Recipient Letters
I am writing to you to inform you on my experience with your HOST program. When I first got introduced to this program i was very shocked and confused on why you guys first chose me. I was depressed and having financial and emotional issues at home. The award I received each month not only helped to pay for tutoring, money so I wouldn't starve each day, and money for clothes, and to be able to buy materials for certain projects. My marks began to improve and I didn't feel so imprisoned anymore. I didn't have my parents yelling at me about how I’m such a financial burden to them. A lot of the stresses that I went through subsided and I could breathe again. Thank you for making me feel like I was normal girl for the first time.
I am writing to talk about how the Help Our Students Program has made a positive impact in my life, at home and at school, since I have received it. I’ve been blessed to be able to use this money for small things like groceries for the house and big things like a new winter coat for my sister.
My parents always wanted their kids to get the best education but, It can be hard going to school in higher class neighborhoods when our family didn’t have as much as others. Being able to get new clothes for my sister and was a good feeling. We could both go to school without having to worry about what we were wearing or lunch and we could focus more on school. The award made it possible for me to take a load off of my parents by helping pay for groceries and other small house needs. The award even made it possible for me to buy a uniform to start a part-time job.
In all this award has been an amazing help to my family and I so far this year, and I am so grateful for this opportunity that the HOST program has given me.
First off I would like to thank you guys for the award and giving me the opportunity to work a bit less and do different things this year, especially since this is my last year, this award helped me pay for school fees and also helped me take time off work to focus on my academics which really help me because work was taken a lot of time, also when I was stuck and couldn’t pay for something on time or had an emergency the award money was there for me to fall back and it really motivated me to do better and to reach out to my full potential because it showed me that people actually believe in me and see how I can reach my full potential with a little push.
This year I was a recipient of the Help Our Students Program where I was gifted $100 on the first of every month. I began to use it to help pay for groceries and occasionally rent when I was short on money. In the month of December, I was able to afford a very nice present for my younger siblings that I otherwise would not have been able to gift them; it’s hard to convey through a letter but the joy they expressed from receiving the gift is something I wish I could have shared with those who made it possible. I can’t emphasize how much of a difference this program has made for me. It’s like a safety net that catches me financially when I can’t afford something on my own. I am very thankful to the donors that have made my life easier this year and I wish I could thank them each individually for their contribution to my life that on occasion has helped me keep my apartment and afford groceries.
I would like to say a huge thank you for your kind gestures that you have provided me with. The money has helped me out tremendously in my current situation. As a child, I lived with my father but he became abusive and after spending some time in foster care, my mother received custody of both my sister and me. Despite this seemingly positive change, I understood soon enough that my single mother was also struggling. Raising three children on social assistance was a great challenge and sadly, the household also became abusive. I could no longer stay with my family and made the decision to leave my mother’s home a year ago and now live with another family. Deciding to leave home (at the age of 16) was difficult, but the experience has helped me develop a better understanding of who I am and reinforced what I am capable of. I had to manage my time and my emotions, adapt to a lot of quick changes, new caregivers and environments. Being responsible for myself has challenges especially when trying to handle school, volunteering and a part-time job.
With the help from the HOST program ($100 a month) I was able to not worry about money so much. I was able to buy myself a printer so I could print out my school work and also have it for when I go to college. I was also able to pay for my bus pass to get to school every month, buy myself some clothes, occasionally go for outings at the movies or the mall and pay my fees for college. I can’t even begin to express my gratitude for this program and the financial support it provides for students in need. The support from the host program has helped me tremendously with paying for my basic needs, supporting myself and not having to worry about finances.
This award really helped motivate me to keep studying, without having to worry about financial needs. It gave me the opportunity to buy groceries for my family when we had nothing at all. We all enjoyed meals we would not have had otherwise. The award also helped with transportation fees. I also consistently contribute to household needs. It helps me keep a positive and peaceful mind which allows me learn in school. The award makes me look forward to graduating without thinking of myself as the unfortunate girl. I am able to function as any other student. I also intend to use the money for my graduation fee which will allow me attend the Grad Ceremony worry free. This award gave me confidence that I would not otherwise have. It gave me the opportunity to help the people I cherish the most and look forward to graduating with my classmates. Thank you for the opportunity to look beyond my financial need.
