
Your monthly $100 has helped me in many ways. Before I got your money, I was very unmotivated to go to school because I was always sad and hungry and just upset with the way my life was going for the past two years .  Your money helped me put clean clothes on my body, helped me put the food on the table. And helped me get from place to place.  Your money made it easier for me to come to school and actually get work done; before all the help I was stressed and insecure about never having anything.  I was able to help my mom, friends and some family over time and I really wish there was a way I could repay you for all your help.  I don’t know where I would be without you.

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How has the $1000 changed my life?  The $1000 has given me the safety net I desperately needed. Without it I probably would not still be in high school. Reason being I would just be too stressed out. Wanting to make money now and not wanting to think about the future. This Is also helping me with moving out starting life on my own. I am forced to move out coming this summer and I have known this for a while. I have made money doing roofing and other odd jobs to cover the cost of moving out on my own however not enough to move out with a car. I very much need a car as I have a dream of starting an apprenticeship in the trades and wish to become a volunteer firefighter. At the moment I am signed up for an electrical apprenticeship for the summer. Since I do not have anyone paying for things I need besides food, the $1000 really helps me reach my goal of getting on the road and for that I am forever grateful. To anyone who is thinking about donating to this program please do. Your donations are not going to be wasted. They really help ordinary people grow out of not the best situations into better ones. This has not only helped me get out of my situation but also mentally I am humbled. I grew up in a situation that made me think most people are not very virtuous and that in the end there is no sense in helping others because it will only get taken advantage of. However I was so wrong and thanks to large part of this donation I do not feel so alone in the world knowing that even strangers will help you out if you are worth it.

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It has truly been an impeccable four years journey with this program. Working with you guys has been remarkable starting from grade 9 up to now, you guys have supported me financially and that has helped a lot through my high school life and even my personal life. 

This is my last year of high and I can't even begin to express how thankful I'm for you guys supporting me. This year was one of my toughest years of high school, there were a reasonable amount of things that I needed to pay for. Through your financial support got to pay my graduation pictures, grad retreat, college applications and prom. 

The fact that I get to have all this things is all because of your program and I don't take a second of it for granted. You guys have created this wonderful program which gives the opportunity for kids struggling financially to get opportunities in life and goals which they never thought they could accomplish. I just want to say you have truly changed my life for the best and I want to say thank you for this opportunity you guys gave me. Have a wonderful year and keep supporting more kids in the world and keep being them strength and courage.

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I would first like to start off by thanking you for helping me get through this year!

I got chosen for your program by my guidance counsellor as she told me there was a special someone to come & visit me as I had no idea who it was. When I sat down with Richard & he explained what I was receiving, I was very surprised as I’ve been working really hard on my studies & I finally felt recognized for how well I was doing once I heard I was being rewarded. The scholarship money that has been given to me every month helped me in so many was such as paying for my phone bill, my groceries or when I was low on money for rent. I’ve been living on my own for 2 years now & receiving the $100/month made a huge impact on my life. I would really like to thank you guys for the support & what you guys are doing is really making a difference not only in my life but others as well! I finally feel less stressed about money & I am more focused on school! Thank you for helping me grow into the woman I am becoming. 

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I have been through a life of paying bills with the little money l get. I never had spare money to spend on luxury things or even have money to save. When l started receiving the Host Program, it was a great relief in my life. I had never had any extra money in the middle of the month. The Host program has really helped me with paying my phone bill and still having cash to spare in between the month.

My family as well has benefited from me having to receive money from this program as I live with my siblings without any parents and we try to bring money together to buy groceries and necessities that we all need. I used to contribute very little but now with the Host Program money, my contribution was a little higher than normal which has been great on my family’s side 

Receiving the Host Program money has opened my heart to working hard to get enough to help others who are struggling as l realized how much it has helped me and the great impact it has had on my life.

I have learnt how to save and make the little remaining last for a long time and working harder to also be able to help other people as l have learnt that we all need a little help. I am very grateful to have been lucky enough to receive help from this program.

* * *

This award has been so very helpful for me, I appreciate this opportunity so much. The award has helped me pay for the everyday things needed for school that my mother could not afford to help me with at the times I may need them. I've used it to restock in school supplies, buy myself lunch at school if I forget to pack one or forget to grab it, pay for school-related fees and helped out with the groceries at home as well if my mother’s budget was a bit tight. I even treated my brother to a movie as a treat. It has helped me so much in the last couple of months I can't thank you enough. It has definitely lifted some stress lately, again thank you so much I truly appreciate this with all my heart.

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Receiving the “Help Our Students Program” award has helped me in so many ways that just proves your program makes a difference in young people’s lives. I didn’t think something this nice could happen to me. By winning this award, I gained confidence and hope when thinking of school and in life in general. Thanks to the award I was able to get myself some simple school supplies like binders, pens and paper. I bought lunches for school, and some warm clothes for winter. I helped my mom pay for some of my phone bill. I used it for my mother’s birthday present and flowers. Lastly I was able to get the little things I need on a regular basis. Around the time I received the award, I was just begging the universe for some help to get through the year, and then shortly after I attended school and I met you there to give me the award. I was so happy I couldn’t believe it. It gave/gives me some hope and strength to earn my credits this year. Therefore, this award has impacted my life in a way I’ll never forget and will always be thankful for. Thank you for taking a chance with me and thank you for choosing me for this award, truly grateful.

* * *

First of all I'd like to say thank you, I am very blessed and lucky to have been chosen for this program which I am extremely thankful for. This has been a very eventful year for me and I've had to overcome a whole lot of roadblocks and obstacles that a regular 16 year old wouldn’t usually go through, but with the help of the host program some of the burden was lifted off my back and even my sisters. When my mom passed away this January we were devastated and had no clue what we're going do but with the help of the school community, our church community and the host program we were able to bounce back from a dreadful situation. I have been saving up the host money ever since the beginning of the year and when my mom passed away it was nice to know that I had that money to fall back on. With that money I was able to help my sister give first and last month's rent at our new place and help her out with buying new furniture. I’m am very grateful for the host program and once again would like to say thank you because that money helped us a lot in a time of need. 

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Being a recipient of the Help Our Students Program award has positively impacted my life. First off, I have been able to help my family in times of need. My parents do not make a lot of money, so sometimes they need help paying for groceries or bills, and with the money I receive I am able to help them financially. As well, I am able to help pay university fees for myself as well as any fees I may need to pay during my twelfth grade year. In addition, I am in a long distance relationship so the award has helped me pay to visit my significant other outside of town. I am also able to go out with friends and do fun things I normally couldn’t afford. Having my own money at my disposal helped me learn how to budget and spend money accordingly. I have been given so many opportunities I wouldn’t have had without this award. I appreciate that I was chosen for this award, and I am so thankful for how it’s affected my life.

