The money from the HOST Program has helped me a lot by helping me support my family when we are low on food. It also helped me pay for food when I was hungry and drinks when I was thirsty. Also it helped me pay for stuff I didn't have enough money for. An example is how I got new shoes since my old pair was ripped. And I got some new clothes since I was low on clothes. It also helped me help my friends to pay for the bus and sometimes if they were hungry I would buy them food since they would always buy me food when I didn't have money. I also bought stuff that I needed for my day to day life like deodorant, hair products, Cologne. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Richard you generally helped me out.
Thank those who participated in this award. It was such a great thing that happened to me. It encourages me to do more and to work hard as much as I can. When I think that someone cares about my performance and my success, I am more motivated to be the best not only the better person myself. I am grateful for this opportunity. It helped me mentally and financially especially since I have supported my family financially since my dad died when I was a child. I went through a lot of challenges, but once I remember that someone would support me, I feel more confident to keep going and grow more. It is not only about financial needs it is also about mental needs, especially with the pressure and big responsibilities in my life. I still remember the moment when I was informed that I was one of the select people for this award. It makes an impact and makes a big difference in my case and my feelings. In addition to that, it reminds me that there are still good things and good people in this world. Finally, I am so thankful for everything.
What you have all done for me has truly transformed my grade 12 experience. With the monthly funds granted to me, I have been able to afford a sit-stand desk to aid with the long hours spent in my virtual classes, buy myself a legitimate pair of eyeglasses and support my mom with our living expenses. Before being accepted into the HOST program, I spend 30+ hours weekly at my job trying to save money as well as balancing my academics. I was overwhelmed. Now, I'm able to fully focus on my academics on an even playing field as students who don't need to preoccupy themselves with sometimes paying rent, food or utilities. I will forever be grateful for granting me this opportunity to unleash my full academic potential. Many thanks.
I am in my grade 12 year. I was beyond speechless when I got told I received this award. I left my guidance counselor's office in happy tears with all the hardship my family has gone through. I honestly couldn’t be more grateful for this award and the help it has provided my family and me. I was able to help my single mom raise 2 kids who is making minimum wage pay for things that we needed. The HOST program has benefited me and I was still able to get some stuff I wanted along the way. No words can describe how much appreciation and gratitude I have to the program. It has made a huge impact on my family and I. Thank you.
I first just want to say, thank you all so much for giving me this opportunity. The day I got called out of my civics and careers class I thought, "oh perfect, what's wrong with my courses now". When I arrived and was shown the story of the origin of this program, I was astonished. When I realized that there were people out there rooting for me, and holding me up, I felt so absolutely amazing. I felt like people truly cared for the first time in a long time. At that point I'd hit a rough patch. My grades weren't where I wanted them to be, I was having trouble in my social life. It just was not good. When I was told I'd be receiving 1500 dollars, I guess it just put meaning back into my life. Something to look forward to. I spent the money helping my folks out periodically. Sometimes I'd chip in for groceries or a bill. Especially during rough patches when my dad was sick. And sometimes I'd use it to make people just a little bit more happy. Whether it be getting a coffee with my dad, or getting my little sister a toy. I liked seeing these hard working people get something back. I also used it for myself. It took a lot of pressure off of me to try and scrounge up money when I knew all I had to do was make it to the first. And I did. And here I am. I spent it on reeds for my bass clarinet and I also rent a trumpet monthly. Music is my passion. I love it so much and it brings me a lot of joy. I also used it for my sports. I am an alpine ski racer, tennis player and long distance runner. The money went towards my fees, and the proper athletic wear I needed. I'm in a spot now that I won't be receiving money on the first, I'll be okay. I've grown so much in this time period and frankly, I'm excited for my future. I won't be giving up anytime soon. And I attribute a lot of this feeling to this wonderful program. Best Regards, and thanks.
