took so long to earn at a minimum wage job. It also encourages students to stay in school because it gives you something to look forward to after you’ve tackled a month of school work.

 I may have not had the best grades this year however depression, inaccurate prescriptions and discrimination made school feel pointless. But community, scholarships and awards gave me a validation like my ability to graduate mattered. I couldn’t just drop out after I was one of like three kids who were chosen to have this award. And one confidence booster lead to another. The money helped me get the Ubers I needed to get that paid intern job I now love when I couldn’t find a reason to get out of bed. It allowed me to treat my siblings to Tim’s every now or so. Whether it’s a thousand dollars or a hundred if you use it right it can really have an impact on your livelihood. And after a few months of receiving it trial and error really played a part in teaching me to be a mindful spending especially as a student about to go into the world. Thank you for giving me the gift and responsibility of independence.


When I found out I was accepted into the Help Our Students Program, I felt honoured and very thankful. Prior to my acceptance, I never heard of the Help Our Students Program and what they did to help students in need. My guidance counsellor had put my name forward without my knowledge and when giving the news of my acceptance, I felt a wave of relief wash over me. Last summer, I made the choice of moving out of my small community and into the big city of Ottawa. With such a big change at the age of 16, I did feel very anxious and unsure about my financial situation but this program soon relieved those feelings. To receive funding from the program, I had created my first ever bank account and this had given me a feeling of independence. Upon having no financial skills, I had to learn how to maintain a budget for my spendings and how much I would put into savings. Throughout the school year, this program has helped me purchase school supplies and school lunches. Outside of school, I've been able to purchase clothes, food, home decorations, and holiday gifts for my loved ones. For my savings, I plan to pay for driving courses to earn my driver’s license. I am very grateful for this opportunity, I have learned financial skills and independence with money-spending. The Help Our Students Program is an awesome organization with admirable intentions for others. Once again, thank you Help Our Students Program for this opportunity and thank you to my guidance counsellor for looking out for me.


I want to begin by thanking you for granting me this scholarship. It has provided me with the ability to navigate a new chapter in my life. When I began receiving this money, I had just lost my mom suddenly and my life changed before my eyes. This scholarship has given me the safety net of getting through my second last year of high school. I have been able to purchase school supplies when needed to be able to continue working towards graduation. The scholarship has also helped me get personal items such as bathing items, clothes, and other small purchases. Not only has this scholarship helped me get through the last few month, it has also helped teach me how to budget my money and begin a small savings account that I can put towards my future.


I would like to appreciate and thank you for the help. It really helped me since I didn’t have a job That money was like a salary to me and it helped me accomplish many things. I was able to get my license, something that I was really desperate for but we didn’t have much. This money helped me buy myself some good stuff that I was lacking like clothes and shoes. This was a very special help for me and I am grateful for it. This money encouraged me to continue studying as it pays. I can say that this money made me what I am today because everything I have is because I bought it with this money. Thank you so much for your help and may you be blessed.


I'm super grateful for the awards I've received from the Help Our Students Program. I've used most of the awards for daily necessities such as food, water, and gas as well as helping my parents with financial situations. I had tried to save the awards received however it was quite difficult as sometimes you have no choice but to use them. The awards did reduce my stress however I did not have a job while receiving the awards for a good amount of time. I was fairly surprised for being picked to get the awards as I had thought I wouldn't due to the current circumstances (i.e. pandemic). If there was a bit of a larger amount to receive I believe that would aid in some financial struggle a bit more. In the end I am graduating Highschool and the money I was awarded did help me for the time being.


The Help Out Student Program has been helpful to me by providing me with extra income which has allowed me to buy groceries, school supplies (including a new laptop) and a gym membership with personal training. Having extra money to buy groceries enables me to get things that I like more than I would have otherwise which helps me because cooking my own food makes me happy. Having my laptop helps me to study and to do my homework outside of school, which is much better than what I was doing before which was using my phone for homework. Exercising at the gym has helped me to have something to do in my free time, feel happier and feel good about improving my fitness.

 I want to say thank you to the program for giving me this help as it has helped to make my life easier as I have been transitioning towards living on my own this year.