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Cette bourse m’a vraiment aidé dans ma vie.  D’abord du mois de décembre je voulais acheter des lunettes pour mes yeux, parce que je pourrai pas voir de loin et avec l’argent j’ai reçu du mois Décembre m’a permis de l’acheter, ça me faisait vraiment bien car c’était l’une des choses les plus importants pour moi.   Des mois suivants, j’aidais ma mère à payer l’internet , parfois la nourriture, les dépenses pour mon téléphone chaque mois, et mes sous-vêtements. Non franchement je pourrais détailler,  pour vous tout ce que cette geste à fait pour moi, ça m’a tellement aidé et j’ai l’immense reconnaissance de vous dire Merci de ma part et de la part de ma mère, c’est Dieu qui vous a mis sur la route des gens et qu’ils vous conduisent encore et encore car votre travail c’est vraiment un travail de Générosité.

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I am extremely grateful for the financial support given to me in the past months. Due to the fact that I was raised in a single parent household, with my mother working two minimum jobs to make ends meet. Growing with two other siblings it was really tough, my mother could only provide so much even though she worked so hard. I could never afford the basic things that other graduating students receive such as: a prom dress, graduation photos or even a bus pass. I knew that our income is very limited, and the likelihood of me being able to attend these functions would not be possible. In addition, it also gave me funds to attend a school trip to which I was awaiting for the past three years but never able to go due to the cost. I also was able to start a savings account for post-secondary education, so I will have enough for the deposit fee for my tuition. Which is why this year has been one to remember, I was able to experience so much through this donation, and I’m ever so grateful for this opportunity. I’m still in shock, they chose me for this; I would like to thank everyone who has donated to this organization. 

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J'aimerais sincèrement remercier le Programme Aidez Nos Étudiants et tous ceux qui font que cette bourse soit possible. La bourse a été une très belle surprise et m'a bien aidée cette année. Elle m'a permis de payer mes frais scolaires, d'aider mes parents en payant pour mes activités scolaires et de réduire mon stress. Je suis contente d'avoir pu faire ma part pour payer les coûts relier à l'école et d'avoir pu réduire le fardeau financier de mes parents. De plus, la bourse m'a donné la paix d'esprit. Ne pas avoir à m'inquiéter à propos de l'argent m'a fait un grand bien. Le reste de l'argent vas être mis de côté afin de payer pour mes études post secondaires que je vais devoir financer par moi-même. Bref, la bourse m'a beaucoup aidé cette année, mais elle va également avoir un grand impact positif sur mon futur. Encore une fois, j'aimerais vous remerciez.  Continuez à aider des étudiants, je vous assure que ça en vaut la peine.

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Cette année, tout l'argent qui m'a été envoyé m'aidait dans la meilleure façon.  J'ai pu m'acheter des choses utiles que ma mère ne pouvait pas me procurer, des vêtements, des produits d'hygiène, j'ai économisé 2 mois pour me faire nettoyer les dents chez le dentiste, je n'y suis pas allée depuis très longtemps.  J'ai aussi eu une coupe de cheveux parce que je n'en avais pas eu depuis deux ans. Parfois, ma mère ne pouvait pas acheter d'épicerie, alors j'ai pu l'aider grâce à vous.  J'ai beaucoup aidé ma mère parce que tout s'effondrait et que 100 $ aidait vraiment beaucoup quand on en avait le plus besoin.  De plus, j’ai parfois réussi à ramener ma sœur à la maison avec des tickets de bus car ma mère ne pouvait pas toujours nous chercher car elle devait économiser le plus d’essence possible car nous vivions à Hull et elle travaillait à Orléans.  Avec votre aide, j'ai pu prendre soin de tous les membres de ma famille et j'en suis très reconnaissant.  vous avez eu un impact positif sur nous que nous apprécions.

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Host award has helped me in a lot of ways. Acquiring $100 every month helped me pay for things that would take me a month to pay or to do things that I don't think I'd be doing if I didn't have the chance to get $100 every month. That include things like sports fees, school fees, and other things I needed to support me. 

An example of this is when I needed to pay for my jersey to play for the all-star football game, which was an important game as more scouts were watching that game and if I did not have the amount I needed to play in it I wouldn't have the offer I have today to play for a cegep. At first I was not sure what to expect when he said the price but as soon he said the price to play for the all-star game was $80  and knowing I could pay for it myself made me happy. Not always asking my mom to pay for my things even when she didn’t have the money to be able to afford it on my own was nice. Also after the all-star game a coach told there was a training program for future football recruits that can get training by university coaches. So I asked more information and the price per month and he said $50 so from the time I learned about it. I would save $50 in my account and keep the other $50 so by the time the program started I could be able to afford it for the months available which was a 4 months program. And doing that myself figuring out how saving works for the long term plan goal gave me an idea that you have to wait to get the things you want. 

Another way it has helped me is whenever I needed to pay for things that were school-related, from sport fees, small graduation fees, or having to buy a small lunch at school. When I had to pay for my basketball fee which was $213 I started saving two months’ worth of the Host Awards payment until I was finally able to pay for it and when I knew I had enough and paid for it my mom was truly surprised I knew how to save and not use the money and wait to use it for the things I needed. Also with that helping me save $200. Forgetting to pack lunch was also stressful when I had no money. Now when I forget to pack lunch I can just use a little bit of money to buy myself some food. Making it less stressful for me that I forgot to pack food and just go and buy food. School related things that Host Awards helped me pay for was my $40 student fee, graduation photos fees, and small donations that I could finally do to also give back to the community. 

Lastly, host awards helped me pay for new clothes, gifts for friends and family, and personal interests. Without any of the money getting sent to me, I think my grade 12 would've been more stressful because of not being able to pay for what I need or want to pay for. Host Awards changed and made me become a more responsible money saver/spender. Now only buying things when I need it rather or when I want it. It was hard at first but I mentally told myself that the things that I wanted had no special helped for me in the long run and learning that made me a better money manager. 

I am very much grateful that I was picked as a person that receives $100 a month and I personally think doing this for people that really do need it will change someone's whole high school year because it has sure changed mine, learning how to save, how to know the difference between wants and needs, and understand what a long term saving plan is. I love what host awards are doing for the high schools and I hope the people that get this award really understand how fortunate they are to be receiving $100 every month. 

