
The HOST program is absolutely amazing. It made me realize that if I work hard enough, I will be recognized. As a student who thinks pretty low of themselves, I must say it made me feel important. It made me feel recognized. And I appreciate that very much. It helped me out a lot during this school year. I was able to do a bit of groceries, I was able to buy my friends birthday gifts for the first time ever. I was able to go to the store and get myself a treat whenever I wanted to. I was able to buy clothing, I felt good about myself. And most importantly, it reminded me that I was worth it. It reminds me not to give up. And I am so thankful for the HOST program because if I wasn't shown that someone realized how hard I was working, I probably would've gave up. But I didn't and I’m proud of myself. Whoever created or takes part in the HOST program deserves to know that their effort in helping students has an huge impact on my life. I am so thankful for everyone who participates in this program. And they deserve to know their effort is highly appreciated. Thank you so much for this amazing experience!

My high school career was like a roller coaster, a lot of ups and downs. Throughout these last 4 years, I’ve had to face more adversity than most people my age will ever go through. I’ve grown a lot, learnt a lot and now I am more hopeful for the future than ever.

Last year my mom passed away, which forced me and my sister to get our own place. We worked long hours while attending school full time to be able to afford our place, utilities, food as well as all other miscellaneous expenses. With the funding of the Host program I was able to give my sister a little more money for rent, food and the bills. I was also able to save up and buy a car which made getting to school much easier. It also allowed me to do a co-op in the west end of Ottawa which wouldn't have been possible without the car. 

I am forever thankful for the support I have received from not only the Host program. Without it I have no clue where my life would be headed. Once I graduate I plan on getting my real estate license and plan on investing in real estate myself. One day I plan on returning the favour and sponsoring a high school student or multiple also going through hard times. 

Finally I’d like to say a huge thank you for all the help & support! it was greatly needed and took a lot of stress off of me and my sister.

First and foremost, I just want to appreciate you for this amazing gift that you’ve blessed me with. I really did not expect anything so big to happen to me. When you, Richard, told me that I won this award I burst into tears, at that moment it felt like one of my prayers had been answered. You have really helped someone that needed it. I can’t say that I needed it the most, but I am honored that I was the recipient of this award. When I told my parents about it they didn’t believe me until I showed them the envelope. Those monthly deposits of a hundred dollars helped me the most during first semester when I had co-op. I would need to commute downtown every day. Before I would have to ask my dad for bus money but he couldn’t provide it for me because he didn’t have any income to support me and I couldn’t ask my mom because she already had so many things she had to take care of financially. So having the HOST Program provide some extra money helped a lot. I was able to go to co-op every day because I had the funds on my bus pass to get me there. The program also helped with some home finances. My mother used a few hundred dollars to pay off some bills and also for groceries. Aside from that I’ve been saving up as much as I can so I can use it for post-secondary tuition and expenses. I’m going to need all the help I can get. Thank you once again for this amazing provision you have bestowed to me and to other deserving students. I’m sure this program has changed so many lives and you can count mine as one as well. Thank you again.

Growing up I had it rough, started as an immigrant trying to learn a new language, lived in rough neighbourhoods, ended up in foster care etc. School was never something important to me and I lacked motivation for school. When I got put into foster care, I finally started paying more attention to school thanks to my new support system including my foster parents, worker, the school teachers who pushed me hard to succeed. I started off rough at school, I got into fights and did other stuff I’m not proud of that resulted in me being in the office 24/7. But that’s what I was used to because I never had anyone teaching me what’s right and wrong. But my principal at the time did not give up on me even after all the hurtful things I’ve said to her she always had eyes on me and gave me a helping hand which helped me a lot knowing I had someone to help me. Eventually I got closer with my teachers once they realized how bright of a student I was & they tried anything possible to get me to do my best seeing potential in me. I never really had bad grades to begin with but I started putting in 100% effort & I started receiving honour roll every semester receiving 80% averages ! And to know that all my hard work has been noticed by my guidance counselor and the HOST program I felt so proud I went home yelling to my parents ! Knowing I had the HOST program to basically reward me for all my hard work made me feel like all the sweat and tears was most definitely worth it. This program made feel noticed and gave me more motivation to do even better in school and helped me financially because now I can use the money as a head start to save up for a car since I have to drive to Algonquin college which is a far drive. Thank you HOST program:)

I always thought I was just another regular student doing regular things in my regular school, but then I was invited into the office by the principal. She pulled me out of my math class and then told me that I was nominated by my teachers to be part of this program. To me, this was a total shock because I thought that I didn't really make any remarkable impact on my classes. Maybe a joke or two for the whole class to have a bit of a laugh with, but nothing really any extraordinary. What I do in class is just help as many people as I can with all of my power. No matter how little it was, I would always try my best in helping a classmate to persevere in any hardships they encounter.

Originally, I was planning to save up all the money for my post-secondary education, but then everyone was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is historical event that many did not expect. With the help of the program, I am able to lift some of the stress from my parent by paying for the groceries and paying for my own phone bill. Before the pandemic, I was budgeting for my breakfast and lunches at school because I don't really have the time to make food in the morning for breakfast or lunch. This program really helped me how to budget the price of the cheapest food to the days I would eat for that week. I learned a lot and I will always remember  the moments of how it all began, the HOST Program. 

This program has changed my life. My perspective on others. I now know that others are looking. Looking at my achievements, no matter how small or big. I am truly thankful to the teachers who have noticed my hard work and applied me into this program. I am truly thankful for this program giving me a chance at a better life. 


Today, I can proudly say that this program has tremendously impacted my life for the last year of my high school experience. Before the sponsorship, I used to go to school and have a part time job after. This was really tiresome for me and was getting exhausting as time went on. It had even affected my academic grades and lowered my mark. I used to get home late, tired and stressed. I never really had time for my life outside school or work. I was always focused on those things and it was giving me anxiety and almost led to a serious depression. Since I was an immigrant in Canada, my parents never had well paying jobs so they found it hard to provide for the family hence I had to help by getting a part time job to reduce on the expenses spent on me. However, this sad story flipped when I started receiving this help. Thanks to Mr. Richard Lussier, I was able not only to overcome my financial issues but also have a happy life. I was able to have time for other activities and create time for my family too. My tendency of getting anxious dropped and I got better at managing my time for school. My grades got better and my life just changed. I really thank God for bringing a generous person like you into my life. What you did for me and my family will always be remembered and appreciated. All I can say is God bless you and when I grow up I want to help people just like you helped me.


Upon hearing that I was chosen The Host Program Award I was shocked. I mean, how could the effort that I was pouring into myself and my community be that recognized? It didn't take me long to realize that it is not about what one does, but why they do it. Receiving the award has forever marked me. I have learned to always serve other people no matter how far I go in life, and to never forget where I came from. I've learnt that kindness and generosity are limitless. Most importantly, I have learnt that where seeds have been sown into my life, I ought to sow more in other people's lives. 
I intend to use the amount towards my post-secondary education. I'm going to Ottawa U for Biomedical Sciences, and while the program is expensive, this award has made me feel like I am not alone in this journey. Coming from a low income family, the financial assistance that has come from this award has gone a long way.
Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for sowing an imperishable seed in my heart and life.

I would like to start by saying thank you very much for this award. When I received this award, I was in a really dark place, stressing about school work and how to pay for certain expenses, along with worrying about university tuition and housing for next year. I was starting to give up and my grades were all slipping and receiving this award helped me realize how far I had come already and how much more there was to go, what I had accomplished so far to even be considered for such an award and it gave me the much needed push I needed at the time. It helped me with grad fees and all other grad expenses along with school materials and helping for grocery money at home. I saved some parts of it for next year’s tuition, saving it in my savings account but the bigger portion went to this year’s necessities. Having a big family with a father who works abroad and a mother who goes to university, money can get quite tough around here so this helped a lot giving me the chance to give my share of things. So thank you so much for this chance, for the recognition and for the money that helped my past, future and most importantly my present. I hope more kids get this same chance to be pulled out of dark times and places and motivated to see just how far they’ve gone.


I’d really like to thank you guys for the money. You guys gave me hope when I needed it the most. I was trying to support myself with my job but my boss at work never gave me enough shifts. That money kept me going and made me feel that somebody had my back. It helped me set myself up to move out as I was living at my friend’s house. It helped me afford new clothes instead of the old ones that I grew out of. Not to mention the mental relief that I had because I didn’t have to worry about going broke every day. Again thank you so much and keep doing what you’re doing because there are many kids out there who really need any kind of support. I promise you one day I’ll repay this kindness.