I appreciate the help and support I’ve been given this year. If it wasn’t for all the support I would not have made it to almost 11 credits done in one year plus a grade 12 credit. I’m super happy because I was thinking I would not make it and would not graduate next year but I beat it and made it to where I am today and would not want to go back. I also helped my mom out with some of the money and now everyone says I’m a success story but I look at it like I did it. I made it I’m very proud of the person I am today.


The way that the student award helped me with the school year was I had 110 extra dollars I could use to pay for everyday things like bus fare, or a lunch for school. It was a big impact because my family is big and there isn't a lot of extra money to go around so me being able to have that extra bit of cash did not only help me but my dad as well because I could buy my own clothes and shoes or buy my own dinners or if we needed groceries I could put the money towards that. Overall I would say this award definitely positively affected my school year I hope it continues to assist children in need for many more years to come.


I want to start by thanking the host program and the donors who supported students like me in our time of need. The money the H.O.S.T program gave me helped me in so many ways. One of them is buying groceries and helping out my parents. During covid times things were hard and expensive, for example, groceries and other household items. The money I received helped me prepare for the future in terms of learning how to save and use my money wisely. Being a teenager your money is something you have to manage well because it's the foundation for a good livelihood. The money I received taught me to prioritize what is most important, and that's groceries and school needs. I am on my journey to study computer science and I used the money to get most of my school supplies and am almost packed up for university. I want to thank the H.O.S.T Program, and the donors who made it possible for me to experience new responsibilities, I am also grateful I was given this award, and I hope this program remains so it can help other students like me.


The opportunity alone to be able to receive this bursary has made me think a lot about the necessity of saving and budgeting for what I believe are my necessities vs. my wants. On my end, apart from the majority of students here, I come from a low-income family, so this bursary has personally helped me a lot. Not just in the now, but also in the future, being able to save for college has shown me how fortunate I am to have a supportive educational system on my side. This also taught me that spending the money would just leave me with fewer options for crucial costs in the future.

 Coming to a consensus, I believe that after receiving this bursary, I realized that budgeting is a tool I utilize when I'm tempted to spend on my desires rather than my long-term requirements. As high school students/teenagers, we have a tendency to spend a lot of money without critically thinking about it, which we later regret. I've spent around 30-40% of my scholarship money on personal costs such as food, clothing, and supplies for school. I've been saving the remainder of my money by helping my mom pay for my tuition. In the end, this money has aided me in better processing and saving my money over these months as a teenager moving into adulthood.

 With this bursary, I learned about the perks and privileges of deciding what to spend and how to spend wisely. To conclude my letter, I'd want to express my gratitude to the founder of the HOST program for providing this chance for hardworking students who feel that their struggle with income or financial needs has hindered their future, while in reality, this should not be the case.


The host program has been an amazing help in my life. I work overtime hours as well as do school full time. A lot of my money goes to my family so having my guidance counsellor involve me in this program has been a great help. I am able to spend this money on myself and help me feel relieved from the stress of being in a poor household. This program is amazing. It definitely makes me want to give back to those in need like I am, once I am in a stable career and able to do so. It’s incredible to know that there is a program that helps people like myself, knowing that I am supported mentally, physically and financially. I love this program. Once my guidance counsellor told me about it, I almost cried of relief. Words can’t describe how much this program has helped me but I am definitely grateful. Thank you so much for all the help you’ve given me. 


I would like to say thank you so much for this opportunity you have given me. This award has helped me in different aspects in my life. I’ve learnt the importance of saving, how to motivate myself and push myself to be better. I also learned responsibility from this. Every month I take a certain amount of money to put in my university savings. This reward gives me hope and joy whenever I think of it and I thank you all for the opportunity and consideration. The day I was told I got this award, I cried and was in shock the whole day. This award means so much to me because it made me feel that I have something to keep me moving and becoming a better student.