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I am truly thankful for the Host Program choosing me and giving me one hundred dollars a month. This program has truly made an impact on my life. With this help I am able to help out my family with food and bills whenever needed so we have a roof over our heads and we don't go hungry, I pay for public transportation to be able to get to friends’ house and to get home and to school, extra school supplies like pencils and lined paper and binders. Thank you so much for this opportunity, this has opened helped me and my family out so much and it has genuinely helped my stress out as well too, it's like a weight has been lifted off  my shoulders. Thank you so much for this program and choosing me, It means a lot.

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As you know I have been with the Host Program since October of last year, since then I have been able to buy clothes that are fashionable, durable and comfortable, I’ve been able to buy shoes for spring, boots for the winter that passed, all my school supplies that I had needed, I have been able to afford food put on the table every night for me, especially since it’s more expensive being a vegetarian than eating normally. I have been very lucky to be able to get this $100 every month until June and then hopefully starting back up again in September. This program has changed me as a human, I have been able to put money aside and able to afford my G1 license, and the books for my G2 and then I have been able to get a lot of the things that I needed to progress in my career.

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I am writing to you to tell you how helpful the HOST Program has been in my life. I would have written to you sooner but my house flooded recently and I have not had access to a computer.  As a recipient, there are many things that I can now do, that I could not do before due to financial difficulties. With the money from this phenomenal program, I was able to pay for my driver’s license. This is extremely significant because, before she passed away, my mother always told me how important it would be for me to obtain my learner’s permit. I have used the funds multiple times to pay the fees for some extracurriculars that I take part in. Additionally, with the funds that I received, I was able to purchase school supplies and buy any material that was required regardless if it was for an assignment or project. I have also used the money for everyday things such as buying lunch when I wouldn’t have had one. Sometimes, I would use the money to purchase some groceries for my family to make sure that we had food for the next few days. As you can see, the HOST Program has been such a blessing to me in many different ways and has contributed to many areas of my life whether it be educational, social, or personal.

Thank you for choosing me as a recipient, and for allowing me to have this opportunity. This has changed my life, and as I grow older I will never forget, how much this program has helped me achieve.

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This is the best year I have had in a long time and that is thanks to you. The funds that I have received from you truly changed my life.

Over the past school year, I was able to stay on top of my bills, focus on my health, as well as focus on my school work. The money that you provided put gas in my car to get to my co-op workplace, so I could get a job for the summer. I also used the HOST Program money towards my gym membership which kept me physically and mentally healthy.  This fits into my future career goal because I want to become a personal trainer. Last but not least, this money helped me to keep balance between my job and school. I was able to concentrate more on my assignments and get the help that I needed to be successful.

We need programs like yours in the  world that value the students and help them out with their financial needs. You guys are heroes! Thank you. Thank you so much!

* * *

I am honoured to be one of the recipients of this award for this year. I was really surprised when I was chosen because I’ve never heard about this program before. 

These funds have helped me a lot and I am so grateful for this opportunity. This year has not being great for me and having this opportunity gave me a chance to do so many things and this couldn’t be possible without your generosity and kindness. Because of all this I am less worried about money and can focus more on my academics. I used some of the funds for things like groceries and household products. I’ve also saved some of the funds for university tuition next year. Thank you so much of this amazing opportunity. 

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I would like to start off by thanking everyone who was part of creating and supporting this program. The HOST program has been an incredible help for my family and I in different ways. This money has been a great help in buying groceries for my family and eating healthy foods which were really needed for my dad who isn't able to work. The doctor recommended buying special shoes that were comfortable to be worn at home and that would help him walk; these shoes were quite expensive but thankfully with this money I received, I was able to buy my dad these shoes which made me feel happy that he was getting more comfort. Every birthday and Christmas times I never get to buy anything for my family but for the first time in my life, I was able to get my family something which they were really happy about. Another important thing this money has been a great help for are bills such as water, gas, electricity and phone bills. This has been really helpful because it has taken off stress on my family and myself since we now know there is some money to go to when we need money. Finally, this program has also been helpful in preparing for my savings account. As a whole, I am very grateful and thankful for the HOST program for choosing me as one of the people they'd like to help. This has greatly inspired me to do something similar once I'm older and successful. Once again, my family and I would like to thank the HOST program from the bottom of my heart for this generosity.

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The Host Program has been instrumental to my financial security this year. From being able to buy a new backpack for school to buying a few extra groceries, I can only begin to explain how helpful this program has been to me and how grateful I am for the generosity of the donors. Although myself and my family continue to struggle, it warms my heart to know there are those always willing to offer a hand, it is my hope that I one day too can give back in such a meaningful way. There is something so Canadian about uplifting your community and helping out the less fortunate when you have the means to do so, from the bottom of my heart I thank the donors and organizers for making the lives of so many students easier.

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With your generous donation, I have been able to put most of it in my savings account for university. I plan to study in French in anthropology. The reason for my choice is that I’m fascinated by how different societies function.

Knowing that I have money saved for my future helps me focus on my studies. I want to be in a position where I can feel financially secure and independent, so I want to study and work hard so instead I can help others achieve their dreams the way I hope to achieve mine.

With the rest of the money I have been helping support my family. I have also learned how to better manage my spending so that, occasionally, my family and I can do activities together. My whole family really loves watching films and love that I can treat them to that. I have an easier time spending time with friends because money isn’t on the back of my mind.

I am sincerely grateful for your donation and hope that this program will go one to help more students like me.

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Over the past couple of months, before I was awarded, I was incredibly concerned about the amount we needed to pay for the tuition of a certain program that I'll be entering this year in post-secondary. I was concerned because of my financial status because personally, I live off of a low-income family as a first-generation student and loans was definitely not my go to. With this award, this has helped my parents and I move on even further.

Finance can be an issue with a lot of people and for this program to exist, I am incredibly grateful for this award as it has helped me save up and invest for my own good future. Knowing that there are people out there helping in this program is simply amazing and heartwarming for me because that just shows that there is hope for everybody to succeed and to reach for their goals. The help means a lot to me, I appreciate every single person who is involved in this program because not only did it help me, but this is also helping other students who are there with similar or different background stories and goals.