I got granted the host program; the program really helped me. I play competitive basketball and my family could no longer afford it but thanks to this amazing program I got to play basketball this year and I got to get a scholarship because I got recognized by a college I would have never had this opportunity without this program. I am so thankful. With this money I can now enjoy the rest of my life playing basketball and go into my program. Other students in my position would be so grateful for this opportunity that I was granted. Now I am going to go to school out of town and pursue my basketball dreams and try as hard as I can so succeed in my studies.

I’d like to start off by saying I was very honoured when I found out I was chosen for the HOST program. The money I have received has helped both me and my family on multiple occasions. I was able to buy myself winter boots so I did not have to wear running shoes all winter because my family did not have enough room in their pay cheques. The money also helped me buy things when I was out with friends so I did not feel embarrassed that my family could not give me any money. With the money I was also able to give my parents some when they needed help to make ends meet and pay bills. Most importantly it helped me buy lunch at school on many occasions so I did not starve. Lastly I would like to thank the president of HOST for creating the program. But, also the people and families who give money to the program because without them I would not have been able to do some of the things I have done. This program has helped me realize that there are people out there that realize some families are struggling financially and are willing to help them out.

Before I was introduced to the HOST program, I was struggling financially to support myself. I worked a low paying minimum wage job. Working at least one shift a week making an average of 35 dollars every two weeks. Although the money eventually accumulated I still had personal/academic expenses to make. One major academic expense was my online grade 12 English course, I took during the summer. English was always a challenging subject for me it felt as though no matter how hard I tried I could never fully grasp it. Junior year was the final straw for me after I received a low barely passing grade. I was determined to change my grade around. So on April 2019 I bought my English course, being forced to use a large portion of my savings for university/college. I was so busy with school I didn’t actually start until I was officially done my grade 11 exams. My entire summer was the most difficult times of my life, I was balancing a full time 9-5 summer job Monday to Friday, and working my regular part time job during the weekends. While balancing two jobs I was working daily on my English class. The amount of stress I endured was unimaginable but I was adamant on passing the class. All my hard work finally payed off because I received a B- the highest grade I’ve ever gotten in English since the 9th grade. I even got accepted into the Law clerk program at Algonquin college, my dream college program thanks to my English grade. Although I would’ve loved my grade to be higher, I was incredibly proud of myself. However the happiness died down fairly quickly when I realized that since I spent over $700 on the fee, books, and my exam. It would be extremely difficult for me to pay for my senior year especially my post-secondary education. The day I found out I was receiving the bursary was one of the happiest days of my life it felt as though there was a huge burden lifted off my shoulders. With the help of the bursary I was able to pay my $500 tuition deposit for Algonquin college, all my prom payments such as my dress, and so much more. I am extremely thankful and grateful for the HOST program. I have no idea how my life would be without the financial support they gave me.

I really appreciate the help but unfortunately I could not enjoy my money very much because of my family, specifically because of my stepmother. She lost her job and wanted to use the money that the program gave me to pay her credit cards so I preferred to give my money to a friend of mine who was having a worse time than I.  Even so, I thank the program a lot for seeing me.  Given that amount of money, I wanted to spend it to buy a PC, but in the end it was not possible, but now I feel much better since I am living with my brothers and my dad and stepmother don't bother me anymore and again thanks for the money.

Merci beaucoup pour cette bourse que vous m'offrez. Je suis vraiment content, c'est un privilège d'obtenir cette bourse. Cette bourse est importante pour moi.
En m’attribuant la bourse ANET vous avez allégé mon fardeau financier ce qui me permet de mettre d’avantage l’accent sur l’aspect le plus important de l’école, l’apprentissage.
Votre générosité m’a inspiré pour aider les autres et ainsi, redonner à la communauté.
J’espère qu’un jour je serai en mesure d’aider les étudiants à atteindre leurs objectifs tout comme vous l’avez fait pour moi.
Après avoir terminé avec succès mon diplôme, je prévois de poursuivre ma carrière en tant qu'un génie électronique.
Merci encore d'avoir investi mon avenir, je ferais en sorte de faire de mon mieux pour atteindre mes objectifs académique et professionnels.

The award made me focus on my school better than before, as well as working harder on my courses and trying my best to be successful in my high school journey along with my next year graduation to make my parents and all of my teachers happy and proud of me for working on myself and not giving up on my school work because it's my future I'm working for.  So I have to stay strong, smart and a hard worker no matter how difficult and stressful school could be sometimes especially during Covid 19 illness where we have to stay calm and strong and pray everything goes back to normal one day.
The award also helped me with my financial things such as buying school supplies such as new backpack, pencils, erasers, pens, water bottle, notebooks, and new clothes and food for myself. It made me to stop worrying and stress about not buying the school supplies that I needed as well as other things for myself. It gave me a greater hope for the future too.

The HOST program award has helped me through a lot during the time given. I used the award to help my parents with groceries along with small things around the house. Some of the award money went to supplies to help me keep going in school while another part of it went towards family and friends for Christmas or birthdays. Another part of it went towards getting myself some new clothes and a wardrobe to hold it all. I’ve put some of the award towards my savings for future needs until I get my first job. I was very grateful to be one of the many students chosen to represent the Help Our Students Program. This program has impacted my life and helped me grow and mature. I’ve learnt to manage my money and know what to use it on to better myself. I’m very thankful to Richard Lussier for starting this program and for choosing to help so many people.

I firstly want to take this opportunity to show my gratitude towards the Help Our Student Program and Mr. Lussier for their great generosity. As a 16-year-old individual who resides independently, the $1000 I received from this program meant quite a lot to me. At the time, I had spent quite a lot of my savings from my part-time job on purchasing a laptop for school work and having to pay for my drivers-ed courses. The $1000 I received was a simple relief of the financial pressure I had on my shoulders. It was great to receive money each month to do my essential shopping (such as groceries). I was glad that I had that extra financial support each month so that I did not have to over work myself at my part-time job to make enough money to meet my basic needs. I was also able to put some of that money to purchasing a newer cell-phone, as my phone (at the time) was working very poorly (especially in the colder weather). It kept shutting off, which was not ideal for my safety each time I was on my way home from work (late at night). So, purchasing a new phone was mandatory, and again, having that extra financial support from Mr. Lussier was very much appreciated as it helped me pay for it.

Many thanks to the Help Our Student Program and Mr. Lussier for their kind gesture, mindfulness and generosity. I very much appreciate all the support they have provided me, and I hope that one day I am able to do the same and give back to students in need!

I hope this letter finds you well and that you all had a great Easter! We all have been living very differently for the past month, and the emotions have been going from shock, to the unavoidable fear, to acceptance and back round again.

As expected with many students being out of school and out of work in these times all of the expenses are limited and must be managed accordingly. At this time, that is what we students are having to do, and there are times when all the world seems to have no answers to the questions, when will this end and when will it be acceptable to continue schooling as normal.

I have witnessed great leadership, dedication, and reliability in our little community of Ontario schools. To turn this situation around, and build back up the momentum to keep working will take a lot of acceptance of ourselves, and put into action what we have learned from all of the great role models that have helped up through the tough times.

I have seen students unite and embrace this situation and join online with teachers and reach out to them, to start working together and take their education into their own hands. Graduating is on many people's minds, it is in all, the mindset to push past the challenge and make the impossible, possible. Graduation for the students this year will be a major obstacle but we are willing to take it on.

Please know that we are all working hard to finish school and we appreciate the team that you are. I personally have been using this award to pay for living expenses. I have contributed to donations, and helped out others who have been hoping for a little light. I would like to thank all of you who made this happen and to my teachers and mentors over the years who were much kinder, more generous, and a better person than I am. I want to work hard as a thank you to them. I will continue to contribute to the efforts and good will this program has shown, and I'm glad to show a little bit of compassion as this program has shown me.

You should know that I've been donating to the Salvation Army and supporting all the work they do for others. I have also been preparing a painting to give my school for the end of the year and will be leaving it with them to leave a positive impact. Because the times are tough for many students I will be looking into other services that better support them and contributing what is received in June to them.

Finally, I would like to share with you my gratitude, and to encourage keeping a healthy mindset. Being active and resilient, taking the steps necessary to achieve all that you can is possible as long as you believe it is. Perhaps things have been going fast for so long, that a temporary slowdown was needed. A slowdown in life and to put things into perspective and find out what is important: having health, being close to those who you are connected to and loving more than ever where you steer your life.

Thank you for everything this program does and I can reassure you that this has impacted all the students for the better.