La bourse a affecté mon année scolaire car, au dîner j’ai pu acheter mon propre dîner et mon père n’a plus eu besoin de s’en faire pour moi. Il y a aussi des jours là où j’ai acheté la nourriture pour toute ma famille car il n’y avait rien à manger dans le frigo. En janvier, mon père a dû voyager en Afrique pour visiter sa famille et m’a laissé en charge de mes frères et de mes sœurs. Donc, pendant 3 semaines je devais les surveiller et leur donner à manger. Chaque semaine j’ai dû acheter des courses et préparé le déjeuner, le dîner et le souper. Tout ça ne serait pas possible sans la bourse que vous m’avait offerte et je suis très reconnaissant et vous remercie grandement.
I would like to start this letter by saying what a great opportunity that you gave me to be a part of this amazing program. I am thankful for the opportunity and the help that I got from you. I’d like to say this about how the money that you give me and how it helped me: First, I had many things to pay off for example; bills that I had to pay for months and honestly It would’ve taken me months to pay them, second, I was able to pay for my own food every day and eat whatever I wanted with the money that you gave me instead of asking my mother for some money!! Finally, I’ve started to go to a gym near me which helped me stay active because to be honest I used to spend most of my days home doing nothing and get more depressed. However, since I started going to the gym near me I met new people and got to do exercises and pool sessions it helped me a lot!! And that’s why I want to finish this letter by saying “I truly believe that every single penny or money that you gave me it was spent well and on good things! I am very thankful for your support and hope this program keeps on going for the longest so you can help people that are or were in similar situations that I was in. Thank you and hope nothing for the best to you and the program!
I just want to start off by saying how ridiculously blessed and grateful I am to this program and all the help it’s given to me and my family. The abundance that this program as brought into my life is indescribable. I have been able to start saving for college, help my family with buying groceries, and bless the people I love on Christmas and birthdays. It’s given me a new level of independence and allowed me to get my footing. The day I found out about this program and that I had been chosen for it, a weight lifted of my body. Tears started streaming down my face as a guidance counsellor told me all about it. Nothing in my life has been all that simple, and nothing has come easy. So, to have someone say, I’m here and I am going to help you, was such an olive branch for me. I hope to be in the position someday to give back the way you are. I was raised to pay it forward, and that is what I plan to do. Your kindness and generosity has helped me in more ways than I can count. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
The Help Our Students Program has been very positive! I was able to pay for my school graduation fees, order a school year book, buy a grad t-shirt and also save for my college admission fees. All of this I was able to do without worrying if I had the money for it or not. Earlier this month, I went prom dress shopping with my mom and we bought a dress that I really liked. Prom dresses aren't cheap to buy and so I was able to use a bit of the money received from the Host Program towards the dress. I am so happy! I didn't have to worry about how I was going to afford to get things done given I come from a single parent family. My Mom works hard to provide for us and the support from the Students Program made it less stressful for her. It also made me feel really happy and relaxed that we were not stressed out over things. This has also made me learn on how to manage my spending and what was more important to get done.
Once again, it is truly such an honor to receive this award! The support from the school and teachers have been tremendous towards my studies. Its teachings not only in academic but also in building self-confidence has made a big difference for me. The Help Our Students Program really has made such an impact on my life that when I graduate this June I'll be moving forward with a positive attitude.
For starters, I am able to afford and buy my own groceries, things for dinner and lunches for school, this has also helped me pay to play on our school’s girl rugby team, helped pay for my graduation photos to share with my family, as well as a few things for school when needed, like paper and pens. It had given me an opportunity to be able to go out with friends every once and awhile and get coffee or go out for lunch, or just being able to go out and not have to worry about them paying for my food.
This award has made a difference in my life by showing me that the little things can make someone's life just a little easier, it's also taught me how to manage money in a better way and as well as use it for better things, such as to take care of myself.
En tant qu’élève ayant bénéficié d’une bourse du programme Aidez nos Étudiant, je me considère chanceuse parce que ça m’a beaucoup aidé dans mes dépenses La Cité. Étant aussi l’ainé de la famille, responsable de cette dernière et sans parents avec nous, je suis celle qui gère les dépenses familiales et la bourse a aussi beaucoup contribué dans les dépenses familiales.