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First off, I just wanted to start by saying thank you so much. This means a lot to me and I can’t wait to tell you about what I did with my money. This helped me not only financially but it also gave me the confidence to believe that I would be able to do college. Receiving this money made me believe that I would be able to participate in college without having to worry so much about funds. Now I will explain what I am going to be doing with this money! I first started off with making the RBC account to get the money and I decided I will keep it in there to collect it all. I decided to use that account as an account to hold all my savings for college. I’ve spent a bit of the money on shows for riding and classes that helps my progression with riding, since it is my passion and it helps take my mind off things. I currently plan to keep using my RBC account to keep collecting and adding more money into it. I have about $1,300 in that account and my tuition is $2,831.81. I accepted my offer to Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees at Algonquin in Ottawa. I can’t wait to start there, I will be the first person in my family to attend college. I am very proud of myself and I couldn’t have done it without your help. It means a lot for me what you are doing to help students like me with financial struggles. Thank you so much.

* * *

In November of 2018, I was one of a lucky few students selected for the HOST program. My guidance counselor and social worker had mentioned it to me in passing, but I didn't think anything would happen. When I went into the office and was told that I would receive $1000 over 10 months, I was ecstatic but also confused. I had no idea what this would mean.

Over the last 6 months or so, many aspects of my life have become significantly easier thanks to the program. As an individual with no parents, I face challenges in everyday situations like transport, extracurriculars and social events. The program has taken the weight off my shoulders in numerous occasions, like when I needed to take an Uber to a tutoring session, or buy a school hoodie. When I go out with friends, I no longer have to worry about whether I can afford to go shopping with everyone else. 

$100 a month may not seem like much to others, but to me it has made all the difference. Not only have I had a better senior year than I could have ever imagined with more financial freedom, but I've also managed to make a savings account for my future. All this and more are some of the reasons I am extremely grateful to the HOST program, and I hope it continues to benefit students in need for as long as possible.

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Concernant l’argent, j’ai eu la chance de pouvoir le dépenser sur les plans scolaires mais aussi sociales. D’abord je l’ai utilisé pour pouvoir me payer les activités parascolaires à savoir les compétitions de soccer dans l’équipe  de l’école. Je l’ai aussi utilisé pour des projets de cours comme pour la biologie et le cours de physique où il a fallu payer des matériaux sans avoir à demander de l’aide parentale.

Ensuite, je l’ai dépensé pour mes dépenses familiales en aidant mes parents comme je pouvais. Enfin, je l’ai utilisé pour dépenser l’argent pour quelques sorties avec ma famille et mes ami(e)s mais aussi pour quelques dépenses personnelles comme pour l’habillement ou l’hygiène. Je compte conserver le reste pour m’aider mon entrée à l’université.

Ce fut une opportunité extraordinaire pour moi car ce fut une récompense pour des efforts, ce qui fait plaisir. Je vous suis entièrement reconnaissant.

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Thank you for the opportunity my family and I am very grateful. I have put 20 dollars each month into a savings account so that I can start looking into going to post-secondary school . The rest of the money had gone to paying bills, food, transportation I have had the opportunity to go on field trip that before I would not have been able to go on before I have been able to go out to the movies with friends and to help get a move on getting my family out of debt . In December my sister and I were able to plan a nice date for my parents; they went out to dinner and to a movie . It was the least we could do since they never had a date in over a year. Thank you so much you don’t know how much this money has impacted my life.

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November 2018 I was lucky enough to be chosen to receive the HOST program award. Since receiving this award it has helped me so much. My whole life money has been an issue, however with the assistance from this program leaves me without having to constantly struggle to make ends meet within my life. I’m so grateful to have been chosen for this award, it really makes it feel like someone cares. The extra help has pushed me to work harder on school I’m order to feel like I deserve such program as I am now so much closer to graduating, without this program I may not be as far as I am now. I’m so grateful a program like this exists for students like me who could really use the extra help once a month. Thank you.

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Tout d’abord, j’aimerais vous remercier de m’avoir donné  la chance d’avoir une telle bourse. Je ne pourrais jamais exprimer à quel point je suis reconnaissante d’avoir reçu cette bourse et je crois vraiment que le Programme Aidez Nos Étudiants change des vies. La bourse m’a permis beaucoup de choses cette année, soit de m’acheter des fournitures scolaires, payer pour mon loyer ainsi que d’avoir de l’argent pour mes dîner lorsque je manquais de nourriture. De plus, la bourse m’a permis de payer pour ma demande universitaire à laquelle j’ai été admise en sciences infirmières. Grâce à l’argent que j’ai reçu, je n’ai manqué de rien au temps dans mes fournitures scolaires que de la nourriture que des demandes crucial pour mes plans post-secondaire. Avec le montant qu’il me reste à recevoir, je vais le grader afin de payer pour mes accessoires pour mon bal des finissants.  

Je vous remercie encore Monsieur Lussier pour la chance d’avoir reçu cette bourse et merci de faire une telle différence au sein de notre communauté. Merci d’avoir partagé votre belle histoire avec moi et d’aider au temps de personne.

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Je ne faisais pas partie des élèves qui comprenaient l'importance de l'argent et comment elle peut s'envoler sans même remarquer. Lorsque j'ai commencé à recevoir de l'argent, je pensais que j'étais le plus riche. Par contre, au fur et à mesure que les mois avançaient, le plus que je réalisais que je gaspillais mon argent sur des choses qui perdaient leur valeur ou sur des choses qui ne peuvent plus m'être utile dans le moment précis puisque je suis quelqu'un de maladroit à quelques moments. 

On le verrait comme une mauvaise chose, après avoir lu tout ce que j'ai fait dans les derniers mois avec mon argent, et je ne peux pas dire que je ne regrette pas d'avoir utilisé mon argent, tant gagné, sur des choses qui n'ont plus la même importance. Par contre, je peux dire que grâce à cette expérience, j'ai pu voir que je suis prêt à économiser mon argent et d'utiliser pour les choses durables et utiles. 

Merci beaucoup pour m'avoir donné cette argent car bien des élèves auraient cru que j'ai gaspillé mon argent mais en revanche, j'ai appris et maintenant, je ne ferai plus les mêmes erreurs!

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Thank you for all that you have done for me this past year in the Host Program. The funds I received have helped me with bills, purchasing food and allowed me to take part in activities with my friends.  It has reduced my stress and given me some independence. I also learned how to save and budget money.  This was my first experience using the bank and I found it very helpful.