I would like to start off by mentioning how honoured and appreciative I am to have been selected for the 2020 Help Our Students Program. I truly cannot express enough how much this experience has impacted my life and my overall self-confidence.

During my upbringing and to this day I live with my mother, who is a single mother of four and I, the youngest, am the only one who currently still lives with her. Unfortunately, we have fallen under financial troubles before, but have generally been successful in bouncing back. Sadly two years ago after we had been doing fairly well financially, my mother was diagnosed with two illnesses. This eventually led to her having to quit her job permanently and she ultimately had to apply for social assistance and disability.

Before being selected for the 2020 Help Our Students Program, my mother was no longer capable of paying the costs to apply for my university application. Moreover, I alone did not have enough finances to apply for university which left me distraught as no one else in my family could pitch in either. However, this all changed at a moment's notice when I was brought into my school’s guidance office to watch a video. Personally, I will never forget the moment that effectively opened the door to my future. 

All things considered one thousand dollars would not be enough for tuition, but it did allow for me to apply to two of my local universities. Shortly after I was accepted into both Carleton University and The University of Ottawa for the programs of philosophy and law. 

After this point, I decided to only use the money for educational purposes and have not touched it since. I currently have one hundred and ninety dollars out of the Royal Bank of Canada for emergency educational purposes in case I am ever not able to access my account.

In closing I would like to thank you again for this amazing opportunity that really helped me develop more self-confidence about my grades, strengthened my work quality and allowed me to pursue my dream career. 

When I was told about this program and the support you were offering, I was overjoyed; to be quite honest, I still am. :) I'm so thankful for this wonderful opportunity, this program has helped boost my confidence for my future and my anxiety about my financial situation has lessened.
You see, I only live with my mother and my younger brother. Being raised by a single parent, money has always been a bit of a concern. When we realized how much more schooling I wanted to go for, it made me extremely nervous. I want to study Psychology and help children in the way I was helped at a young age. As you can imagine, this means a lot more schooling, and a lot more bills.

Also, I did have a lot of trouble in school in the past and being acknowledged in this way for changing my life around means so much to me; I cried tears of joy when I was told. Thank you so much.

 Obviously this program doesn't pay for my tuition, but it got me started and that's what matters. At one point I thought that post-secondary was not going to be a possibility for me. Now it will actually be happening in a few months, and I am very excited about my future. So again, this has helped me very much in many different ways. Thank you very much for the support.

Since getting nominated and getting the award, it has helped me so much. I want to be a fashion designer, and I make costumes and I go to conventions. This money helped me save up and get the fabric that I needed to make a dress that I competed in (I didn't win but that's okay) this money also helped me pay for my phone and buy gifts for the people that I love. I think that is a great opportunity for people who struggle with buying the essentials. The money I got with this helped me make two amazing dresses that helped me get into the Richard Robinson Fashion Design Academy. I hope that this continues for years to come and will help everyone. Thank you for giving me the opportunity. I will forever be thankful.

I would like to firstly thank the HOST Awards for giving me the motivation to continue my studies in business. I was accepted at Ottawa U in commerce (management). Before I heard that there was a program to help students financially, I almost gave up on going to university and basically my goal since I started high school. It was very rough for me because I worked several hours a week in order to save up enough money at the same time as keeping up with school work. As soon as my guidance counsellor announced the news I just wanted to cry of happiness. It gave me back the motivation to keep on going and try my best in balancing everything. Ever since Covid-19 started, I've been using my laptop a lot more frequently and realized that I needed a new one before university since this one stops working constantly and has 36gb which is basically no storage. Back in November, I started saving up for a good computer that would last for several years and that would be compatible with the programs that the university gave. I am happy to say that I finally bought it and that I'll be taking some of the money given towards that and the rest for tuition costs. I can never thank this program enough for the help that it gave me not just money-wise but the drive to continue my schooling and to always work hard because good people are out there and will help. In the future, I'd like to also give back since it can really change the outcome of a person's life. I've always dreamt of opening my own business so hopefully, after school, I'll be able to accomplish that goal and contribute to society. My father was in the military and went several years overseas so he always told me the importance of giving back and appreciating the little things around me that people take for granted so just know that this means a lot to me and that I am sincerely grateful.

To start off, I would like to comment on how much of an amazing award this is because of its purpose and story. This award has been so helpful in various ways. Not only has it shown me that my hard work, humility, and involvement in school has been acknowledged, but it has made me proud of my achievements, my attitude towards others, efforts in life and the overall person I have become. When I was awarded this award, I was in disbelief and overcome with happiness because of how special it is. It has inspired me to want to give to others in many ways and especially in the future. I hope to give back to others like this award has helped me. I am graduating this year, and although I was never going to give up on school, I was getting afraid of my financial costs for university. This has relieved part of my stress for next year as I am saving up at least eighty-five percent of the money awarded. I have decided to use the other fifteen percent for needed purchases towards school, food, and other. Thank you for deciding to give to others and help them. I sincerely appreciate the entire award from the background content to receiving it. To me, this award reflects how there are good people who acknowledge and care about others; without it, I would not be writing this letter or have had this positive influence in my life.

Je me sens vraiment reconnaissante, envers tous ceux qui ont contribué d'une façon ou d'une autre, à ce que cette bourse puisse me parvenir.
Ce qui m'a le plus marqué durant mon expérience avec le programme, c'est la façon dont le représentant a fait preuve de sympathie, il s'est montré comme il est, une personne qui a vécu une situation très ordinaire pour beaucoup d’étudiants au monde , et qui maintenant voit l'importance d'une aide financière, a décidé avec toute son équipe d'aider lui aussi. Personnellement je trouve que c'est très inspirant.
Tout ce qu'a procuré ce geste, n'a pas été seulement pécuniaire, mais bien plus encore, parce que mes efforts scolaires ont été reconnus, alors c’était un grand encouragement pour moi, qui pourrait me donner envie de continuer à aller de l’avant sur la bonne voie.
J'ai pu l'utiliser pour mes besoins financiers, en ce qui a rapport avec mes dépenses étant que finissante, par exemple pour payer mes photos. De plus, avec cet argent je compte acheter quelque chose en souvenir de ce don, pour rentrer à l'université.
Je tiens à remercier Monsieur Richard Lussier, d'une façon spéciale, pour sa manière de présenter le programme aux étudiants. Et je salue, la coopération de tous les affiliés(e) du programme.

Je tiens à vous remercier pour cette grâce que vous m'avez accorder. La première journée que j'ai appris que j'allais recevoir chaque mois 100$, j'étais surprise et reconnaissante. Ce geste m'as permis de participer aux dépenses familiale et personnelles. Grâce à vous j'ai été capable d'aider à plusieurs reprises lors des épiceries. En plus, j'ai été capable d'acheter mon premier ordinateur portable. Acheter mon ordinateur, m'as aider à continuer mes études même pendant le confinement parce que tous mes cours du deuxième semestre ne devait qu'être fait virtuellement et sur l'internet. Avant cette période de confinement, j'ai aidé au payement des frais pour que mes frère et moi participent à un camps de jeunesse. C'était vraiment une expérience inoubliable pour moi.
Ce geste m'a encore rappeler à quelle point s'intéresser et aider les autres peu avoir plus d'impact que ce qu'on peut penser.
Merci pour votre détermination à rendre ce programme accessibles aux élèves,
Je vous souhaitent d'avoir de plus en plus du succès

I’m beyond thankful for this opportunity that you gave me and other students, I’m not the most gifted student academically but I try my best to do good wherever I go. It goes to show that what you put out there in the world comes back to you.

The money that was sent to me by HOST program was spent on mostly groceries since I live with my siblings, my parents are out of the country so I always have to figure out the food situation since I’m alone in the house most of the time after school. Many times I pass by food basics on my way back from school to grab chicken, rice, bananas etc... that would feed me for the next 4-5 days (that includes my guilty pleasure snacks every now and then). I used to work at my family’s food truck part time during the weekend which helped me save a lot of money, but we closed because it was hard for my siblings to run the food truck during winter so we only operate during summer time. The 100$/month from HOST program helped me get through the winter without a job and focus more on my school work since I had extra free time during the weekends.