The HOST program award money I have received has impacted my budgeting skills on a positive level. Most of the time, I used $55 dollars for my bus pass and the other $55 as emergency funds. Maybe half way through the month, I will be low on groceries but remember the $55 dollars sitting in the RBC account. This is very helpful to me because I’m able to keep tabs on how much I spend with this reasonable amount if I put my other expenses to the side and only use this $110 as transportation, or emergency funds. 

 It has also helped me attend school as often as I could as a positive boost of energy and hope. Every month feels like a fresh start with it.


The host program has been a huge help to me this year and I am so appreciative of the opportunity that I got. As someone who lives alone at such a young age, it is hard to work so much and still contain a positive mental health. Having that extra $110 really came in handy at the end of the month when all of the bills are paid and I’m left with little to nothing. I used the money that I have received from the host program to get groceries. I feel so honoured to have been selected for this award and had this not happened, I would not have been able to keep living the way I imagined when I moved out.


This program is truly something amazing. By picking students, you are rewarding them for all the hard work that they’ve shown in school. Not everyone has the motivation to complete their homework or finish projects on time, but by doing this, you are giving them something to look forward to. This program is a great way to show students encouragement and to help them persevere through their studies. One thing that I’ve learnt from being selected is that my hard work is not going by unnoticed. I have used the reward to help pay for food, clothing and school supplies. I am hoping to look at computers for university, which your reward will help with a lot. The HOST program has also helped me grow financially independent, which I feel is very helpful as it teaches me not to spend all the money in one place and to save it.


Thank you all so much for giving me this money. I’ve lived on my own since I was 16 so I don’t usually have extra money. This helped me buy groceries and helped me afford takeout when I was too sick to leave my apartment. This has also helped me afford some new clothes and I can’t remember the last time I bought clothes so that has been really nice. But mostly not having to be too worried about money because I know that there’s some extra has been a huge relief. I really appreciate this so much and I’m going to miss this when I’m in university next year. Thank you so so so much again! This was really lovely and has made this year far easier.


As a person living off of low income, money has always been hard to come by. Any and all money has typically gone into necessary needs such as food, clothes and shelter so it is just essentially living from paycheck to paycheck. With that kind of income, if you did happen to save some form of money, eventually an emergency happens and the money is gone in a blink of an eye. People with this kind of income would have to hope that nothing happens for a long period of time to actually be able to save money which I find unrealistic. This is why programs like these are essential to people like me or those living with low income. Getting an extra $110 every month has given me the opportunity to be able to save up money towards something I actually needed.

 As an artist wanting to go into the field of digital animation, this money has lifted the weight of having to worry about getting a new computer for college that can run the necessary programs so I could thrive in this particular field rather than to constantly worry when my current laptop, which was manufactured in 2012, is going to fry itself. So I am grateful that this has finally given me the chance to invest into my future and it shows that hard work really does pay off in the end.


Having the chance of having a bit of money every month was a really good journey. Early in September, I was able to be part of the tennis school team and pay all the equipment I needed. I also was able to visit a dentist and start a treatment at the orthodontist as I saved month to month. I also got my G1 early of February and I am saving right now with the allowance to partially pay for driving school. Even with all of these “big” things, I was able to use some money to go out with my friends and family without feeling guilty that I am asking for a lot to my legal guardian. I am really thankful that I was given the opportunity to do all of this great stuff! Thank you so much!


I am a 17 year old student who has struggled throughout high school. I am so grateful for you guys. I would not have made it without you guys. I appreciate you guys more than ever. You guys have helped me so much and all I can do is show my appreciation with this letter. I am over filled with gratefulness from you guys. I was working 2 jobs when my counselor told me about this opportunity. I was filled with emotion when he told me that I was chosen. Hearing those words made me the happiest I have been in a while and it's all because of you. I have also struggled with depression over the last 3 years and words cannot express how you have helped me better myself and pay it forward. I have chosen to donate at least 10$ out of my money that I received every month and that's what I did. I mostly used it for groceries or to help pay my bills. I am beyond grateful for you guys please keep doing what you do. THANK YOU!!!!