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Cette année comme l’année précédente, j’ai eu la chance de recevoir une bourse encore. Cette année, la façon que j’ai utilisé l’argent était plus efficace que l’année dernière. L’année dernière l’argent réussi était pour me plaire donc acheter des vêtement, soulier, jeux vidéo et aussi aider ma mère mais cette année l’argent que j’ai reçu, je le sauvais pour que cette argent peut être utile pour le futur, donc par exemple maintenant que je viens d’avoir 18 ans (16 mai) le plus je dois être responsable de moi-même donc payer pour mon téléphone, Aider à payer le loyer de la maison etc. Donc avec l’argent reçu cette année, j’ai pu contribué à aider plus ma mère pas parce que c'est elle qui m’a dit mais parce que c’est elle la première personne la plus importante dans ma vie donc je m’occuper d’acheter l'épicerie quand on avait besoin de la nourriture. Cette année encore, Je vous en suis donc très reconnaissante et je vous remercie beaucoup de m’avoir choisi pour avoir une chance d’avoir une belle occasion comme celle-ci.

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Je tiens à  vous remercier du fond du cœur pour la  bourse que vous m'avait offert. Cet argent m'a beaucoup aidé et m'aide encore, je venais d'arrivée j'avais pas des mentaux chaud ou des bottes grâce à cet argent j'ai pu m'en procuré j'ai pu me concentre sur ma scolarité car j’avais plus des soucie sur les mentaux ou les bottes ; avant je payais pas mon téléphone, c' était mon père qui le payait pour moi vu que, lui aussi ne travaillait pas il payais pas chaque mois. Mais maintenant je le paye régulièrement, je m’achète des habits que je veux sans demander de l'argent à ma famille 

Même quand j'ai déménager cette bourse m'a énormément aider je m'achetais de la nourriture quand j’étais à l’école ou ailleurs.  J'ai rien manqué. Je serai jamais capable de décrire ma reconnaissance envers vous et à quel point je suis heureuse d'avoir cette bourse qui a radicalement changé mon existence .Encore merci pour ce geste que vous avez fait pour moi qu'elle ne s’arrête plutôt qu'elle dure une éternité pour que les autres étudiants puissent en bénéficier.

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I am writing you this letter to let you know how much you guys have helped me. I was worried about my college selection money and nursing test fee,  but your operation gave me the money to pay it off. I also paid off my school year book, field trips, clothes, and my school supplies. I was also able to buy a new phone since mine was out dated. I was able to help out with my grocery shopping once or twice. I did not wanted to worry my parents about my sister too, so I paid off her field trips.  For the rest of the money, I want save up until I could get a job and I could afford to spend it.

* * *

Je veux remercier d’abord le seigneur de m’avoir donné cette grâce de rencontrer ce programme! Depuis cette bourse j’ai pu faire beaucoup de choses comme participées à des activités scolaires que j’aime, me chouchouter en m'achetant des bijoux et même faire certains cadeaux. Ce programme m’a rappelé qu’il a des gens qui font des services extraordinaire selon leur vie personnel j’apprécie et admire toute personne qui participe à ce programme d’aide d'étudiant. Cela m'inspire à faire de même quelque chose qui me touche et aide des gens en difficultés. De plus non seulement ça aide mais encourage la personne de continuer a persévéré et faire des bonnes actions autour de soi ce qui est merveilleux comment un simple être humain peut impacter de façon positive la vie de quelqu’un. Pour conclure un GROS merci au programme d’aide d'étudiant continuer à donner espoir aux jeunes.

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The HOST program has impacted my life a lot. With the $100 every month, I've been able to buy my own lunches, save money towards college, pay for my fields trips and even been able to give my mom some of the money. With the payment each month, it has helped my family be able to do a little more or to have more fun. I was struggling paying for my prom ticket which was $90 and with the money received, I was able to cover it. Even paying for a field trip that was $10 helped a lot because I didn't have to stress my mom by asking for money. I'm truly blessed to be able to have this program.

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This program has taken so much financial stress off my shoulders By giving me this opportunity I've been able to provide food for myself and food help for my family.  I've been able to not only buy new clothing but it’s given me the ability to put away money for my own place once the school year is over and I can start my own life.

I've also been able to do activities I would never have been able to do before like take my family to dinner and buy myself nice material items once in a while.  I've learned that there's no hurt in thinking of myself once in a while.  This has not only taken stress off my life but has brought a source of relief to me and for that I'm so grateful.  

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Je souhaite remercier votre organisation de m’avoir accordé cette bourse d’études du Programme Aidez Nos Étudiants pour cette dernière année d'études. Ça a été un grand honneur pour moi d’avoir été choisi comme bénéficiaire de ce prix. Cette bourse m’aidera grandement financièrement et me permettra de me concentrer sur ma scolarité, plus spécifiquement mes premiers mois postsecondaires.

J'éprouve une immense gratitude envers vous car votre aide à changer et améliorer grandement ma vie en tant qu’étudiante. En plus de cela grâce à cette bourse, j'ai pu participer à des activités/cours scolaires qui nécessitait un certain montant d’argent et cela m’a permis d'être plus impliqué dans l'école. Sans oublier l’aide que j'ai pu rapporter chez moi (une aide financière) à certains moments.

Malheureusement cette année-ci est ma dernière et donc ne serait plus éligible pour cette aide financière, par contre le montant que j’ai pu me procurer jusqu'à ce jour me permettra de pouvoir me procurer la majorité de mes livres et cela est un très grand gain pour moi.

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Le programme Aidez Nos Étudiants a en effet eu un impact considérable sur ma vie. Bien que je n'aie toujours pas utilisé tous les fonds fournis par l'organisation, j'ai pu utiliser une partie de ma bourse pour payer les frais de mes applications universitaires. En ce qui concerne la seconde moitié des fonds, je compte les utiliser pour m'inscrire à l'un de mes cours du premier semestre. Ceci fut une expérience incroyable, car cela m'a permis d'avancer dans ma vie scolaire, sans avoir à me concentrer sur la question d'argent. J'aimerais remercier M. Lussier, le programme Aidez Nos Étudiants et tous ceux qui ont fourni des fonds à l'organisation et qui ont permis à ceci d'être possible. Cette opportunité m'a permis de réaliser à quel point l'éducation est importante et difficile à obtenir pour certains (suite à l'éducation secondaire). Faire un don à des organisations du genre sera l’un de mes objectifs une fois que je commencerai à travailler, suite à la fin de mes études.