I truly appreciate what you’re doing for the students and I’m pretty sure the world is going to give back to you the same way it did to me!!
I first just want to thank you. This program that you're doing really helped me and made my life a lot easier. If it weren't for you I would have probably gotten a part time job and I feel like that would put a lot of stress on me while still being in school.
I spent the money that you gave me on different items. I first got new shoes! I got a new pair of black Air Force 1s. They're incredibly comfortable and probably my favourite pair of shoes that I own.
I also spent the money on lunches. There's a Tim Horton's next to my school and my friends and I would go there to get a wrap and a drink when the weather is nice. I also spent the money on movie tickets and different social activities before the pandemic.
The last thing I spent my money on was a MacBook Pro. I saved up the remainder of the programs money and added my Christmas and Birthday money to it and I was able to afford the MacBook! I've been needing a new computer for a few years now and my old one is very very slow so it really discouraged me from doing some school work and doing anything related to computers. I recently got the MacBook and I love it! I plan on using it for University as well.
I just want to thank you again for this program. You have no idea how much I appreciate it.

I have been a HOST Award recipient for the past three years. In these past three years, I've also undergone a lot of growth and change. Some of that change has been stressful, while other parts have been welcome. Receiving this award has helped me handle that change by allowing me to feel some reprieve in regards to finances. It has also taught me a lot about money and value. It has taught me the importance of responsibility as well as the importance of having fun. I have felt more comfortable in social outings being able to pay for myself. I've given back to others, and I've been able to buy things like a yearbook and grad photos for my senior year. While $100 doesn't seem like a whole lot, it really does make a difference. The HOST Award has given me the ability to develop skills and a sense of responsibility that I will keep with me for the rest of my life, and I am forever grateful for that.

I am originally from Edmonton, Alberta. I came to Ontario two years ago because my older sister lives in Ottawa. I came to Ottawa because both  of my parents did not attend high school, so they were unable to help me with any of my assignments. As a result,  I was falling behind in all my classes. My sister noticed I was struggling, so she asked my parents if I could come to Ottawa. The move was not easy, but I knew I had to adjust quickly. I began to study harder; my marks improved greatly. I was very proud of what I had accomplished for myself.
On June 21, 2019,  my families’ life took a turn for the worst. I received a phone call from my mother about a terrible family tragedy. My grades were affected, but I knew I had vision and did not want to disappoint myself. I knew my dad would not want me to stop working to achieve my goal. Long story short, I studied hard to improve my grades and can proudly say that I will soon graduate.
This Award has been such a huge help in my life let alone the acknowledgment of all my academic improvements and knowing that it all hasn’t went unnoticed makes me feel like I can really do anything I sent my mind to. Being financially stable during this 10 months has been so refreshing and it most definitely lifted a huge weight on my shoulders.
I did not let my obstacles define my future. As a result, I was accepted into the Pre-Health program at Algonquin College; my  dream is to one day become a Registered nurse.

I would first like to thank you for this incredible opportunity. The Host Award has taught me about better managing my money, and has allowed me to better understand the need to stay in school and follow your dreams.
When I received my first $100, I won't lie, I used it for myself. I wanted to treat myself for being an exceptional student and hardworking young adult. When my teachers first told me I won this award, I was shocked and didn't understand why I was chosen. They explained why and showed me your video message of what this program was, and that is when I finally started to believe that maybe I was worthy of receiving such an award.
Each time I got the next amount I put it in my savings account. I have learned that having money saved has a sense of security and emotional stability. Both of which are important if you don't live at home.
I have been living on my own since I was 16 years old. That's about five years now of working and going to school, while trying to take care of my poor health. And believe me it hasn't been an easy road. But this award has helped ease the stress financially, especially now during this worldwide pandemic.
My goal is to graduate high school and move on to a post-secondary school program that I truly have thought about and desired. I wish to graduate and have a career that I am passionate about, so that I can someday have my own financial and emotional stability, to not only support myself but my family as well.

I received the Host award around the start of the 2019-2020 school year. At first it hit me. I was just so overwhelmed by the first encounter I experienced with Mr. Lussier, who's a great guy by the way. Anyways I remember not even wanting to accept the funds as I believed he or anyone trying to help me was not actually trying to help me and more so felt as if they pitied me. Mr. Lussier was very patient with me. He took the  time to explain what the award meant and why I deserved it . Right after that I remember thinking to myself "alright maybe this is different maybe he's actually trying to help me out". You have to understand sometimes there are barriers in your thought process when habitually you've always thought a certain way, whether it's healthy or not. Snapping out of a mentality can be difficult at times as it was for me but I'm glad Mr. Lussier challenged me to change that at that point in time. Then I accepted the funds and went back to my classroom filled with joy and excitement. I'm actually an up and coming artist in Ottawa. Music has always been my extreme passion. That moment was kind of what shaped the journey I'm on to create the content I've always wanted to as an artist. The award gave me an opportunity to start and invest in my music. Couple months later, I'm now a verified artist on Spotify and multiple other music platforms (professional music platform). Being chosen to receive the award also made me realize that  individuals were actually noticing my ambition and work ethic. That they cared and wanted to see me prosper, which gave me motivation to never give up not only with my education, as it's critical but also my music.

When I first found out that I would be receiving this award, I was very shocked because I didn’t expect myself to be deserving of this wonderful award. The host program was very kind to me when I was beginning to stress about my post-secondary plans. Because of this program, I was able to save money in order to purchase things that I was starting to urgently need. Living in a big family came with many challenges. My single mother of 5 children works so hard every day and my needs seemed to be over the top for her. The program helped me buy myself a computer that I really needed. I was so happy to be able to purchase it with the host program money I received, and cut down on extra costs on my family. The host program also helped me in other situations. In the middle of the semester my mom had to urgently leave in order to take care of family affairs in another city. Therefore I was left to live with my siblings, the money I received helped me pay for extra living costs and I didn’t struggle to pay for things. This was truly a great experience that I had. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Any student would be so lucky to be a part of this program!

At the beginning of my grade 12 year I moved out of my mom's house with my older brothers. It wasn't safe or good for my well-being to have stayed there. My older brothers pay the apartment bills because I work part time. Other than that I pay for everything myself; my phone bill, my groceries, clothes. I help my brothers when they don't have money as well. Quite literally everything I need comes out of my own pocket.
The biggest dent each month was my bus pass, my dad had given me his and every month I paid the monthly pass of $119.50. This had been particularly hard for me, I'm not one to pity myself however, I felt quite misfortunate that I had to pay over $100 each month just to get myself to school and back. I would see all of my friends coming to school for free and it would put things back into perspective that this was my reality. When my guidance councillor told me I had been granted with this program I had felt a wave of relief come over me. It felt like I was being taken care of by the universe, and the wonderful people in it. I was very pleased when she explained the program to me because I realised that there are people out there who care for us struggling students. We don't go unnoticed and there are people there who want to help us succeed. It also made me pleased to know that other students out there were receiving this program as well and that they are being looked out for. It truly warms my heart that this program exists and I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for being a light in our lives and looking out for us. This monthly payment has made me feel cared for, acknowledged, and all around allowed me to feel like a slightly more normal student.

As a young person who has grown up with a quite unsteady home life, I always wondered if I would make it through high school to then graduate. Since I am an overly optimistic person and never give up on something I put my mind to, I knew that nothing could hold me back. So I decided that the money I received would go towards my life after high school. Mainly for college and the life expenses that comes with it. The money would give me a little boost and help me get started. I was genuinely surprised and delighted to receive such money that I had a little cry because of how grateful I felt. All in all I appreciate your kindness and generosity and will spend the money wisely. Thanks again.

First of all, I would like to really thank you. Thank you for the support. I haven't used the money at all yet. I will use it as a stepping stone for my university or when I move out. I think I will need the most there, more than right now. Even though my family is having a tough time, they told me to save it for later or use it for emergency. It wasn't my decision to save the money, I wanted to use it. But my mom told me that if I want to move to Toronto and join a university there, I'll need the money. Moving to a new a place is hard; I think I'll need it more there than here. To be honest it really gave me a courage that it won’t be too hard after I move to Toronto because I have some money to start a life. If I don’t get a job there soon I can use this money until I find a part time job.


This award was very important for me and I got it at the perfect time. The one thousand dollars got me things that will improve my learning and studying skills. 
First of all, at this time it is important for every student to have a laptop or a device at home, so they can learn at home. For me I did not have a laptop at home, but I bought one from the money that I got from The HOST program. That was the best thing I got help from the award.
Secondly, my dream is to get into the accounting program at university. To get to my dream I have to study Math, and I need the tools for math. From the money that I got, I bought lots of tools that will help me improve my mark and my work at all the math classes.
I would like to thank the HOST program for giving me this big award, it means a lot to me. Also, it helps to improve my skills and my work in school. Thank you very much.