One of the biggest ways that being given the opportunity to receive such a huge amount of money to change my life, has been the improvement of my courage and strength throughout the past couple of months. At the very start of the year when I figured out that I was going to be receiving a monthly amount of money, I felt overwhelmed but in a positive way. It was such exciting news that I didn’t expect at all! During the weeks I was in coop working a retail job, was definitely stressful and challenging for me to cope with at times. There was a lot for me to learn since I hadn’t had any experience in a store setting before. At times I felt too anxious or too tired to do my job because it was long hours and some things were tricky to figure out. It definitely didn’t feel worth it at times, however, the thing that got me through working my co-op placement when I felt these emotions was knowing that I was earning something out of all of my hard work there. I knew that the reason I was receiving this money was from working hard the year before, and I’d always remind myself on a daily basis while I worked that giving it my all and trying my hardest pays off. This became one of my strengths and encouragers throughout my entire experience at coop. Since then, I find that I have been more eager to work hard and get things done in a timely manner to achieve outstanding grades as I received last year. I really think my focus on school as a priority has paid off majorly because my marks have been going up the past 7 months in all of my classes, which really makes me happy to see! I want to take this time to again say thank you for this wonderful opportunity. The money I am receiving this year will be going towards a bright future of education for me after I finish high school. And of course I will take all of what I have learned from this experience and apply it into my years in college.


I’m eighteen years old and studying at Bell High school. This message is to the host program. I'm really thankful to them for helping me in my bad times  by providing me 110$ every month for 12 months. Some people will think 110$ are not enough but believe me 110$ every month makes my life much easier. These 110$ feels like 1000$ to me. These 110$ days every month helps me with my extra food or sometimes for my phone bills. Sometimes I buy something which I like. I don’t know how to explain but I’m really happy about this host program. In Canada no one helps me as much as this host program. I would have it next year too if it’s possible. Once again I would say thanks a lot to my guardian counselor and the team of host program. Thank you and have a good day.


Early in elementary school I was told I had a learning disability. I had to change schools because they told me I could not continue in the school I was in, or else I would be left behind. Even though I was young, I could not help but feeling that I was not good enough. However, changing schools was the best thing that ever happened to me. I went to a school where I was able to improve and learn at my own pace. It changed my life and it helped me be where I am today. I now enjoy school and I have been on the honor roll many times. When I got the donation, I felt so happy and so accomplished. It means the world to me because I know this will only help me be even more successful in my education and in my life. I have one year, and a half left of high school, and I am looking forward to continuing my education in a post-secondary school. I appreciate this donation from the bottom of my heart, and I thank each donator who is contributing to my success through this donation.


With the money that I received from the host program I was able to pay for extracurricular activities without having to ask my family for money. I was able to pay for needed school supplies and food while also being able to redecorate my room which is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while. Our school soccer team made it to OFSAA and I was able to use some of the funds to pay for food (we placed third). I felt like it made a difference and taught me how to spend money properly. When I was first called to the office I thought I had gotten in trouble for something. But upon hearing I had an award I could not stop smiling. It felt like all the hard work from that semester had paid off. I feel like it made me feel less stressed about asking for money for different sporting events and field trips cause I was able to pay for things by myself. I also think it made my mother less stressed having to worry about having to buy you things and pay for trips. A lot of stress was lifted because even if some trips are only a small expense it wasn’t something I had to worry about anymore.


I’d like to thank everyone in the Help our Students Program for being able to give me an opportunity like this, and to be able to finance some of the purchases during my school year. With the help of this monthly cheque, I was able to buy some of my lunches, and be able to save up more money to buy bigger things. This year has been tough. I've been working a lot during the week, going to the gym, keeping up with my school work and attendance, and keeping my mental health at a positive level, and this has helped me not worry so much about if I'll be able to buy a lunch if I'm hungry, or buy some new clothes if I need them.


I'd like to thank you for supporting me! This program really helped me this year by letting me save enough money to buy a laptop for my schooling. I'm in my last year of high school and was in desperate need for my own laptop as all of my schooling is done online. I also needed the laptop for college as I'll be going there in September. I'm going into a music program and needed a good running laptop to be able to run the software and record music. As good and reliable laptops are expensive, it was worrisome for me regarding cost. This program was able to relieve some of that stress as it was able to help pay for the laptop. I'm very thankful that I received this opportunity and cannot be happier that I now have a new laptop to use for my schooling and music. Thank you so much!