The HOST program helped me by providing the money for backup needs in case my father ran out of money. I used the money that I gained from the program to buy food and supplies that we needed such as detergent, body wash, shampoo, and toilet paper. The money also helped to pay for expenses like my phone bill as well as my entertainment expenses -- for example, I used the money to go out to the movies with friends and family. Having this extra money made me feel excited and happy that I could do stuff on my own without having to rely on anyone else. It also helped me build towards getting a part-time job in the summer -- I was able to buy stuff I need for the job, like safety equipment and tools. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to be involved in this program.
I want to express my deepest gratitude to each of you who made this award possible. Your belief in me and willingness to extend a helping hand during my time of need has left an indelible mark on my heart. You've shown me the true meaning of compassion and community, and for that, I will be forever grateful. When I learned that I was receiving this award, I was overwhelmed with gratitude and relief and I couldn’t stop crying. During that time, my family was facing some of the toughest financial challenges we had ever encountered. Both my parents were struggling to find work due to the language barrier. To add to our difficulties, my father fell ill and required surgery, leaving him unable to work. With my mother still learning English and unable to find work, the financial strain on our family became almost unbearable. As a high school student in my final year, I found myself taking on responsibilities far beyond what I had ever imagined. I worked tirelessly, balancing two jobs alongside my studies, all while trying to support my family emotionally through this trying time. The weight of our financial struggles was heavy, and there were moments when it felt like we might not make it through as we were sometimes unable to have food. But the impact of your kindness extended far beyond our immediate needs. With the financial burden eased, I was able to focus more on school, knowing I have a community that supports and believes in me. With time, my dad was able to find work. I was able to save some money from the award to buy a school laptop for next year. This all wouldn't have been possible without your help and it has helped me understand the importance of giving back to the community, which I will do when I can. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for giving my family and me hope when we needed it most. With warmest regards,
The HOST Program helped me with food when there was nothing to really eat at home. Sometimes I would buy ingredients for dinner or stuff to snack on so like stuff to make a big pot of pasta or frozen pizza. I would buy snacks like goldfish and granola bars to snack on during the day at school. Sometimes I would order stuff online and treat myself so like clothes and shoes. The HOST program has helped me a lot with my phone bill so I could keep in contact with my mom whenever I would go out with friends or alone so she knew I was okay. Having this money has helped me feel happier because I haven’t been struggling as much as I was before. It has helped reduce my overall stress level over food and it has helped me attend school more. I think having this amazing opportunity has helped me see what it's like having money.
I hope this letter finds you well in both mind and body. As you can guess, I am writing to formally thank you for the financial support your program has provided me over the last nine months. Regarding the use of the funds, I decided it was best to allocate them for both my personal needs and my family's. The money has been invaluable in various aspects of my life . Personally, I used the funds to purchase clothes, pay for outstanding bills and fees, including my prom ticket, graduation fees, and phone bills. Additionally, I have used the money to support my family with groceries. One significant purchase I made was a back brace for my mother. Her back health had been poor, and standing for long periods was challenging. Thanks to the back brace, she can now stand, walk, and dance almost like she used to. I am eternally grateful for the assistance your program has provided. Your generosity is truly commendable, and you are making a profound impact by paying it forward and supporting the community. As evidenced by my experience, your program has significantly improved my life. I am confident that many others have benefited similarly. I would also like to humbly request that you continue your benevolent work by offering scholarships and bursaries to students at my school in the future. They would undoubtedly be equally, if not more, grateful for your patronage and might find even more impactful ways to use the funds. Thank you once again for your kindness and support. Best regards,
I am a student from Norman Johnston and I was awarded the bursary at the beginning of the year. I was honored to be considered. It has helped me a lot. I have to rent a room on my own, and this bursary helped take some of the load off of how I was going to afford all my bills. It helped me stay in school and stay focused. At the beginning of the year, I was very overwhelmed and this helped me worry less about money and where I was going to get it. It helped me to buy food, buy a new laptop charger for my computer when it broke, and school supplies so I could be successful at school. I was able to earn a lot of credits this year and now I only need 2 more to graduate next year and then apply to college for a trades program. I’m really thankful for all the sponsors who donate money and the people who started this program. This is so helpful for students like me who need this support.