I would like to start off saying thank you so much for all the help because the last 5 years have been so hard for me as in school but most at home. Stuff was going on at home with a man and my mom that was life changing. It was so scary and hard for me and my siblings and the money I had helped me because when the guy was there I didn’t eat much at home and I had to eat out a lot. My mom is a great mom. When this man came he was taking everything. The money I got helps with clothes, food and happiness. This is why it helped me. Thank you so much! Be safe.

This monthly award was very much appreciated. It helped reduce my family stress as I was able to pay for my own expenses. The money helped me to afford transportation, food, fees for my cell phone, and the ability to go out with my friends. I was also sometimes able to assist my family with their financial issues. As well I was able to purchase art supplies that will help me in my future career as I intend to attend Algonquin College for a three-year animation program. My end goal is to work in the field of animation.
Thank you so much for this opportunity, My family and I really appreciated the financial support. The award has given me greater hope that I can reach my goals in the future.

When I heard I was receiving the award from the host program, I was very excited and relieved! The money helped me with food, bus passes, groceries and helping me be able to have that bit of extra cash to go out with friends. The award definitely made things a bit easier throughout the school year! Most of the money was used up but I was able to put a little bit aside to use as a financial cushion for later on. The extra money I put aside helped me throughout the COVID-19 pandemic when I wasn’t able to get ours at work and CERB wasn’t enough, it allowed me to have a little bit of extra money to transition to a job that overall pays better, has a better environment and is giving me more opportunities for the future. I am very thankful for this program and the help it has provided and hope it stays for many years to come to help other students in need!

Over the last year I have been able to save money using this award and put it towards upgrading an older pc so that it will help me do my school work at Algonquin moving forward in September.
Since February I’ve been able to help my mum with household bills and reduce her stress on managing everything on her own for the four of us.
This award definitely helped ease things and it was nice to be recognized and gave me more confidence dealing in school with my teachers by attending and giving it my all.
  It had left me with a positive attitude to helping others and knowing that there are people in this world who care. 

Going through my final year in high school, it was a big surprise that I was selected since I didn't know this was a thing. It has helped me tremendously in the sense where I spent a lot of hours at work to save up money for University. Having that extra money coming in meant I could spend less time at work and more in my school studies. I have yet to spend the bonus coming since I know University is going to be pricey but they will most likely go towards all the school supplies such as textbooks and other important matters towards education. If it weren’t for it I perhaps would have needed to take overtime in shifts to make up this money. I’m honored to have been selected.


I would like to thank Mr. Lussier and the HOST program for selecting me as a recipient this year. Being acknowledged as a hardworking student truly boosted my motivation in my final year of high school.
The monthly payments were very helpful to me and even my family, it allowed me to be more independent and gain experience in taking care of myself. An example of this could be the new backpack and binders I purchased to replace ones I had used since middle school, and treating my brothers to ice cream once in a while.
Being a Visual Arts student at Canterbury, my year was greatly impacted by the pandemic, and thankfully thanks to you I was able to continue practicing my art and complete my final projects at home with my own purchased materials I can continue to use after I graduate. Finally, applying for post-secondary was much less stressful, the fees to apply to all my dream schools were a worry before, but thanks to you I had my pick of schools!


Je tiens à vous remercier pour le versement mensuel de 100$ que j'ai reçu durant cette année scolaire 2019-2020. Je suis sincèrement très reconnaissante d'avoir pu bénéficier de ce programme cette année. 
De plus j'aimerais vous remercier pour votre dévouement, votre générosité et votre gentillesse démontrée par votre programme. Aussi je tiens à grandement remercier tous ceux ont contribué aux levées de fonds et au programme.
J'ai économisé la  bourse ANET que j'ai reçu afin de la mettre de côté pour mes études collégiales et/ou universitaires. Comme de nombreuses personnes, j'avais quelques inquiétudes financières concernant mes études post-secondaire. Personnellement je voudrais si possible finir mes études avec aucune dette universitaire et le don a contribué à mon objectif.  
SVP veuillez me signaler si je pourrais éventuellement vous donner un coup de main avec vos levées de fonds.

The HOST program helped in my daily life by providing me with some extra money to help with some of my living expenses at the beginning of the month whether or not I used the money for groceries, part of my rent, or bill payments, the money provided by the HOST program helped tremendously financially. This is my second year with support from the HOST program. When I first started to receive help almost two years ago, the money would be used to pay for transportation to and from school. When I heard that I would be receiving support again this past school year it was again used for transportation. Unfortunately due to the Pandemic that began in early 2020, schools closed and I no longer needed to go between school and home, so I started 
using the money for the purposes mentioned above. 

Je tiens simplement à grandement vous remerciez pour cette bourse! Elle m’a beaucoup aider pendant mon année scolaire, principalement pour manger et faire mon épicerie. Parce que c'est moi qui fait l'épicerie chez nous et je n'ai pas toujours le temps de me faire à manger durant la semaine, alors l'argent de la bourse me permettais de manger à la cafétéria de l'école. Elle m’a aussi permis d'aider d'autre gens qui avait faim tout comme moi, je sais comment on se sent lorsqu'on a faim et on a pas d'argent pour se nourrir, alors j'achetais de la nourriture à n'importe qui que je voyais qui en avait de besoin ( même si je ne les connaissait pas) . En bref, vous m'avez permis de m'aider financièrement et d'aider d'autre gens autour de moi.

The HOST Program award has impacted my life and helped me in lots of ways. It helped me in business of family, buying some food for everyone in my family per ex : if my mother or father needs more money to buy more food or supplies I could help them or if they are a few money short, I would gladly help them because it will help me and my family for exchange. And now there’s me. The HOST program also helped me go out because before I couldn’t because after school or before school I could not even go out and hangout with my friends, I had to go straight home. The award gave me a bright future to look up to and lots of hope as well and also 
made me proud of my accomplishments.

This host program has helped me out so much. Even though I haven’t spent too much of the money yet and have been saving a good amount of it, there have been sometimes where my family didn’t have enough to pay for things like grad pictures or paying to apply to university, and the host program helped to do that. More importantly this host program has helped so much in starting a foundation for the money that will be going to my future education and expenses that will go into universities. The last thing it has helped with is non-academic, the host program has helped so much outside of school during the world being in such a fragile state right now. It has helped buy food, pay rent and get supplies to help out my family and myself. Thank you so much host program.

First of all, I would like to say how grateful I am to have been chosen for this scholarship. Receiving the $100/month has helped more than anyone can understand. For a very long time the only job I was able to get was tutoring. I mostly tutored for about $10/hour since many of the parents couldn't afford a full priced tutor. On a weekly basis, I would make a maximum of $30 which wouldn't be nearly enough to help my family. With my mother passing away this past summer, my sister and I have been trying our hardest to save as much money as we possibly can to get our own apartment by the time we both graduate in 2022. This scholarship money will be so very helpful for both my sister and my future. As helpful as this is, it has also made me very happy knowing that my work doesn’t go completely unnoticed.

As a student about to enter university next year, there have been a few school related expenses that the host program has helped my afford. I have been saving up for university for over a year now, and the first thing I have been able to use the host program money for was on my university applications, I was able to apply for more schools then I originally would have been able to, and it helped me apply to schools that I didn’t think I would get into. Furthermore, the host program gave me a lot of confidence in myself, as it showed me that there are people out there that recognize my hard work, and are generous enough to help others. I am extremely grateful for having been chosen to be a recipient of the host program, and hope to give back to people in a similar way at some point in my life.

After receiving the HOST Program Award, life could not have been more relieved for me. By speaking of that, it’s been easier by making my own purchases (Facial wash, clothing, food for lunch during school, buying dinner for my family, and school supplies), instead of my parents always purchasing items for me. Not only myself, but my family as well have really appreciated this amazing grant offer you gave me for the majority of the school year.
I have not made a lot of purchases over the last couple of months. There were no school purchasing I had to do this year after you've given me this award because of COVID-19, but for school supplies, 100%. Sometimes I would pitch in to pay for some groceries just to be helpful in any possible way or purchase any other needs my family has listed for me.
At the moment I have everything that I and my family need. I am saving the money for my driving license, and other future needs (or wants) I might have.
I would like to thank you for this opportunity you have given me, I am forever grateful.