I am really grateful for this award. It has helped me in many ways. 

 This award has now let me be responsible for my own haircuts. My mom now tells me to go and get my haircut on my own. This has made me more independent. 

 Also, I have been able to contribute to the groceries. This helps me and my family. I like being able to contribute. It lets me be a responsible family member.

 I have also been able to use it to go out a few times. I have gone out for lunch. It was nice to be able to do this. 

 I have also saved some of the award money. I am trying to make sure I have money saved for the future for whatever I may need - school supplies, clothing, future education, or social events. So, this award has helped me learn how to save money.

 I also learned how to open a bank account. That was very, very difficult, at first. But I finally managed to open an account which was a very good lesson. 

 Thank you so much for this opportunity. It has helped me and my family and it has taught me some great life lessons. It is very much appreciated.


The way I spent the money was helping with transportation to school and co-op. Also I helped with some stuff for the house. I also put the money for work boots and work stuff. The way I felt upon being told I had received this was happy and the reward has definitely released some stress around the house. I also put some of the money towards groceries and the money has helped me realize how banking works and has helped me practicing with saving and it also has made it easier for me to get stuff for work when I need it. And it also has had a huge impact with me saving and prioritizing things. I would like to thank you for choosing me to receive this opportunity. It has helped me so much. Thank you again 


This award not only benefited me financially but also very much so emotionally. From a financial aspect it allowed me to work less so I would have more time outside of school hours to try and accomplish my studies so that was very helpful.

 To be recognized as a student who is trying very hard to do well was a big deal for me as most of my years attending school have been very difficult as I am ADHD and the regular school system is not really ideal for someone like myself to embrace learning and usually required medications to manage coping focus as well handle the environment. 

 What is most rewarding to receive this award this year and provided me in mind as achieving personal success was I did it through the pandemic and in person learning. I absolutely demonstrated self-discipline, worked very hard to cope and self-regulate myself to learn to my best ability and just graduated grade 12 and been accepted to Algonquin college.

 Thank you so very much for this award , financial gift. It provided support in believing I deserved this.


My future is very important to me. I'm someone who's constantly looking towards the future. 

Since that was the case I was very aware of the fact that I didn't have enough money to afford university. It was pretty stressful on my mind and it wasn't until I was chosen for this that I could relax. It made me realize not only were there other opportunities for me to save up money but there were kind people like you folk who were willing to help me. Not only did you guys give me money to save up for my future you guys gave me the ability to relax and realize that I won't have to constantly be worrying about not being able to afford the future I want. Even though I was so keen on saving money there was one day when I was hanging out with friends and they all bought food. I didn't have the money so I just sat with them. Then I remembered the HOST program and so I bought myself something to eat. Even though it wasn't essential I felt very happy being able to just eat with my friends like anyone else. It made me not feel as though there was a wall between me and my friends.  

Thank you all for being so kind to those who need help. I appreciate with all my heart because of all of you I can look into the future and be hopeful.


Dear wonderful workers and volunteers. I have been gifted the chance to be on the receiving end of your program's efforts. It is thanks to this effort that I have been able to have a more comfortable academic year. My family and I have had financial struggles for years, being a family with disabled folks living off government-issued aid. During these years, I had come to learn that the amount of money received can barely last a month. All the money must be focused on survival; food, rent and medication.

 This brings me back to the money you have given me. This money allows me the chance to afford some luxuries, like being able to afford a haircut or going out to eat with friends or family. It also allowed me to indulge in my hobbies, like reading or watching movies. While the rest of the money I hadn't spent was sent into my savings account. Thank you for your support this past year. 


This award helped me so much throughout this school year. It helped me and my mom go through hard times when there wasn't a lot of money. This award has helped me not stress how I'll have to find a way to get enough money to pay for food and social events that I went to. This monthly budget really has helped me grasp the understanding of how valuable money really is and if you're not careful how easily it can disappear. This award has helped me give back to my friends who have helped me in the past by buying them food whenever they didn't have the money to pay for their lunches. I am really thankful to receive this award because without it I wouldn't have been able to support my mom and help my friends when they need the extra money for lunches and helped me not stress about finding a way to make money. Thank you so much for this award.