I was very surprised and proud when I got the HOST Program Award. I did not expect to get it because I often doubt myself in school and other things. I want to thank the HOST Program for this great opportunity. The award really helped me and my family a lot. I have several brothers and sisters, so it was great to get extra money each month. I was able to get things my siblings wanted. Not only that, but I also help my mom pay for groceries. Sometimes my stepdad needed money for gas, and I was happy that I could help him. And I also got to use the money with some things I wanted that I never got to buy on my own. Which made me feel responsible. I am so grateful for this chance. It made a big difference for my big family. I hope other kids from large families get opportunities like this too. It really takes some burden off the family's finances. Thank you again to the HOST Program and my guidance counsellor. Who worked hard to get me this award, and I really appreciate everything you did.
I am a student in grade 11, who was part of the Help Our Students Program this year. First of all, the money helped me buy things I need for my mental health to get better and so I can concentrate better in school. In particular, I used the money to buy fidget toys, pencils, sketchbooks, books, and string to make bracelets. In addition, I was able to get the things I need for my wisdom teeth like Tylenol, Advil, and Orajel so I am not in pain as I wait for the appointment to get them removed. Without a doubt the program helped me a lot this year. On the other hand, last year managing my mental health was challenging which made it harder to concentrate in school. As a result of the money I am able to help myself instead of asking for help. I can buy things I need on my own. Also, it helped my family with groceries and gas for the vehicle. It helped my brother pay for his seminars for his jujitsu. For these reasons I would like to say thank you so much to this program. It has helped me so much and I’m so glad I got chosen to be a part of this program.
I am writing to express my gratitude for the incredible opportunity to be part of this program that provided me with receiving $150 monthly. This opportunity has helped me in so many ways throughout the year it truly has made a difference in my life. When my guidance counselor first told me about the program and how you selected me I was filled with all kinds of emotion but I my first thought was how this program would be so helpful for me because I had been struggling to find a job since I was 13 so any source of income would have made me happy and I thought of all the things I could do with it because receiving this was truly a blessing because it helped me, my friends and family out in ways like saving some for my college fund, buying dinner, being able to afford to go out to eat with people I love and most importantly just being able to afford to do things I usually couldn’t. One of the things I am most grateful for was that this program helped me be able to afford a laptop to help me with school work.
I wanted to write to you to express my deep gratitude for granting me this scholarship. I would also like to thank you for your trust in me. It is thanks to your encouragement that I was able to achieve my personal goals and needs. Firstly, thanks to this award, I was able to manage my health because I had the means to buy my medicines. Second, this award helped me feed myself by buying groceries every month. Finally, this award saved the life of my mother in Haiti because she was sick and it was thanks to this money that I was able to transfer money for hospital expenses. Your support really has a positive impact on me, once again thank you so much for this scholarship.
Bonjour, je m’appelle xxx et je suis honorée de dire que je fus récipiendaire de la bourse du programme aider nos étudiants. Je me compte énormément reconnaissante d’avoir reçu cette dernière et j’aimerais vous communiquer comment le tout a eu un impact sur ma vie. En fait, depuis le début de mon secondaire j'ai vécu plusieurs situations difficiles que celle-ci soit de manière financière ou émotionnelle. Suite au divorce de mes parents, je vivais avec ma mère monoparentale qui faisait tout pour assurer le bien-être de moi et ma soeur, malgré le peu d’argent dont nous avions. Je faisait partie du programme IB (baccalauréat international), je travaillais, je faisais du bénévolat et menais une simple vie personnelle entourée de mes amies et ma petite famille. Ceci dit, malgré notre état financier mes besoins étaient comblés jusqu’en mars 2023, ou ma mère a subi un accident mortel. Par conséquent, lorsque j'ai obtenu cette bourse, cela m'a non seulement libéré de mon stress financier, mais m'a également donné l'impression que ma persévérance dans le domaine scolaire était reconnue. Le tout m‘a pousser à continuer à persévérer et obtenir les bonnes notes dont je savais que j’étais capable d’accomplir malgré la situation difficile que moi et ma sœur vivions. J’ai gardé l’argent dans un compte d’épargne pour mes études post secondaire que je vais commencer en septembre prochain à l'université d’Ottawa faisant un baccalauréat en service social. Merci pour tous et continuez d’aider les étudiants comme moi.