J'espère que vous allez bien dans ce moment de confinement, sans plus tardé, je voulais vous remercier pour l'aide financière que vous m'avez donné, car cela m'a aidé dans plusieurs choses. La bourse m'a permis de payer mon cellulaire, elle m'a donné l'opportunité de m'inscrire au programme de musculation de l'école, elle m'a permis également d'aidé ma famille a payer certaines factures, elle m'a aidé aussi à acheter quelques vêtements, nourriture et  certains matériels de l'école ; la bourse m'a permis aussi d'acheter une carte de bus. Non seulement elle m'a aidé financièrement mais elle m'a aidé aussi spirituellement en me donnant du courage, de la motivation de continuer à travailler pour obtenir des bonnes notes. Merci encore pour votre générosité et que Dieu vous bénisse dans tout. Merci

Thank you so much for reaching out and helping me through these harsh times. I am a 2020 graduating student and was already stressing about funds for college. My parents have been divorced and my single mother then had to raise two daughters with no job as she has a disability. So, life has always been tough I guess. I wasn't expecting any money from anyone, to be honest. I was very surprised when my guidance counsellor pulled me aside and told me that there was a special guest who wanted to speak with me. I was a little scared because I thought I was in trouble but it turned out to be a very lovely surprise. Though he couldn't meet me in person for medical reasons, I still got to view the informative video on the bonus I had been given.
All aside, I wanted to thank you all for your generous contribution. You have no idea how much I appreciate this gift. I will be using these funds for my college fees and I guess you could say I'm a little less stressed out when I think of them. :)

Thank-you for accepting me for another year in the Host Program. The funds I received have helped me with bills, purchasing food and allowed me to take part in activities with my friends. It also helped me purchase school supplies and that made me focus more on my studies. It has reduced my stress and given me some independence. Especially at this time I had to buy a lot of stuff to stay home because of COVID19, so I can keep my family and myself healthy.

I also learned how to save and budget money. This was my first experience using the bank and I found it very helpful.

Thank-you again for everything. I am really grateful for all the support I have been given.

This has been an amazing thing to receive but at the same time has been quite stressful. It has made me feel as if I was under a lot of pressure to succeed. Which is not something I’m accustomed to. I’ve never felt like an overachiever or someone who likes school. However, this school has changed that. I’m very happy I got kicked out of my past school, which sounds very funny. I feel something like this program would have never happened to me at my old school. This program has helped me get things I want, it’s given me more independence and things to do after school. One of my favourite things to do with the money has been taking my little sisters to Subway. I’ve been able to give gifts, one example of this is at my family Christmas, for the first time, I was able to buy the gift I gave, with my own money. It was such a great experience, and to be honest, looking back I think I’ve liked giving gifts with the money more than I liked getting stuff for myself.

Je vous remercie de m'avoir permis de bénéficier au Programme aidez nos étudiants. Je suis issue d'une famille monoparentale avec 5 enfants. Ça fait 5 ans qu'on vivent avec notre mère ici au Canada. Cette bourse m'a permis d’accomplir plusieurs projets personnels et j'ai pu aussi profiter avec ma famille. Je fais partie d'équipe de basketball Wolverines Élite, qui est à l’extérieur de l’école. Le basket est ma passion depuis l'âge de 8 ans. C'est une équipe compétitive, donc il y a beaucoup compétitions dans la ville d'Ottawa et hors de la ville.  J'ai été sponsorisée pendant 4 ans pour payer certains frais, mais il y avait d'autres dépenses personnelles que je devais payer moi-même. Cette bourse m'a permis de payer les frais d'hôtel cette année et la nourriture. J'ai aussi pu offrir des cadeaux à d'autres membres de l'équipe(cela est habitude de l'équipe de s'offrir des cadeaux durant des événements spéciales) .La bourse a enlevé une charge de plus à ma mère car j'ai 4 d'autres frères et sœurs. Enfin cette bourse m'a permis de pouvoir acheter des cadeaux pendant la période des fêtes de fin d'année aux membres de ma famille.
  Je vous remercie énormément, pour cette bourse!

The HOST Program award was a boon that greatly helped at putting my mind at ease of financial stress, as my 12th grade high school year has been packed with taking courses that demanded lots of attention that I would not have been able to apply as thoroughly if I had had to work for financial support regarding my university funding. Furthermore, the viral pandemic that has denied me most outlets for employment has made monetary gain a difficult thing to find, and so the funds that the HOST program has granted me will also greatly minimize the impact that the virus will have on university funds, which has helped tremendously for putting my mind at ease of financial stress. I would also like to recognize the academic impact that the award has given me as an extra effect; my high school average has been one of great turbulence due to mental health issues, especially anxiety regarding academic performance, and this award was absolutely critical in bolstering my resolve to improve myself so that I could attain the necessary average to be accepted into university in my biochemistry program. I am striving to continue in my scientific field so that I may hopefully in the future achieve my dream of genomic research, and I am happy to say that the HOST Program award has played a crucial role in opening my opportunity for pursuing this path in my life.

First and foremost I’d like to thank you, Richard, for again providing me with this special gift especially during these hard times, where in some cases I really needed the money to go shopping for groceries and to save the rest for my future education well most likely this September since I’m going to start my uni/college programs. Just like every year this money not only benefits me from being more into work at school but it makes me happy to be able to contribute to paying stuff in the house instead of my mom because she’s a single parent so it’s really hard sometimes to always have money or buy something you want or would like so I’m grateful for this. This is probably my last year receiving this so I’m really thankful for everything. Really words can’t explain how honorable this is.

Hello HOST Program, these awards been helping out my family for these couple of months, due to no one in our household working we relied on welfare checks and the awards I would get from the program. It would help us buy food and essential needs. I would also use the reward to buy some clothes for my sisters and myself if we were low on money and this made things much easier. These rewards were helping me and my family at home stay heathy and would relieve me from stress at home. Right now we are just trying to stay safe and take things easy because of COVID-19. This program helped me a lot and I’m really grateful that I was chosen to be a part of this program.


J’aimerais vous dire à quel point je suis reconnaissante envers le Président du programme ANET. 
Je me rappelle encore du jour où j’ai appris que j’avais été sélectionné pour recevoir 100$ par mois. J’ai pleuré devant ma conseillère en orientation et devant le Président même.
Je suis venue au Canada sans ma famille, je vis seule et recevoir de l’argent chaque mois gratuitement, c’est une chose que je n’oublierai jamais.
L’argent que je reçois grâce à ce programme, il m’est tellement utile dans ma vie quotidienne. Il me sert à faire des économies et même à subvenir à mes besoins.
Certaines personnes pourraient se dire 100$ c’est rien mais laissez-moi vous dire que recevoir ce montant chaque mois, ça m’a grandement aidé.
Aussi, voir ce que le Président de ce programme accomplit, m’a beaucoup inspiré. Je me suis dit que quand j’aurai les moyens, je ferai la même chose, peut-être pas dans les écoles mais j’aiderai des personnes se trouvant dans le besoin. Je vous dit merci beaucoup du fond du cœur. Seul Dieu saura comment vous récompenser de ce que vous faites pour moi et les autres bénéficiants de cet argent. Vous êtes une bonne personne et de nos jours c’est vraiment rare.  Merci infiniment!!!

In terms of using the money that was sent to me, it had been used wisely. When I had gotten the first couple "payments" I used it to buy myself some new clothing since it has been a while since I last bought any. Before buying my new pair of pants I wore the same pair of jeans for 2-3 years. As for the rest of the payments I used those to help support my parents since they're going through a tough time right now with money and as I looked at it I tried giving some to them here and there while keeping some for myself. Honestly this helped me tremendously and I'm forever grateful for the opportunity to receive these payments. I'd like to do something similar one day and give to the people who need the money even more than I do.

The Help Our Students Program provided me with the assistance I needed to finish my grade 12 year. Grade 12 is quite an expensive year, and even with a part-time job, I was struggling to get food and accessories. With support from the program, I was able to get lunch every day, pay for a few activities at school, and not worry about money so much. This helped improve my grades and my overall morale. The joy of knowing that every month I'd receive some financial help took away a lot of stress and made my year more bearable. The program played a crucial role in my grade 12 year. Without it, I would have had to ask for more hours at work, and with my schedule already being packed, it would have been very stressful and would have had a very bad impact on my grades. I am honored to have been one of the recipients of this program, and I am extremely grateful to Mr. Lussier for helping me out throughout this year.

First off thank you all at HOST very much for what you've done. Words cannot explain how thankful we are of you. Now I used most of the $100 given to me each month for a presto pass so I could go to and from school using OC Transpo along with other places with friends and etc. Doing that saved my mother lots of gas money, time and stress on worrying about paying for that. The money we saved on that we used for food, clothes and some personal items. It made us so happy and helped us so much in our life and makes it a big reason on staying at the school.  I also have saved some of each months money for the future, maybe to buy something nice, maybe for college or maybe to share the deed that you all at HOST did. So thank you so much for all you did and we can't thank you at HOST enough, you've truly helped my family. So thank you all and have an amazing rest of 2020 and every year after that and we wish you all good health.    