De plus, elle a beaucoup contribué dans l’achat des outils de travail dont on avait grandement besoin comme un ordinateur portable qui sert aux travaux scolaires des quatre étudiants que nous sommes à la maison. Enfin, je suis aussi dans les démarches de demande de résidence permanente, ce qui demande beaucoup de déplacement de ma part et j’ai beaucoup bénéficié de cette bourse parce celle-ci a eu un grand impact dans mes déplacements.
Je termine tout en vous remerciant pour votre aide qui continu de faire une grande différence dans ma vie ainsi que celle de ma famille, tout en espérant continuer à bénéficier de votre aide.
Thank you very much for all the support. This award has saved my family a couple of times now. First, when my sister and step-mother’s winter coat broke when it was still bone wrenchingly cold out. Also a few times when we needed groceries for the next two weeks, and only had forty bucks for four people. The award has also helped me take opportunities I would have missed out on otherwise. Like finishing my lifeguarding courses or getting driving lessons. Any time I was out and was really hungry or my friend could not afford food that week, I used money from the award. I am also now able to get all the hygiene products that I use without worrying about if I will need the little money I have for supporting someone later.
The HOST program has really made a difference in my life, both at school and at home. With the money I was given, I was able to ensure that I have the basic necessities and then some. Things like food, clothes, books, medication, etc., have always been difficult to purchase in my household so I really found that this program alleviated the worry and stress I go through over it. It also really helped my father as he works too hard and worries too much as well.
And it made me feel as if my hard work has really paid off. We, as a society, tend to spend most of our lives working hard but receiving little to no major result. Because of this, we tend to lose that resilience we were all born with and we become jaded.
This program really helped me know that it was worth holding on to the resilience and hope I have and I would like to thank everyone involved for that.
After I found out that I was entered into the Help Our Students Program, it honestly made me a bit happier to hear just because the past couple of years of my life have been a bit difficult financially. After my guidance counsellor and principal pulled me aside to let me know about the program and to set everything up, I was able to pay off a couple bills I was having a hard time paying off in full because I was in the program a couple months late I got 200$ at once. Every month since, has the 100$ been so helpful for keeping me on track with my money and not letting me fall behind, it even helps with food and has brought my boyfriend out on our first date! I am a bit sad that I won’t have it anymore but it was an amazing luxury that I really am super lucky to have had the opportunity to have had it! It definitely has made an impact in my financial life and I’ll see where things take me after this program. (It also made me really think about how to budget even when it’s not there because I would budget my month without the 100 included most of the time, making it extra help.
At the beginning of this school year, I was pleased to learn that I was to receive an award from the HOST Program. At the time, I didn’t realize the positive impact it would have both academically and personally.
I suffer from an anxiety disorder. As the child of a disabled, single parent in a low-income family, the worries of home have often affected that anxiety and caused poor attendance. Although my marks are good, I was able to achieve only 1 to 2 credits each year. This year, I expect to receive at least 6 credits by the end of the school year.
The $100 I received monthly from the program helped with school supplies and clothing. It has been used to buy food and other necessities for my family. The money helped to insure our car so I can drive, which has been very useful during times when my mother is too sick to drive. Just knowing that there was money coming in each month to fall back on helped to ease my anxiety and made it much easier to focus on school.
The HOST Program is a great program that can make a huge difference in a student’s life. It definitely made a difference in mine. Thank you for making that possible.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for choosing me as one of the students for your “help our student program.”
The award really did significantly impact me in several ways. It not only helped me support my family but also in my own personal life. My parents are low income earners and both my parents struggle daily by working hard to help place food on the table. However, with this award I was also able to help provide a little bit for myself.
Another way the award helped me was in my personal life. With the hundred-dollar monthly fund I was able to spend money on sports gear such as a mouth guard for rugby also I was able to go out and spend money with my friends and buy food out at restaurants, I was also able to buy some clothes, and treat myself to other little necessities such as feminine hygiene products.
Once again thank you so much for selecting me as one of the students for the host program the award really meant a lot and it helped me a lot.
The Help Our Students Program's financial aid has impacted my life in so many positive and uplifting ways. With the award, I was able to pay for food and transportation for my basketball tournaments, as I am a competitive basketball player. This alleviated a lot of stress on my father, as he is now a single parent, paying for everything on his own. Also, the award allowed me to focus more on my school work and grades, and I not as desperately needed a job. With this extra focus, I was successfully chosen for my program that had limited seating. The difference made in my life was apparent in the first couple days. The tension and stress of my future, much less my school year, on my and my father's part, were relieved. We were able to move past this negative feeling, tackle other obstacles, and make more progress in our already difficult situation. I thank the Help Our Students Program for their generous gift and impactful aid.