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Souvent il arrive que nous avons une situation difficile dans la vie. Et parfois, nous pouvons être admis dans un programme qui peut nous aider a passé par-dessus ses étapes compliqué dans notre société actuel. Le programme Aidez Nos Étudiants en est un parfait exemple, grâce à ce programme j’ai pu réaliser certaines choses qui me permettent maintenant de vous écrire cette lettre. En effet, grâce à cette bourse j’ai pu m’acheter un ordinateur portable pour travailler sur mes devoirs a la maison et l’utilisé à l’école pour prendre des notes. Mais aussi, vu que les programmes d’aide social de l’Ontario ne sont pas les meilleurs, nous avons pu acheter de la nourriture pour survenir à nos besoins. Puisque ma mère ne travaille pas et que nous avons à peu près 400$ par mois pour survenir à nos besoin cela n’était pas suffisant. Merci au Programme Aidez nos Étudiants, merci d’aidé et de récompensé les étudiants qui le méritent grandement. Ce programme a changé ma vision du monde sur cette société cruel. Merci encore.

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The Host Program award I have been given has helped me a lot throughout the course. I have been saving a lot of the money for when I’m off to college as a just-in-case. Otherwise I have helped with groceries and I have been able to take my mom out for dinner because she has been a big part of my life and now I’m finally able to do nice things for her. I also have been able to give back to my friends for all the times they have gotten me something and told me not to worry about it. The money I have been given has made me grow and to see if I was mature enough to not spend it all which I haven’t. I’ve been very thankful that I was chosen for this and I have learned not to spend money stupidly because it could potentially help me in the future. Thank you for this opportunity.

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I am a student that was fortunate enough to be given a grant from the Help Our Students Program. With the money I was given I have been using to help pay my rent because my father is very ill and can no longer work. This opportunity has lifted a weight of my shoulders so that I could focus on my schooling and taking care of my father. After I have received my diploma I would like to attend college for Business Administration and eventually work in that field. Thank you again for this generosity and kindness towards me.

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Thank you for choosing me this year for the program, it has helped me a lot this year with a lot of things, for example, school supplies, paying my phone bill, buying snacks for school, and many more. I like this program because it helps students when there in need of financial help, and this program really helped me with that. How I used my monthly funds was buy paying my phone bill, buying school supplies, buying snacks for my lunch, and if I had extra money, it went to my mom, because she has financial problems. I really appreciated this program for choosing me. I am very grateful.

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The year of 2018-2019 was and is a rough year. As I was in need of going back and forth to school, I was always reminded of how difficult it was keeping my expenses and staying within a reasonable limit each month for my finances as someone living alone at the age of 17. However, the HOST program helped me at the moment when I thought I was going to have to depend on every last penny. Mr. Lussier showed up at the moment I least expected and his contribution to my life has helped tremendously in every aspect. As a result of the HOST program’s help, I have been able to enjoy more entertainment and more liberty within my finances and I’ve been able to save, one thing this program really helped me with was transportation and finally having a way of not minding how to get my bus pass for each month and for that I am forever grateful. I would like to thank anyone and everyone at the HOST program for changing so many lives like my own and for being the guardian angels of the students.

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I am writing to help make you aware of how the Help Our Students Program has really had a positive impact in my life over the past few months.

My parents always wanted me to stay in school and get the best possible grades I could, especially in my last year. Outside of school, I also work part-time making it difficult to focus on school but also work enough to make money in order to support myself.

The financial situation at home has never been the best and that left a lot of stress on my shoulders while trying to make money and achieve high grades. The extra $100 a month has been able to help me in many different ways. I have been able to use this money to buy food and the basic necessities of life. This money has made a huge impact by helping me pay for gas too. I drive to and from school and work since busses make me too anxious and when money gets tight in the winter or the month I was not able to work, I was able to still have that little bit of money to fall back on. This money going toward keeping my car running has kept me in school to get an education and in work to keep bringing in some extra money.

I really appreciate all that this program has been able to do for me over the past 8 months and I am not too sure what I would have done without. This year has been considerably hard enough to get through and taking money off the list of stress has been a huge help. Thank you for all you have done, I really hope other students get to experience this privilege like I was able to.

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Well usually I pay for my own phone and bills and such for myself since I don’t want to worry my parents with money problems since they have it hard already and sometimes during the winter is put the little money I had to buy some groceries and gloves, shoes, mittens all useful things. I used the money to pay all my bills and get ahead of my preparations as in saving for a laptop, bag, books etc.. even if it isn’t much it’s a start the use of the money was of great help.

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First of all, I would really like to thank to the program for having granted me with this award which has helped me many couple of ways such as helping my family to reduce their expenses like, paying for my monthly bus pass and family food monthly ration.
All in one, this award affected my ways of living either in school or elsewhere in such a way that I didn't really have to struggle for finding a job since I had an option of getting funds monthly to pay for some small expenses that I had aside.

Finally, I cannot thank you enough for the help! You are nothing less than a blessing from God, words are powerless to express my sincerest gratitude towards the help that I have got from this award.

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The Help Our Students Program has impacted me in various ways. When I received the award I was honoured then shocked because I didn't even know such a program existed; on that day I thought I was going to attend the same classes thinking that it was just a normal everyday type of day. When I got called down to the office and found out that I won a $1000 award, my first thoughts were that this money is going to help me pay for my transportation because I had Co-op at Canadian Tire so I had to take the bus every day and it became very costly. Once I came home and told my family, they were very proud of me and told me to spend the money wisely. The award has also impacted myself because winning an award feels great and now I am determined to work harder and become a better person. Once the semester was over and I spent almost half the money just on transportation. I was determining what I should do with the rest of it. In the end I decided that the rest of it will go towards my college tuition to have less to worry about. I'm surprised that I was chosen to receive this great award and I thank you very much.

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When I heard about the award for the first time I was very surprised. I felt happy because I knew it would help me so much.  There are 6 children in my family and we all live with my mother. Having this award let me buy some personal things without having to ask my mom for money and making her feel bad if she didn’t have it. One of the things I have bought was a new pair of shoes. I also was able to buy my sister a birthday present that she was very surprised about. Getting the award every month means that I don’t have to worry about getting job and being able to focus on school.  I’m also saving some of the money to use for other things that I haven’t even thought of yet. Because of this award I did not worry as much about money. Thank you so much for making such a difference in my life.

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This program has helped me in a few ways. The first is it’s helped me with buying food. I’ve been grocery shopping many more times than I ever did before the program. It’s also got me to start cooking with said groceries. Another way it’s helped me is it’s helped me pay for the doctors. I was able to pay for the dentist because of your program and finally it’s helped me with providing assistance on family issues like giving rides to whoever needs it or help buying gifts for Christmas.