For as long as I can remember, any time I had wanted to do extracurricular activities, or try something new, my mom had always needed to receive funding from associations like this just so that I could be a kid and enjoy life to the fullest. However, as I got to high school and moved away from past extracurricular activities, I realized how expensive things could get. Despite always wanting to do the things I love, I would constantly turn away from them, not wanting to ask for help financing them due to my fears and anxiety related to spending money, regardless of how expensive or cheap it is. Yet, despite having a job for a short period of time, getting the money that I wanted/needed, so that I could do the things I love, I had quit shortly after. The toll that it took on me mentally, alongside the other difficulties I was facing at the time, were too much, and my grades were reflecting that, especially when comparing them to my previous year. However, after receiving this award from the HOST Program, it has allowed me to truly understand what I want to do and where I want to go, alongside bettering my mental health and allowing me to do the things I love without the anxiety that I get when I spend money, even if it is something that I know that I want to do. As of writing this, I am now in my final year of high school, and I have received an offer letter for computer science and I am excited to start university next year. Despite being excited to start, I am anxious, as anyone would be, about taking on student debt and having to buy the supplies necessary for the course. But, I now understand that there are programs, and people, like HOST and Richard Lussier, who are there to help those who need a hand. I hope and wish that others, who are in my position, get the same kind of relief that I have received. With the funding I have received, I was finally able to go out with my friends more often, I was finally able to apply to university, I was finally able to afford what was needed for university program and so much more. And these are just a couple of the things that the HOST program and Richard Lussier have done for me, and that is even without mentioning the impact that it has had on my mental health. I hope that people understand that sometimes, it is necessary to ask for help, especially as we take on more challenges as we grow older. Whether that challenge is in the form of debt, responsibilities, etc., it doesn't matter what it is, as long as you need a helping hand in order to grow and reach your full potential, you shouldn't be afraid to take a step and ask, because sometimes that helping hand, like the HOST program was for me, is all you need.
I'm writing this letter today out of pure gratitude and appreciation for your generous donations. I had never known this program existed, and so when I mustered up the courage to talk to my guidance counsellor about not having enough money to pay for field trips, she instantly recommended this program. Ever since then, my entire life has literally changed and I can't even accurately put into words how life-changing of an addition this has been to my life. It truly makes me feel like I have parents who are giving me an allowance every month. Coming from a first-generation immigrant family, the concept of an allowance never really existed for us. My parents have constantly worked diligently and sacrificed their own needs to provide the best for us. While they were able to secure a roof over our heads and enough food on the table each day, financial constraints made an allowance a luxury we could not afford. That being said, this program has made and is currently making a remarkable impact on my life; I can finally afford school field trips, pay for lunch in the school cafeteria and even go out and hang out with my friends, affording things over $10! More importantly, this program has allowed me to start saving for my future education, a goal that felt out of reach not too long ago. Overall, this program has not only reduced a great deal of financial stress and worry from my life but has also inspired me to work even harder, allowing me to broaden my goals and be ambitious about higher education, which seemed previously impossible due to financial restraint. From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank each and every one of you for your empathy and for believing in the potential of students like me. Your kindness really has been a blessing, and I am eternally thankful. When I grow up, I want to find a way to pay this forward and hopefully help students just as you all are doing for me right now. I promise not to let your generous donations go to waste. Before I finish off, I'd like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to a few people who have played critical roles in this life-changing opportunity. First and foremost, I want to thank my fantastic guidance counsellor for being so open-minded and supportive of my financial situation. I also want to thank her for introducing me to this program, as none of this would have happened without her recommendation. Second, I'd like to thank Mr. Richard Lussier for establishing such an incredible and extremely beneficial initiative, as well as all of the donors who have helped make this possible. I have no words except to say that you are all very dear to me and have made my high school experience far more enjoyable than I had feared. Thank you all once again.