Je suis honoré de ce que vous faites pour moi depuis le mois de septembre. Grâce à votre généreuse contribution, ma vie est meilleure qu'avant pour moi et aussi pour ma famille. Avec l'argent que vous me donnez, j'ai comme une nouvelle vie avec pleine de bonnes choses. Je peux aider ma famille et aussi avec un travail je peux conserver de l'argent pour une bourse. J'ai aussi acheté des accessoires comme des habits, de la nourriture et d'autres. J'ai beaucoup aimé cette générosité que vous me donnez. Votre aide est pour moi un miracle dans cette nouvelle vie que vous m'avez donné. Je tiens à vous témoigner tous mes remerciements et ma gratitude pour votre générosité.
I very much treasure this award because it has done wonders to my life. This award has bettered my life so much especially my school life because I used half of the money for school field trips, school clubs, school sports and the other half for my oc transportation which was a huge weight lifted off my parents because they sometimes struggled to pay for transportation. I do not take this award lightly as a matter of fact I admire and aspire what you guy do for students like me because I have gone through difficult times in my life and for a huge program like this to support me and give me an award I appreciate it. This might not seem a lot for you guys but for me it's everything that I ever need. I hope one day I can help and award people just like you guys do for me and change someone's life by the little hope and support I give them because that might be what they just need in life to overcome theirs struggles in life. This means a lot to me especially in my teen years because I will forever look up to you guys and will always be my inspiration to help others in my life.
I wanted to thank you for giving me the chance to make my family’s life better. The $100 dollars a month that I have been given has helped my family a lot. Since my dad lost his job in December I have been spending about $50 a month on food for the house. This winter my mom couldn’t afford to buy me winter boots so I used the money i get each month to get myself the boots i needed. When I first started getting money each month I bought myself a pair of shoes that I really needed. It takes a lot of stress off of me knowing that I have an extra $100 dollars a month that I can spend on whatever I need at that given time. My life has been a lot easier since I started getting this money back in September.
Receiving this award has helped me in many ways in my life and that being from family, providing for myself, paying a bill, buying things I need. Receiving the $100 has actually helped me when I am in a tough situation. For example, the things I would have to pay is my gym membership, phone bill and sometimes even things as school. The $100 always comes just at the right time when those things need to be paid, and without having that I would have to find another way and would be an issue for mom that being that she can’t really give away her money to me because she needs it the most. Also, I do have a job but because of school I don’t work as often so I don’t have a big income. The $100 is a big bonus and a big help for adding to any of my pay checks and helps me pay the things I need to pay much quicker. Lastly, I would like to say Thank you for choosing me to have this opportunity to receive such a blessing. I am grateful for it and have put it to good use and will continue to use these last two months with it and be as happy as I can be.
This program has been a great help. Being able to use the money when it comes to buying supplies for school, or some school snacks, or just helping pay the internet bill. Knowing that the money was there, and not having to stress has made these past couple of months a little more less stressful. Being able to save money along the way, not worrying about next year has also helped a great deal. I don’t know how much of this year I would have survived with the extra stress. As of today’s, society, almost everything is based off of money. And post-secondary school is also a lot of money. I just can’t say how grateful I am of this program. Also, this year I was able to save some money from working and the money from the program to get a laptop for school, so I don’t have to worry about falling behind as almost all projects are done online. This has given me more opportunities than I would have expected. It changed my last year of high school to a more positive experience, so I would like to thank you and everyone involved in this program.
Premièrement, l'argent que j'ai reçu me donnera de l’aide pour une bonne base envers mon commencement de collège ou université. Ça fait environ 6 mois que je travaille, la majorité de mon argent va dans un compte d'épargne car je ne voulais pas attendre encore des années après le secondaire avant d'appliquer pour des études post-secondaires. Si je n'avais pas obtenu cette opportunité de vous, j’aurais probablement dû attendre au moins une année pour recueillir assez d'argent pour débuter mes études post-secondaires.