The HOST Program really impacted my life in a positive way. It helped me with supplies that I needed like food, clothes and school materials and it kept me heavily focused in school since I knew I wouldn’t really need to worry about much. Life in general was also much easier because I could help my parents with certain things that we needed and because of program it helped me be less stressed and hope more for the future. I really felt like I didn’t have a huge target on my back to take care of things like I felt before and because of how much this program helped me it really made me feel and act more positively so I could be nothing but grateful to be in this program and also deeply appreciate the help that they’ve given me.

I want to say thank you again for this one in a lifetime opportunity, I am extremely grateful for this. I come from a family that lives off paycheck by paycheck. With that money, we had to use it for our rent and living expenses. such as food, clothes, etc. With the HOST Program award, I used some of it to get a cellphone for communication and schoolwork purposes. I also used the award to get a desktop so that I can work on my academics at home. I was able to use the award to pay for my school activities fees. High school activities fees are very expensive when I made the volleyball team the fee was $55 and the track and field fee was $80. For someone like me I would definitely not be able to pay for that. I felt secure when I got this award because I knew that I'm now able to pay for these fees with the award without stressing out my parents. And I am forever grateful for your kindness.

The host program has helped me in a magnitude of ways throughout the school year. The main way the program has helped me is by making sure I always had money left over so that I would not have to worry about anything and so I could focus on my schooling instead of getting a job and forgetting about school. The program made me feel validated for my accomplishments in school and as a result my grades have improved immensely. The money was helpful for me when I forgot to bring a lunch in the morning or if I wanted to get something after school. I am really grateful for this award and intend to give it back tenfold when I am done with my schooling.

The HOST program helped me a lot. At first, I couldn't believe that I was chosen for this huge opportunity. I am happy and thankful about the program. I am using it wisely and I bought the things that I need, such as school supplies and food. I am the type of person who would use the money wisely and buy the stuff that would give a huge benefit in my life. I set aside money for my College tuition once I start next year, 2021. I have learned a lot from this program. Saving money, setting aside boundaries, and learning how to control money. My life was messy before, but with the help of the HOST program. I set aside my problems and think about the positive views of life. It also helped me to improve my studies and work hard for my future. Overall, I want to thank you for this amazing opportunity that the program has given to me. It means a lot and it changed my life. I am very thankful and happy! Someday, once I have a stable life in the future, I want to give back the help that this program has given to me. Also, I want to help students who are in need and struggling with financial problems and maybe at school. Thank you again!

When I was first selected by the program I was shocked and uncertain, I had never really had anything like this before and frankly I was scared that I would be in debt. My worries soon went away as I learned what the HOST program has done for many others like me and my situation.

With the program's assistance I was able to help support my siblings' academics and my own, purchasing electronics or software apps so we could do projects online with great efficiency. Mainly, I used it for photo editing and document writing software and tools for projects or assisting with some side work to keep myself occupied, an example is my work I'm doing on my own novel.

I will admit I was uncertain how to use the program's assistance at first, maybe even scared of spending it on what I needed but in the end, I do not regret anything and I am very grateful for the program. It helps many students that are struggling financially that could use the boost with their academics.

Le programme aidez nos étudiants est quelque chose qui va beaucoup m'aider pour payer mes Études post-secondaire. Lorsque je gradue de mon école secondaire, mon plan est d’aller étudier au collège la cité en techniques d’éducation spécialiser. Je suis quelqu’un qui a eu peur de ne pas avoir assez d'argent pour les études post secondaire à cause de problèmes personnels et familiale, mais avec cette aide + l'argent que j'obtiens à mon travail sa vais beaucoup m'aider à être capable de payer mes études post-secondaires. L'obtention de cette bourse a réduit beaucoup de stress que j'avais sur les épaules. De plus, cette bourse a reconnu les grands effort que je fais à l’école et m’a rendu fier de mes accomplissements. J'ai beaucoup plus d'espoir pour l'avenir d'être capable de travailler dans quelque chose que j'aime. Merci beaucoup.

Receiving this bursary put me on the right track for school and gave me a lot of hope that I would do better. In Grade 11 I lost sight of my goals and I practically gave up entirely. Being able to have the opportunity of receiving this bursary made me feel like I was worth more than I let on. It helped start up a savings account that I'm setting aside for post-secondary and future expenses. I’m very grateful that my school chose me out of the many students in our grade. I'm proud of this accomplishment and my grandma is too. This bursary is helping out a lot of kids that had a hard time in their life and lost their self-worth. So thank you for your kindness and generosity.

This award has helped me by getting me my bus pass every month so I can go to
 school, go to my job and see my friends. It has taken a lot of stress off my mom to not have to worry and to be able to pay for it myself. It made me smile once I realized what award I had won and it’s made me realize what money is all about. Opening a bank account is something I wanted to do and learning to save money and spend money wisely and on important things like a bus pass every month. I am very happy to be a recipient of this award and it helped me and my family tremendously. Thank you!

I wish to thank you for the monies that were given to me.  I had put it in the bank so that I had monies to go to post-secondary after high school.  With everything that has happened including being a low-income family and mom unable to work, I donated some of the money to my mom to help get us over a hard point with COVID happening and less work is available.

I had plenty of time for extra studying while school was out and have been doing online lessons so I decided the money was more worth going towards helping the whole family instead of school stuff.

Thanks to these monies I was able to help my mom and make it so there was less stress when she couldn't work and couldn't go to grocery stores.

I want to thank you for the great help you and your program have given me and my family. I have not yet used this award, but I am going to use it very soon to buy a laptop, that I am going to use in college and many other things. But also, I want to thank you for the immense help provided. Not only because of the financial compensation, which of course has been a great help, but also because I have benefited from a program that aims to provide a better future for students. This award gives me more encouragement to continue my studies and try to achieve my goals in the future.

I was originally going to use the host program to help me pay for my college/university future tuition. I was going to put the money in a savings account and then use it when the time came and I needed it. Due to unexpected circumstances, I ended up using the money to help pay for groceries when my family had to separate because of the coronavirus pandemic. During this time, some family ended up becoming ill with the virus. Since my sister is pregnant, we decided to go stay at an airbnb to prevent ourselves from becoming sick. During our stay, I used my money from the host program to help pay for food and necessities, this program has impacted my life in a very positive way. It has allowed me to help my family with a little bit per month.

First off I’d like to thank you so much for your kind actions in providing me with money that came very handy for myself and my family. It is greatly appreciated. 

The HOST program has not only helped me get to and from school but it also helped my family with financial needs such as food and bills. I have tried to spend my money in ways that could benefit myself and others around me. I have paid for some grocery bills, helped my family eat and paid for my presto pass to and from school. Now since I have a car it has also helped me pay for gas especially during these uncertain times. 

There isn’t much to change about the HOST program; you are great at providing such excellent support to students in need. I will forever be grateful for this award, definitely a highlight of my grade 12 year. 

Again thank you so much for this award and I wish you all the best in the years to come.

This program has definitely helped to alleviate financial stress while assisting me to become a little less reliant on my parents and more independent. With the help of this program, I was motivated to start saving my money. I became more aware of my spending and my income. In addition to the money from this program, I began depositing the money I made from my part-time job into my RBC account. This program helped me look ahead to the future and to become wiser of my financial state. Moreover, I used some of the money to pay for my driver’s license without relying on my parents. In the future, I intend to use this money, as well as the money I make from my part-time job, to cover my textbook fees and other university fees. This way I can feel more prepared to be in the real world while having one less thing to worry about. In conclusion, the Host program helped me to be more motivated and excited about the future. It has made me more independent and attentive to my financial state. It has also helped reduce some stress and anxiety I might face in the real world. I am very grateful for this program and I intend to make the best of this opportunity given to me.


I would like to thank the “Help Our Students” program for all the financial support they have provided me this year. 
With the money I was awarded, I could afford to purchase my first cellphone and cellphone plan as an 18 year old and finally put money into a savings account to start the process for getting my driver’s license, which was postponed due to the covid-19 crisis.

I bought essential furnishings for my apartment, like pots and pans that match and cutlery that won’t rust. I was also able to visit my family for Christmas without having to worry about getting stuck out of town without money for a bus ticket. All of this could not have been accomplished, while still going to school full time, without the support of the “HOST” Program.