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I was very pleased and excited to hear that I was selected for the host program awards. Before I received the award, I had applied to a scholarship and I did not get it and I was thinking a lot about where to apply and whether I will get it or not. First, it made me feel good about myself since this award was about hard work and having to know that it was recognized meant a lot to me. After receiving the award, my main goal was to save it up for university to help me with school supplies and textbooks. Also, it helped me pay for university applications. This reduced stress from me and my family and I was able to focus more on school than on money. I will additionally use some of the money for graduating expenses such as for shoes and dress that I will be wearing on the graduation day. Moreover, this money helped me start a bank account and to understand how to use a bank account. This prepared me to save money and use a bank account, which is a very important skill for the future. Thank you so much for picking me and please continue to change other people’s lives as well.

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I’m truly thankful for the support you have given me in my last school year. I have been struggling to get a part-time job and the money I received every month from you helped me socialize with my friends more often and it also helped me in so many other ways. With this money I was able to buy food in and out of school, get a gym membership, pay my phone bill, buy new soccer cleats and help my mom a little bit with the groceries and other bills. Without this award none of that would be possible for me.
Once again thank you so much to the president of HOST program and the donors for making my school year so successful. I really appreciate your support.

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Bonjour je vous remercie pour votre support financier à un moment où j’en avais besoin. L’argent m’a permis de m’acheter de nouveaux vêtements sans trop penser à me limiter à ceux que j’avais déjà pour pouvoir économiser de l’argent. J’ai économiser les dépôts qui vont soit me servir pour mon balle des finissants en juin et/ou à économiser pour m’acheter une voiture. J’ai aussi pus contribué à l’épicerie durant certaines mois une chose que je tiens à cœur considèrent qu’on n’est pas les plus riches. Encore une fois je vous remercie énormément, cela a été surprenant de découvrir que j’avais été choisi comme candidat au programme en octobre dernier et j’y suis reconnaissant parce que sans cette argent j’aurais probablement encore plus de stress sur mes épaules à la fin de mes études secondaire que j’en ai déjà.

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I was one of the people this program had chosen to bless with a 100$ every month this school year. I was supposed to send this letter a long time ago but unfortunately I've been in and out of hospitals, doctors  appointments for a couple of months now. I was really busy catching up with test and other school work that I missed because of all the days of school I did not attend to. Furthermore, the 100$ is a really big deal in my life because I was able to pay my dance bills every month. To continue, I found out my mom was no longer going to pay for my dance program because she did not believe that I can be a successful dancer later in my life. Therefore, I was able to travel for showcases and proving to my mom that I can do it with or without her help which made me and my mom's bond stronger. Also I can finally feel my mom being proud of me every time I do a performance. Moreover, this blessing you guys bless me with helped me pay for food, new clothes and the best of all I got to buy my whole family gifts for Christmas for the first time. It made me feel like was doing something right because I was able to give back just like you did for me. I pray that when I make it I will be able to do the same but for other people in this world.  Thank you!

* * *

Life is full of experiences and new challenges every day. High school, like many other things, is just one of the main stages of our life. In this stage, we can enjoy every minute of our time, we can make new friends, we can learn new stuff, we can share moments with many people around, we can start forming ourselves to the future beyond, etc. This money that we receive every month has been a really helpful tool, a tool that allows us to save money to the university, to supply to our own necessities, to discover new things, to keep up with our lives, etc. Sadly, we live in a society where money represents a basic fundament to interact and be part of, it is for that reason, the money that we receive every month also helped us to discover new places, to buy new clothes, to help people in necessity, to help at home by buying food and helping to pay the bills. I am really grateful for the opportunity that has been giving to me because it has helped me and is still helping me to survive and enjoy every minute of my life.

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Premièrement, je voudrais vous remercier de ce soutien que vous m’avez accordé. Grâce à cet argent, je vais pouvoir financer mes études à partir de 2020. De plus, mes parents étaient fiers de moi en apprenant la nouvelle.

Deuxièmement, cette bourse a eu un grand impact sur mon éducation, car j’ai doublé de plus en plus mes efforts en classe. J’ai compris que tout travail se paye dans la vie. Aussi, cet argent me motive tous les jours de continuer à travailler.

Finalement, j’aimerais m’adresser au jeune comme moi et de leur dire de continuer à persévérer, un jour votre semence payera.

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I would like to thank everyone involved in the HOST Program for helping me and my family. It has allowed me to start saving up and thinking about college next year and my family has been relived to be able to know that there is financial support behind me. It has helped me in my everyday life, when I go to get lunch or when having to buy school supplies or afford my phone plan or bus pass when money is tight. It has been amazing and I would like to thank everyone for this opportunity.

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J’aimerais vous remercier pour m’offrir cette bourse parce qu’elle m’aide dans ma vie.

Je suis maintenant en 11e année. Je vais continuer mon beau travail à l’école cette année.  Je fournis beaucoup d’efforts et je réussis bien. Cette année cette bourse m'a aidé à acheter des cadeaux de Noel pour ma sœur, ma mère, mes deux grand-mères et mon grand-père. Aussi cette bourse m'a aidé à acheter des gants d’hiver et un bon manteau d’hiver et je vous dis un gros merci

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I am writing to thank you very much for the Host Program ( Help Our Students) Award. I have truly benefited from this award. It has helped me save up to buy my first car. It is a used Volkswagen Jetta 07, with 183 clicks, automatic. It drives amazingly and is so much fun to have the freedom of my own car. Since both my parents have trouble with mobility, this car has given me the ability to help out with more things, such as going grocery shopping for the family, I can drive my parents places, and I use it to pick up their prescriptions. I also use the car to drive myself to school, co-op, and work. Having this car has allowed me to drive places public transit cannot take me. Last week I drove up to Fitzroy Harbour to help fill sandbags. OC Transpo cannot take me there. Again, I want to thank you very much for your kind support.

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What l have done with the money you so kindly gave me is as follows:

1. A good portion was spent on food, for myself and my mother.

2. l bought some new clothes. Mostly socks and underwear.

3.To pay for Netflix (not a lot of the money but the money went into my bank account and that account pays for Netflix so it just happened.)

4. l loaned my mother some of the money and she promptly paid it back. (it was to pay some bills)

5. computer security software.

What is left of the money is being left in my account for when it is needed.

That is what is what l have done with the money you gave me. Thanks again for the money and for your kindness. It really helped us out in our troubled time.