Deuxièmement, l’argent qui m’est envoyé me donne une variation de nouvelles chances. Grâce à vous, je pourrais mettre un peu de mon propre argent sur le côté pour d’autres opportunités, possiblement pour m’acheter une auto dans quelques années, acheter encore plus de nourriture, peut-être aller sur un voyage, ou juste mettre encore plus d’argent envers le collège ou l'université. Je suis très appréciative d'être choisi comme candidat de ce programme. J'espère qu’une journée je pourrais donner ces sortes d'opportunités à une autre personne. Vous faites quelque chose d’incroyable pour les gens de ma génération. Je souhaite que votre programme continue d’aider les jeunes pour plusieurs d’autres années.
The Help Our Students Program impacted my life greatly, allowing me to get my G1 license and also be able to afford drivers ed. I would not have been able to pay for this alone, and likely would have had to work another job to afford this. The money is also going to be used for college, helping lift some weight from my parent’s shoulders. Not only this but I was also able to pay athletic fees to join my school’s lacrosse team. This is another thing that I would not have been able to afford if I was not given this award. Thanks to the Help Our Students Program, it has helped make my final year in high school something that I will never forget.
I am very thankful for your monthly help that I have been receiving. I was shocked and surprised when my guidance counsellor called me into her office to meet with a stranger. I am grateful that there are people in the world that are kind enough to help others in need. This monthly donation takes a lot of stress off my shoulders. I am now the responsible one in my household, I need to look after and take care of my younger brother. This extra money allows me to take him to the store and get him a treat every now and then. Your generosity is helping me feel less anxious and adding some hope. I am working hard to finish my high school credits and look forward to becoming an auto mechanic. I will continue to work hard and succeed, and try to make you proud for choosing me.
When I first learned that I qualified for this award, I was a little confused mainly because I have never expected to achieve such help. However, when it was explained to me what this program is about, I was really thrilled to know that some people are willing to help strangers.
The money that I received helped me in so many ways, that I could never thank enough. For instance, I could buy groceries for my family which is a huge problem (due to finance), and still save some amount of finance for technology required to go to college. Before I even was informed that Host program existed, every single day I spend worrying about how I can help my mom but also pursue my education. Since grade 11, I was always thinking I would never be able to go to college due to financial circumstances without taking a couple of years off. In fact, the college program I am attending requires very expensive technology. Conclusively, this award has helped me to save a little amount of money for the things I needed the most.
Avant de débuter cette lettre, j'aimerais vous remercier de tout coeur pour la bénédiction que fût cette bourse. Au tout début de l'année je me stressais beaucoup par rapport à l'argent et ainsi que mon futur. Ma mère est célibataire avec ma soeur et moi comme enfants ce qui veut dire qu'elle travaille très dur. Grâce à cette bourse, j'ai pu contribuer aux dépenses ménagères dont ma mère a pu s'épargner. J'ai pu me payer un laptop Macbook Pro à de mon emploi ainsi que de cette bourse. Ma mère faisait beaucoup de va-et-vient afin de m'amener et de me ramener du travail ; cet argent a aussi servi à payer mon transport du travail à la maison.
Cette bourse m'a appris la juste valeur de l'argent, elle m'a apprise à épargner et à économiser. Plus que tout par contre, cette bourse m’a appris croire en l’impossible.
The Help Our Students Program has helped my last year of high school be successful and filled with joy. I have not had to worry about money, as I have had to in past years, which has helped me focus more on my school work. This is visible by my grades improving drastically. Because of the HOST Program I will be able to attend prom with my friends. The prom tickets were extra expensive this year but I was still able to buy one and I will be sitting with my friends at prom. I’ve also used some of the money to buy new clothes after I outgrew and outwore my old ones. The Help Our Students Program has allowed me to take a sigh of relief and focus more on what is important in my last year of high school.
First off, I would like to say thank you for allowing me to be a part of such a wonderful and amazing program. Over the last 2 year I have been able to enjoy more of my high school life without always having the stress of money problems. I have been able to:
· Help pay for grocery to help my mom out
· Help me buy lunches for school when I get hungry
· I am paying for my G1 test
· buy my best friend dinner on her birthday
· pay for bills when needed.
Thank you for making such a big impact in my life, I really could never fully put into words how thankful I am for your help.
Thank you for helping the kids with big dreams achieve their goals with confidence, security and comfort.