Je souhaite exprimer toute ma gratitude pour la bourse que j'ai reçue. En tant que jeune fille élevée par ma mère, avec ma sœur, cette aide financière a eu un impact important sur ma vie. Grâce à cette bourse, j'ai pu acheter les manuels indispensables et participer à des activités parascolaires qui ont enrichi mon parcours éducatif.
Votre soutien a non seulement allégé le fardeau financier de ma mère, mais il m'a également confortée dans mon envie de poursuivre mes études plus loin. Je suis déterminée à être la fierté de ma famille et à leur montrer que tous les sacrifices en valaient la peine. Cette bourse a ravivé mon espoir et renforcé mon ambition de réussir académiquement et professionnellement. Un jour, si j'en ai la possibilité, j'aimerais soutenir à mon tour des élèves comme vous l'avez fait pour moi. Votre générosité m'a non seulement aidée, mais elle a aussi semé en moi le désir de redonner à ma communauté et de faire une différence dans la vie d'autres jeunes. Avec toute ma reconnaissance.
When I got the news that I received this award, I just stared at my guidance counsellor in utter shock; I had no clue what to say. I walked out of the office and immediately called my dad to let out all of the emotions contained within me. A week prior to receiving the award, I had mentioned to my guidance counsellor how worried I was with my dad's income as well as upcoming university expenses. Whether it was providing a healthy diet, new clothes, or even birthday gifts; my dad always does a great job at making sure that he could give me the experience of what it is like to be a kid. Since it has always been the two of us, my dad and I have an extremely special connection in which I know I am very fortunate to have. From his spontaneous humour, charismatic personality, and his talents as a veterinary technician; I have always found him as a great role model. Unfortunately, this connection did not stop him from hiding our financial situation. I would never blame him for this as what parent would want to tell their child they were past the poverty line. I found out on my own after he unfortunately suffered from a severe stroke, which has ultimately forced me to become much more mature and independent. As many adults in my life would say; “you've been living an adult life since you turned 15 years old, you just haven’t realized it.” By receiving the HOST program award, I have been able to get new clothes, and even new shoes for track and field. On top of all of that and more importantly, the HOST program award has given my dad something to fall back on whenever he needs it and it will also be a massive help with my journey of pursuing university. The HOST program has given me so much inspiration to keep going, no matter how tough it gets. I absolutely love the opportunity it gives to hard working students with these difficult situations. To all the donors, you are what gives us students the motivation to keep going and pay it forward! To Mr. Lussier, your story has been so inspiring for me and I cannot thank you enough for providing hope to all of these students.
The financial assistance I received was more than just monetary support; it was a beacon of hope during a period of uncertainty. My parents, who faced language barriers that prevented them from finding employment, were unable to meet the financial demands of our household. The aid provided by the Help Our Students Program was a crucial lifeline, taking away the stress of affording the rent that assists a lot. It allowed me to concentrate on my academic pursuits without the distraction of financial worries. Furthermore, it covered the cost of everyday essentials such as food, which is fundamental to our well-being. This support was instrumental in maintaining a stable and nurturing home environment, enabling us to focus on personal growth and development. The generosity extended to us was not merely about financial relief; it represented a community's willingness to uplift those in need and foster resilience in the face of adversity. It is a powerful reminder of how collective efforts can create positive change and provide a foundation for a brighter future.
Thank those who participated in this award. It was such a great thing that happened to me. It encourages me to do more and to work hard as much as I can. When I think that someone cares about my performance and my success, I am more motivated to be the best not only the better person myself. I am grateful for this opportunity. It helped me mentally and financially especially since I have supported my family financially since my dad died when I was a child. I went through a lot of challenges, but once I remember that someone would support me, I feel more confident to keep going and grow more. It is not only about financial needs it is also about mental needs, especially with the pressure and big responsibilities in my life. I still remember the moment when I was informed that I was one of the select people for this award. It makes an impact and makes a big difference in my case and my feelings. In addition to that, it reminds me that there are still good things and good people in this world. Finally, I am so thankful for everything.