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The HOST program is a very useful and important resource for any students working hard but struggling financially. There are a lot of distractions and obstacles for any student in this position, and many of them truly earn this opportunity with their effort in and outside of the classroom. For me personally, money is always somewhat of a touchy subject, even with a part-time job now, as neither of my parents are able to work anymore. Therefore, a contribution like the HOST program helped me out a ton. First of all, I needed my own laptop for classes this year, and was able to buy one comfortably with the first $300 I received. Also, throughout the year, I was able to save more for tuition and other expenses as university approaches. Overall, this program gave me stability financially, making it easier to focus on academics and relieve some of the stress money issues can cause.

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Having your donation every month have been a real help. Knowing that I'll have an extra 100 dollars in my bank account allows me to worry less about the future and enjoy the present. I recently moved to a new house and the money helped us to pay for some house essentials. We were able to install a new Wi-Fi networks and I helped my family pay some of the early bills. The other day I took my girlfriend on a pizza night and I used the award money to pay for it. They say money doesn't buy happiness but it surely helps. Thank you so much for making my life ever so slightly easier HOST program.

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I am very grateful for the monthly donations this year. Some of the money has allowed me to make upgrades and repairs on my snowmobile. I really like to snowmobile in the field on my spare time.  The other major thing I have decided to do is save to upgrade my phone, because my phone is very old and the battery goes very quickly.  I use my phone in school; I have a learning disability that makes reading difficult  and I use the current technology to be successful in school. The money is very  helpful because my mom has been sick and has not been able to go to work. Thank you for choosing me.

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I'm writing this letter to tell you what I’m doing with the money I got from the Help our students program. I have put the money towards two things: to pay for college and to pay for my prom.

I wish to put the money into my college education. The money will be used in my tuition, books and more. I knew I wanted to put this money towards my college education as soon as I got the money. College is a very important thing to me and has always been part of my plan and this money just makes it a little easier so I don't have to take out as many loans.

More of the money will go toward my prom. Prom has been something I’ve been looking forward to for a long time and but didn’t know how I would pay for it until I got this money. This money will go towards my dress, my ticket, and anything else I may need for it.  

In conclusion this money has allowed me to get things I really wanted but did not know how to afford. It made some very stressful parts of my life less stressful. My favorite part of getting this money was how happy and proud my family was for me. I just want to say thank you and let you know this has changed a lot for me and my last year of high school would have been very different without this.

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Winning this scholarship has helped me in so many ways. My family just moved to an apartment in August, causing money to be tight with back to school supplies. When I found out about winning the scholarship, I knew I would be able to help my family with Christmas! Our Christmas was fabulous. I also saved some of the money to help me achieve my school goals, I was able to cover my dorm room deposit for college in September. The money also has let me be able to take a trip to Toronto to see family that I hadn’t been able to see for a while. The trip was amazing, we chatted tons. We laughed a lot, it was a well-needed break. When I came back home, I was ready to start my second semester of high school with a bang. With working and the money I get from this scholarship, I plan on getting myself a really beautiful graduation dress. 

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The Host Program has helped me significantly this past year. At the start of the school year there was a lot of changes made to my living situation and it resulted to me renting out a room to stay closer to my school. Even though $100 isn't viewed as much, it has really helped me not only be able to live but live well. Also during this year I started karate as a way of staying fit and learning new skills. I bought new glasses. And I went on a school trip to NY and am going on another trip to Toronto with my cousin in June. Yes, I have other sources of income but this extra money allows me to save and have fun on these trips. Not to mention I'm trying to save for post-secondary with the money I'm given, so I'm constantly making sure that I save wherever I can. Overall, this year has been very eventful and I'm ever grateful for Host and their generosity.

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Every month HOST awards sends me $100, giving me the freedom to spend it on whatever. Some things I’ve spent it on is food during/for ski team, clothes, and other school activities. One month I decided to buy a concert ticket for Twenty-One-Pilots, and I’m very much looking forward to it. With the extra money I sometimes have, I put it in savings for Post-Secondary school, hopefully attending the Pembroke Police Academy. With my situation, I am very grateful for your private organization and the chance you give me to care for myself. I can imagine the impact you have in multiple other students lives, and I appreciate the little donation you do, that helps me make my life big. 

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I’m so thankful to the Host Program because it helped me with many of my expenses this year. I was able to pay my graduation fee, which would have been difficult for me to do. I was also able to pay for my student fee and I’m now able to receive my yearbook. Not only did this help me with some of my mandatory expenses, but it also contributed to my education savings for next year, which I know will be very useful for me. I used this money for others things as well, for example my g1 fee. I would have had to wait till I found a job to pay for this fee, however, thanks to this opportunity I managed to get it much sooner than I had thought I would. 

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Thank you very much for all the support the income has given me. The Help Our Students Program helped me with a little financial stability,

it felt good to not worry about money as much so I could focus on my work, I have always had an attention problem in class so it helped me not think about budgeting. At first I could help pay for more stuff around the house, and during the holidays it allowed me to buy presents, not only for my immediate use but some of my extended relatives too. Once my birthday came around I got to spend some money on stuff I wanted for myself to help relax or just some clothes. May is my mom's birthday so I plan on celebrating with her and getting her a nice present.

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Here are three ways you have helped me:

1) At normal times, your money gave me an extra tier of security for going into university. The universities in Canada and United Kingdom are relatively expensive comparing to the universities in Hong Kong. I put my money safe inside the bank and later learn more about interest rates by deciding where to transfer all my money for higher interest rate savings.

2) There was a field trip for the Biology Class to go to Huntsman Marine Science Center in New Brunswick in September 2018. It costs approximately $1200. It was relatively unaffordable for our family. However, thanks for your help, I used your money to pay for the field trip and learn more about marine life.

3) I have developed a new liking for curling. With your money, I am able to afford new equipment so I can continue to play for clubs and hopefully represent team Hong Kong one day.

Once again, thank you so much for your help and I am honoured to be a HOST recipient.

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I am extremely grateful for being one of the few students chosen to receive this award and the $100 monthly payments. It has helped me and my family with so many different things over this school year and has impacted me in the best way possible. I have used the money for bus transportation. It’s also been very useful in regards to buying myself a lunch during school or groceries for my family. The money impacted me the most throughout the March break. During the March break, I went to Toronto to visit some old friends and I wouldn’t have been able to go if it wasn’t for the Help Our Students Program. It was also my birthday and I used some of the money to celebrate. I’d like to thank you again for choosing me to receive this award. 

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hostprogram@rogers.com    © RICHARD LUSSIER 2016