The money I receive with this program has mostly been used to help my family with money problems. Like buying food or paying bills and helping my mom with gas money. I have used this money to pay for hobbies that helped relive some stress in my life. As well as pay for myself to start managing my diabetes and eating better for myself. There were some times where my family didn't need the money urgently but it was nice to have the money around for when we needed it. I think this program is a great help for people who just need a little bit of money to help their family or themselves.
I am very thankful to have been chosen to receive the HOST Award. It has helped me throughout this school year in so many ways. I was able to do things that helped me be a teen and fit in some of the regular teen and high school activities like movie nights, mall outings as well as school events like dress down days, skiing, grad and prom. It has helped me to cover some necessities like my bus pass on months that were too tight, as well as the college application fee.
My grades this year are very good, higher than past
years which I believe is partly due to this program. My stress was
reduced so I could focus on my schooling and enjoy my year.
Thank you so much for this opportunity to experience less worry, the enjoyment
of regular teen experiences for my last year of high school and the ability to
pay towards a chance at my future schooling.
Words couldn’t even describe how grateful I am for being chosen for this award. A huge thank you goes out to the HOST Program for this amazing opportunity. The money given to me will be going towards my schooling for pursuing my dream job. Unfortunately, my tuition for this program was more than my family and I could bargain for. The HOST award has helped us get one step closer to being able to pay for my program. Living in a household with one income is very difficult to come up with thousands of dollars, in such a small amount of time and with this award it has helped with the stressing of the first payment that’s being put down. This award has been really helpful and much appreciated.
This bursary has definitely made it a lot easier for me to get through my grad 12 year, and to get prepared for university. The money I received I have used throughout the school year for things such as: school projects, applying for universities, school fees (such as the fee for my chemistry class, for materials, etc.) and I still have money left for the text books I’ll need for my university programmes. I am hoping to get accepted to Carleton for Aerospace Engineering or Mechanical Engineering.
I want to start off with saying I am very grateful for the money that has been given to me every month. It has helped me tremendously throughout my senior year. As many would assume, senior year is very expensive with paying for grad fees, prom, after prom, garden party, and a prom dress. In the end, it all adds up to a large sum of money. While I am working, I also have to put my education before work and anything else I do. With the help of this money every month I could start saving up for University as well as pay for the small necessities that I need throughout my day-to-day life. I have big plans for my future, but along with those big plans come with a heavy monetary price, and the money really goes a long way in helping make my goals for the future come true.
I’ve been receiving the host awards $100 since the start of the year and it has made such an impact on my day to day life. Because money is tight in my single parent household there are sometimes things I can’t do or have to miss out on, like going to see friends and going out to dinner with them, birthdays, and transportation in general. This program has allowed me to have the liberty to see my friends more often, and also treat my little brother who also sometimes misses out on typical 9-year-old things (going to the movies, having money for food on field trips). On top of this, I got accepted into college recently & am planning to use the money to help my family with the deposit. All around this program has lifted a huge weight off my shoulders and made things easier for me.
Firstly, I want to thank you for this great award. This award made me feel that I Canada is now my home. I decided to spend the money I get on driving expenses. I got my G1, and I am joining driving a school during the summer. This award affected my life in many ways. I was more motivated to study and find the greatness in me. I became more positive and persistent to achieve my goal. I also felt more confident knowing I will have more freedom of mobility once I am able to drive!
The Help Our Students program has been such a blessing to me and my family. Since my family lives a good distance away from my high school, a large percentage of the funds received from this program went into paying for a bus pass each month so I could make the trip. Due to our financial difficulties, if we hadn't had this program it would have been very difficult for my family to keep up with our expenses and make the trips to and from school every day. I'd like to say that I'm truly thankful for this gift. A hundred dollars a month may not seem like a lot of money to many people, but to my family it makes enough of a difference.
The host program has been a great opportunity. It came at the perfect time. My computer had stopped working, it made it really hard to be able to do school work. I was able to buy my new laptop, something that would have taken an extremely long time to get otherwise. It has allowed me to have a reliable source to do school work and even given my space to continue writing a book I’ve been working on.
Not only have I been able to buy a laptop, I was also able to finally purchase specific art supplies I had been wanting to get for quite a while. I’ve also been able to get an outfit for my character in the Musical at my school. I have also been saving some of the money for a rainy day, if I ever need it.
It’s been a great help to not have to worry about things that I otherwise would have never been able to purchase if it wasn’t for the host program.