Je m'appelle xxx je suis étudiante à l'école secondaire Louis Riel. Je voulais exprimer ma profonde gratitude pour la bourse que j'ai reçue cette année. Cette bourse m'a beaucoup aidé tout au long de l'année scolaire. Avoir 150 $ chaque mois me permettait de couvrir les frais nécessaires à mes études, comme les crayons et le papier. Ces petites choses peuvent paraître simples, mais elles ont fait une énorme différence pour moi. Je tiens également à souligner que cette bourse est arrivée à un moment où ma famille éprouvait des difficultés financières. Les difficultés financières ont été un fardeau pour nous cette année, et cette aide nous a allégé le poids des épaules. Bref, cette bourse était pour moi bien plus qu’une simple aide financière. Cela m’a apporté du réconfort et m’a permis de me concentrer pleinement sur mes études malgré les défis auxquels ma famille et moi étions confrontés. Encore une fois, je vous remercie sincèrement pour votre générosité et votre soutien continu envers les élèves de notre école.
I am writing to say thank you. This money has been a great help to me and my family. This past year my family has been through a lot, especially with the passing of my dad and having to adjust to that. We had to limit our spending due to having to rely on one source of income now. The money was an unexpected surprise that my family and I are beyond grateful for. With this money I have been able to spend for day to day needs, pay fees for college, and save up for big purchases. This money has helped with the financial and general burdens we have been facing this past year. I am so grateful for this money, and thankful for the Help Our Students Program.
I am writing to you today to thank you for the money you give me every month. I am extremely grateful for you and what you have done for me. Due to my concussion, I could not work during the summer of 2023. This money will help me pay my school fees in September when I start college. This money took a lot of stress off my shoulders because I would be paying for my studies myself. This year has been extremely difficult because of my concussion. I had appointments every week with several specialists. But my perseverance and hard work meant that I was accepted into a 2-year program at the Cité Collégiale in Social Work and I plan to go to St-Paul University afterwards to continue my studies. Thanks to you I can begin my post-secondary journey. Thank you for making this a possibility for many young adolescents who want to start their lives. This helps us greatly.
During the school year as a student trying their best to receive scholarships for post-secondary and maintaining my honour roll status as well as focus on basketball, it was impossible for me to get a job and do well. My family isn’t rich so it wouldn’t be exactly easy to come up with money sometimes. Things like Ofsaa or lunch money were made possible due to generosity of the HOST donors. They made my school life just a little bit easier. I would also play club basketball outside of school. My parents would help pay the hotel for away trips and the money from the program made sure I never had to worry about food when I was away. I’m very thankful. Some people may say 150 dollars a month isn’t life changing but it still makes an impact and allowed me to succeed. I’m now a high school graduate graduated with honours who will be attending Carleton University to pursue software engineering with an entrance scholarship. This program played a helping role in making this happen. I’m deeply appreciative.
Hello, my name is xxx. I am 17 years old, and I was chosen as one of your applicants for the HOST Award. I wanted to say thank you and write a brief letter explaining how this program has had an impact on me. Thank you very much for allowing me to have access to your program & offering me $150/month, for it has provided me with necessary necessities & needs for survival, such as: food, water, clothing, a new speaker, shoes, and many more. The program has helped me to purchase a few items and relieve some financial stress for me and my family. With some basic needs supported I could focus a little more on my passion for keeping physically fit. I really enjoy going to exercise gyms. Currently, my fitness goal is to prepare for the RCMP entrance fitness test. Thanks again.
To all the wonderful donors of the HOST Program Award, I am extremely grateful for the financial aid. This award was extremely helpful to me in this past year and has supported me in many ways after the challenging times my family went through last March. With this money, I could buy my lunches, have savings for emergencies, school-organized trips, and occasional outings with my friends. Every day I would wake up and feel extremely lucky because I knew money would be the least of my concerns, and I could focus on my studies. Being able to boost my grades and have lunch every day is truly a blessing to be valued. Again, thank you for everything. Hopefully, this helped someone in a similar situation.