Thank you so much for this opportunity. This program has helped me a lot with times when my mom has been lacking money, or when I need lunch at school because we don't always have lunches at home that I can make. The HOST program has also helped me learn how to save and spend money wisely when I do have it, as well as how to set up a bank account. If there's anything that I can do to pay you back in any way, let me know and I'll do my best. I'm sure it will also help me get my driver’s license when I'm ready for that, along with a gift for Mother's Day. Aside from that, I honestly don't have anything to put here aside from, again, thank you for this opportunity.


The Host program award impacted my life Immensely. When  I first received the news I was chosen for this program I was so happy and appreciative that out of all people to choose from I was chosen. Initially when I heard I was in this program my plan with the funds was to save  the best I can but little did I know everything would change for  me. My past living situation took a turn where I was living pay check to pay check and money was an issue for me. My mindset wasn’t the best but every time when I really needed money I always  forgot that it came in the first of the month when I was the most in need. The funds that I received not only helped me but my brother and cousin sometime when they just needed help with a few dollars and I was able to help. I never realized how much 110$ can do each month to help an individual but I am so grateful that I was able to be in this program and get the help that I did  and also be able to share that.


Après avoir obtenu la bourse du programme Aidez Nos Étudiants, je me suis sentie considérée. Tout au long de mon étude secondaire, j’ai travaillé dur pour sans relâche afin de gagner une bourse de mérite. J'ai commencé mon parcours au secondaire dans la voie appliquée et que j’ai travaillé fort pour me diriger vers la voie théorique dans le but de poursuivre dans la voie préuniversitaire. Je me suis amélioré chaque année et j’ai mis les efforts et le temps requis pour y arriver. Mes efforts ont porté ses fruits, cela m’a permis d’être admis à l’université d’Ottawa. La bourse Aide nos étudiants m'ont encore donné plus de courage et motivation de travail dur afin d'obtenir de bon résultat. Cette année n'a pas été une année facile pour moi malgré mes problèmes, je n'ai pas lâché au contre, j’ai continué à travail fort. Cette bourse m’aiderait énormément à augmenter encore  les heures que les heure de travail d'étude et  m’encouragerait avec la gestion de mes finances, de participer pleinement à la vie universitaire, et cela, sans oublier que cet argent me permettrait d’avoir un coussin en cas d’urgence.


Je tiens à remercier ce programme pour les nombreux avantages qu'il m'a montrés.

 Ce programme donne aux étudiants une aide financière mais aussi, la liberté. Une façon de permettre aux élèves d'apprendre à utiliser l'argent et/ou quand le dépenser. 

Cela m'a aidé à établir un budget dans mon financement quotidien. Une compétence très précieuse à apprendre.

Il m'a aussi donné de la motivation. Je ne l'ai pas fait dans l'introduction, mais je suis un étudiant qui souffre de batailles continues avec la santé mentale. Plus précisément la dépression. Cet argent m'a fait me sentir soutenu de manière suffisante pour me donner la motivation et la discipline nécessaires pour essayer et me présenter. 

J'ai eu l'impression qu'en tant qu'étudiant déprimé qui a du mal à se présenter presque tous les jours en classe, ce n'est pas la bonne personne pour ce programme généreux et désintéressé.

 Mais votre soutien et votre aide m'ont aidé à réaliser que, comme les autres étudiants, je suis en fait soutenu et que je mérite de l'aide. 

Non seulement cela, mais j'ai élargi ma façon de voir le soutien et l'aide.

 Sans l'aide de votre programme, je n'aurais pas fait les changements financiers plus tôt, pris ma santé mentale au sérieux et aidé à façonner la façon dont je me vois.

 Je ne me sens pas le moins du monde digne d'aide grâce à vous. Et pour cela, j'espère que cette lettre montre assez de gratitude. 

hostprogram@rogers.com    © RICHARD LUSSIER 2016