Thank you for being the host of this award that I have received. I really appreciate it. The money has helped me buy lunch for myself and friends that don’t have money on them (they pay me back later) buy new clothes and helped pay for a few dates. When I was first called to the office to get this reward I thought I was in trouble and they told me I was nominated for the award. I listened to your story and thought it was pretty cool. I have not only spent money on myself, in December I went to the mall with a friend and I saw this homeless couple with their dog, they looked cold and hungry, so I went inside McDonalds and bought them both a cheeseburger and fries. They were very grateful. It made me feel very good. So, thank you again for the award and I like this concept, if I ever became wealthy I’d like to do the same thing you do.
I would like to start by saying that the HOST Program bursary has been, for lack of a better word, a blessing to me. Less in a tangible sense, like being able to buy more things, but more so in an intangible sense-- a reassurance for the future. An odd thing about myself is that I’m constantly thinking about efficiency, about the future, and about how to make the best of everything I have. I hate the thought of things going to waste, or not being used where they are needed most. I jokingly tell my mom “Instead of buying me a new phone or whatever, deposit the money into my savings account-- oh, and tell everyone else in the family to do the same.”. We laugh, my comment under the guise of being only a minor bluff, but my mother knows better; she sees the true meaning behind my words. I’m told constantly that money “is just a thing” and that “it can be easily obtained, and promptly spent”. Although this may be true for some people, I think it’s safe to say that the majority of high school students DON’T have this view on money. With university just around the corner, lugging its whopping $40, 000 + bill with it, the prospect of having to pay off a colossal loan is quite frightening.
The bursary is a safety net, and is the start of a small amount of money I hope to keep growing and saving up for a time in the future in which I will urgently need it. Whether it be for an emergency I didn't see coming, or books, or a trip of some kind, I know that by saving this money, I will be doing my future self a favor. For this reason, I have not, and do not intend, on touching the money until university, or until the appropriated occasion presents itself.
I was very lucky to be one of the chosen students at my school. This award has helped so much I can’t explain how much it helped me for example it helped with transportation, school stuff and for my phone bill and more and I say thank you to the Students Program and its generosity. Winning this award meant a lot to me because it’s helped me a lot and any many ways. Winning this award changed my life and helped on the things I couldn’t get and it made me cry when I received the award because it meant that there was someone out there who cared and not just about me but everyone and I hope one day I can do the same because this award didn’t just change me but it changed me as a person.
I would like to first and foremost thank you for your dedication to improving the lives of students all across Ottawa. Your story of resilience, that I watched at the beginning of the year, encouraged me to persevere through the hardships of the academic world in hopes to gain a fulfilling career for one day - just like you did. I am grateful to have been selected for this program and my senior year of high school would have been very different without this generous bursary.
Senior year is not only the most exciting year of high school but also the costliest year of high school. From special senior mementoes including; my grad hoodie, graduation pictures and the class yearbook to important events such as: prom, grad retreat and not to mention the graduation ceremony itself. Being one of the two children of a single parent household, it would have been difficult to manage all these additional expenses without significantly affecting my mom. However, with the help of the HOST program, I was able to relieve some of the burdens on my mom and still get to enjoy my last year of high school.
The HOST program also paved way for my postsecondary education. With the help of the bursary, I was able to pay for my university and college applications. I am happy to say that I received an offer of admission from my preferred university and program and I will be attending the University of Ottawa, this coming fall.
All in all, I would like to thank all the people who made it possible for me to enjoy this last year of high school. I have made some important memories that I won’t forget. In addition, this program has made it possible for me to fulfil some of my important goals in life. I am forever in debt to the HOST bursary program.
Money will always be an issue no matter what. However, having some extra cash on you does not hurt. I just wanted to give a special thanks to everyone in the Help Our Students Program. Obviously, university is expensive and in addition to that you must pay to get into it. With the few hundred that I have received for this scholarship, I've been able to pay for my applications. Similarly, I could pay for my prom fees, such as the ticket, dress, shoes and accessories. And above all, I have been able to not burden my parents for some extra cash. A quick example of this is when I went to get new glasses. My parents bought the frame and the glasses themselves but I wanted an extra top coat which would protect them from being scratched, but my parents weren't with me. Thankfully, because of my extra cash I could afford it without the worry of not having enough. All in all, the Help Our Student Program has given me a chance for many opportunities.