First of all I want to extend my gratitude to the HOST program for awarding me a grant that has helped me and my family this past few months. It means the world to me that the program was kind to me and believed in me. My financial condition significantly improved as a result of this grant, which also assisted me in overcoming obstacles to achieve my objectives. In addition to providing financial support, your support inspired me to keep going after excellence and reminded me to stay true to who I am. Getting this grant served as a reminder that good people and organizations exist that sincerely care about the goals and dreams of other people. I felt like I had a new purpose and determination because of your belief in me. I was able to pursue opportunities and concentrate more on my studies thanks to this financial assistance. It relieved some of my burden and allowed me to stop worrying about how I would pay for my impending needs. I was able to pay my OUAC fees, assist my mom with bills, and cover other household expenses with the help of this grant money. Unbelievably, it was also beneficial to my relationship because, without a job, I was concerned about what to get my partner for Valentine's Day and Christmas since I couldn't afford it. But I was able to afford the small gifts because of my monthly grant payment. I sincerely appreciate your commitment to my future. Your kindness reduced my financial load and gave me more confidence to go after my goals. I appreciate your confidence in me and how you have impacted my life. Not only has your assistance helped me personally, but it also motivates me to give back and support others on their journeys whenever I can and however I can. I sincerely appreciate your help once more. I will always be appreciative of the positive influence your generosity and encouragement have had on my life.
The Help Our Students Program is utterly amazing. I don't even know where to begin with how much this program has helped and benefited me. Me and my family have struggled financially for a while and to start off just hearing about my chance for this program brought high spirits and joy. With my earnings, I was able to help my family with whatever they needed, which is already amazing. I also used my earnings for a school trip that was a once in a lifetime opportunity, I saved for months between my job and the HOST program and it eventually became reality. I experienced and learned so much from that one trip that I could not be more grateful for the help of the Help Our Students Program.
This program has not only provided me with financial support but has also instilled a sense of security and stability in my life. I am truly grateful for the impact this program has had on me. I am not exaggerating when I say it has helped me in every aspect of my life and enabled me to pursue my dreams and work towards a brighter future and I am immensely thankful for the opportunities this program has opened up for me. Thank you for your continuous support and for making a positive difference in my life. With heartfelt gratitude.
As a result of the Help Our Students Program, perhaps my biggest challenge when entering university has been solved. Due to circumstances out of my control, my family has been severely financially struggling to afford necessities which has meant regularly taking money from my personal savings to pay for groceries for my family. As a result, I had far less money than expected to pay for the upfront costs of going to university like textbooks, student and class fees, and transportation. However, this concern of mine has largely disappeared thanks to the generosity of the Help Our Students Program. This is because it has not only covered my savings deficit, but exceeded it, giving me more financial flexibility which allowed me to purchase a microwave to replace our broken one.
I want to thank you for the financial award I received this year. Coming from a family with some financial struggles, this money helped a lot with school expenses like food, university. It lifted a huge weight off my parents shoulders too. During a difficult time, the award also helped lift up some of my own stress so I could focus fully on my studies. I was able to buy a few little things that made me happy too. Thanks to this program, I had one less thing to worry about and could enjoy my senior year of high school. This experience has inspired me to give back however I can in the future. I sincerely appreciate your support and everything the HOST Program does for students.
The Help Our Students Program will help me pay my college tuition for the George Brown College three-year Dental Hygiene program. I have worked extremely hard to get where I am now and be a student attending college in the fall. No words can explain my joy and excitement for my future. I cannot wait to further explore my chosen career path, learn new skills, move to a new city, and meet people with similar interests as me. I am truly grateful for all of the support that the HOST program has provided me. I hope that everyone involved in the host program continues to provide financial support to hard-working students, they are the most deserving. The recognition of my efforts motivated me to actively continue my strong efforts throughout the school year, which led me to be accepted into the program of my dreams. Once again, thank you for all of the support!