I am so incredibly honoured and grateful to have received this award, and it has impacted my life in so many different ways.
Coming from a very athletic background as a child, sports are something I hold tremendously close to my heart to this very day. Whether it's playing on a team or competing alone, I love the thrill of it all. However, it is not cheap by any means. Schools do the best they can to offer financial aid to any student who needs it, but it doesn’t cover everything. Shoes, equipment, travel fees, team fees, braces for injuries, the list could go on and on. What makes matters a bit difficult is having 2 heavily sports involved children in a family of divorced parents, and 2 not very high incomes. I am very appreciative of everything my family has ever been able to contribute to pay for my brother and my ever-growing list of sports, but sometimes a little help is needed, and this award has done exactly that.
You have provided a sense of relief in my life. My parents do not have to worry about what groceries they need to cut off the list when I need to pay for something that has to do with my sports. I help contribute money from using the award as well as my part time job. This award has helped cover multiple team fees, necessary equipment, as well as part of it has been put towards going to OFSAA for track and field one final time. Every year from 9th grade up until now, I have made it to the provincial level for track and field and I was worried that cost would be a big factor into whether I am able to attend this year (if I qualify). Thanks to you, I do not have to worry about paying the cost for a sport that I love more than life itself. You have taken a ginormous load of weight off myself and my family’s back, and I will he forever thankful for you and this incredibly special program. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I will repay you by doing the absolute best I can at OFSAA this year.
Over the span of 8 months, I was able to eat better since I had the ability to buy food easier, get toiletries easier, and clothes if I needed them. I am incredibly thankful for this opportunity and that I was chosen for this. I never thought in my life, this would happen. I have saved up some money too for my future and I have very high hopes because of what I have received. I am extremely lucky to have this award, and I will forever remember this award I have gotten. I will keep this experience in my heart forever. This has increased my happiness so much, and I feel so refreshed to have this. I can even spend money to buy people presents or pay for movie tickets even, I can help out to charities and give to people in need. I have so much abilities with this due to the kindness I have gotten. This email doesn’t even begin to express the gratitude I have.
First and foremost, I would like to say that I am ever grateful for the HOST program existence. It is truly amazing that an act of generosity like this can be given to students every year. I have been and will continue to be greatly impacted by the money received from the HOST program. In more ways than one the money has relieved my family and me of a great burden.
My family continues to struggle financially that is why the HOST program has been so beneficial. Over the past couple of months, I have used the money for a great deal of things. Sometimes packing a lunch can be difficult for my mom in the mornings, but just by having extra lunch money became a more constant meal. I was able to buy groceries and also have lunch money to buy lunch on some days. It has also help me to pay for field trips and school expenses. Prom is right around the corner, there is a lot of expenses to be paid. I plan to use the money to buy my suit and ticket. For the most part I have saved what the HOST program has given me because I know university is around the corner and there are lots more expenses to be covered there.
Again, I would like to say thank you for the money and I am so humbled by your selection to help me and my family out. I hope more kids get help like this to really take a load of them during their last year of high school. With the HOST program, the life has been a lot less stressful.
With the regards to the money you have given me the last few months, I have not spent any of it as I would like to put it towards my college education in the future. This money will help not only me but may relieve some of the burden for my parents as they have many other bills that are a priority.
I would like to take this time to explain a little bit about my situation at home. I have a brother with special needs, and his needs puts lots of stress on our family, especially my parents. They are under so much stress that this is affecting both their physical and mental health. I do my best to support them and am very grateful to your generosity.
As a recipient of the Host Award, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the tremendous support that you have provided me through this school year. This money has enabled me to do many things I may not have been able to such as buying clothing or going on outings with friends. Although I am currently employed, I have been out of work since January due to a concussion that I received in a car accident. Without the generosity of your program, this school year would have been a lot more difficult to get through financially and emotionally. This money has also helped my mom (who is a single mom of four) significantly by helping her buy groceries for our family and reducing our financial stress.
This year was by far the most stressful year of the four years I have spent in high school. I had many decisions to make as well as fees to pay to insure a stable future and the kindness of this program has allowed me to have the financial stability to pay for these fees as well as save for the future. This program has helped me learn about budgeting my money and preparing my expenses every month as well as the amount of money I can save each month. The HOST program has truly made my life as a high school and future post-secondary student a lot less stressful.