Having this grant offered to me was a great experience.
It wasn't an extravagant amount but for the simple fact that I was able to receive it every month helped greatly with the extra little things. I was able to help my family with food, buy some shoes and clothing.
 It also helped so much because of covid 19 I was let go for the time being at the new job I had started. Never would I have imagined the outcome of not having work and so many precautions because of this virus that the grant was intensively helpful.
Thank you so much and I hope that this bursary will continue to be given to people as it truly helps motivate and is spent for loved ones and myself.

I would like to first start off by saying how thankful I am to have received the payments every month from you guys. During the school year, most months I bought a monthly bus pass to get to and from school as well as visit friends and family around the city all with a tap of the presto card. During the past 3 months of this pandemic I’ve been using it for clothes and to help pick up my fishing hobby again buying lures and fishing rods to go out on excursions in the city and fishing in as many places as I can. In the future I hope that this organization continues to help high school kids all throughout Ottawa schools and makes their lives a little easier.

First off, I want to thank you for this opportunity you have given me to receive money throughout the year. It has been the only source of income for me especially with the times we are in and I am very grateful.
I have a little over 1,000 left in my bank account meaning what was left was mainly from this program. I knew not to spend the money given because I made it my back up just in case there is ever a problem with my living situation or schooling. So I haven't used the money that was given but it is my entire savings so thank you.
I hope to use it in my tuition but if I end up using things like OSAP to help out, I could use the money for moving out knowing that it will be a very positive decision for my life and the plans that I have.

At the beginning of this year I was lucky enough to receive the financial support and assistance from the HOST program. The support from this program has helped me save for university, get a phone plan (which helped me get a job) and pay for a phone plan among many other things. I deeply appreciate the support this program has provided me, thanks to them I have been able to start my savings for university which is very important to me especially because I come from a low income family where opportunities and support doesn’t come around often. I think that this program really is a life saver for many students involved going into post-secondary. It helps us follow our dreams of attending a good university while not being as stressed about money. Thank you for supporting me throughout high school and making such a positive impact on my senior year experience.

I've used my 100$ for various things but mostly used it to help my family. I did use some for myself like going out with friends. It helped my family with bills like the phone bill and some of the internet bill. It helped me go outside more because now I had money to go out with friends and I didn't feel like I was going to bother/bug them about buying me a drink or a snack. It helped me bank smarter because of the 100$ I didn't want to spend it that fast because now in this day and age 100$ doesn't go that far in the world but for the 1st couple of times I got the money I was spending it like no tomorrow. Since about the new year I've learned to not spend it that fast and only buy things that are essential to either me or my family.

I am writing this letter to thank you for congratulating my efforts at school with a reward and to inform you on how it has helped me with daily activities and expenses for my last year at school. Firstly, the reward helped in relieving my stress by helping me pay for my daily requirements like food and transportation, due to my wait for a new work permit. Secondly, it helped in paying for my Algonquin applications for accounting, business administration and e-Supply chain management. The cost of all three programs was 95 dollars and having the money removed any worries about paying it and my other school and graduation fees. Lastly the reward helped me get equipment for college like laptops, calculators, backpacks and flash drives.


I can't describe how I felt when I heard that I had been selected for the award. I was so happy. Thank you for selecting me to get the award. It has helped me a lot to focus on school and work. I have achieved a lot and I just graduated from high school. The award has helped me make more friends and sometimes I go with them for lunch at the plaza. I also bring food home when we need some small food. I also used some money for my cell phone, clothes,  and graduating expenses. The award has reduced stress for me and my family. They were very proud of me and my Sponsors were happy for me. I want to thank you very much for helping me stay focussed in school and to graduate.

 Je tenais sincèrement  pour remercier votre organisation de m’avoir choisie, en m'accordez la bourse d’études. 
Cette bourse m'a aidé grandement financièrement et me permet de me concentrer sur ma scolarité. Je vous remercie sincèrement d’avoir pris le temps pour me choisit comme bénéficier de ce prix, grâce à vous j’appris comment vivre avec ce que je possède car ça fait beaucoup de temps que je n’ai jamais demander l’aide à mes parents. Cette bourse m'avait donné l'opportunité  de faire partir d’un business après 4 mois, maintenant je suis tellement fière de moi, de ma capacité, je connais mes forces et mes faiblesses grâce à vous, malgré les circonstances présentement j’ai toujours reçu mon salaire. Merci encore et encore pour votre aide, parce que quand  je commencer à recevoir cette bourse, j’avais aucun emploie et grâce à vous je continue à m'offrir ce que je voulais.
Je vous souhaite une belle réussite pour tous les projets en cours et ceux à venir, dans mon coeur je garderai un super souvenir duprogrammes aidez nos étudiants. 

This program has greatly impacted my life. The 100$ that has been awarded to me monthly has been put in my bank account and will be used to pay for my schooling and school supplies. It has also been used to pay for extracurricular activities, such as track & field, my gym membership, and soccer. I am very grateful for this opportunity, it has benefited me so much, I will forever think back on this, and I will also use my money for good. The money has also helped my family as they don’t have to use their money to pay for my activities; it really makes you feel good when you are able to help your family. I am thinking about pursuing a 4 year program at OttawaU, and this is most definitely a start. Thank you very much.

Je tiens tout d’abord à vous remercier très chaleureusement pour m’avoir sélectionné pour la bourse . J’étais sous le choc ce jours là toute la soirée lorsque j’ai appris cette merveilleuse nouvelle ! Cette bourse m’a énormément aidée à ma situation financière.

Tout d’abord, ce montant m’a enlevée énormément de stress chez moi. Ensuite, je vais pu m’acheter un nouvel ordinateur pour travailler pendant la période de la pandémie . Celui que j’avais en ce moment-là possédait énormément de problèmes et demande des réparations constantes m’empêchant d’avoir accès à un réseau internet et d’avancer sur mes travaux . Le reste de la bourse va me permettre de vivre beaucoup plus confortablement et de moins me soucier de ma situation financière.

As a young adult who grew up in homes with little money, the HOST program has made a big impact on my life. The money received over the past few months has helped me greatly. I have put all of it into a savings account and I plan on using most of it for my college years, as tuition or even using it for the necessities for my dorm room. I have not used any of the money yet and I do not plan on doing so until I get to apply for college and get accepted. This will be a big help for the big bills! I am extremely grateful for the HOST program and all it has done for me and many others. I look forward to
 going to college and getting my life started as an adult.

Next year I will be attending the University of Toronto to study Computer Science. I want to start off this letter by thanking everyone at the help our students program with their help and assistance throughout the most important year in my high school career. I especially want to thank Mr. Lussier for presenting me with this opportunity. As you can imagine a high school senior has a lot on their plate. This is the year when we decide what type of post secondary education we will pursue if we pursue any at all. Decisions we make this year can and will shape the direction and path you will follow for a large part of your adult life. When Mr. Lussier talked to me at the beginning of the year and told me about the HOST program and everything was uncertain for me. The award from the HOST program didn’t solve all my problems but it definitely gave me assurance early on in the school year and motivated me to do even better. I don’t think that there is a way to measure the impact that the HOST award had on me as a student but I can say that thanks to the HOST program I was able to have the necessary boost early on to achieve great success this year and for that I am extremely grateful.

There really aren’t enough words to express how appreciative I am for the HOST program. Being able to have access to the right funding helped me save up for a brand new laptop for my first year in university. Although I had a job to help save for my university degree, without the HOST program I would have struggled to have regular online access, which would have been extremely difficult for my upcoming first year at Carleton University considering the circumstances that COVID-19 has put us in. The HOST program allowed me to focus on my school work this year instead of having to balance the heftiness of both completing my Senior year successfully and a busy job as a waitress. Without the HOST program, I easily would not be where I am today: relieved, stress-free, and educated on the importance of creating a healthy balance in my life. And for that, I am forever grateful.

I would like to say that I really appreciate this offer. I never thought that someone in my position and someone with my lifestyle would have such an amazing opportunity like this. I didn't know what my plan was going to be after high school when entering this year and this helped me a lot. I did decide that I wanted to study in college but I never really knew how. When I heard about this offer I was so thankful and I still am. You have given me hope for a better future. I haven't used the money yet except for paying my college entrance fee because I want to save the money in case I will really need it one day. With that being said I'm still really grateful and will put this to good use. I am a saver, not a spender. I really hope that you guys can continue this program because it has been extremely beneficial. I hope you can help plenty more people with this opportunity. I hope this letter has satisfied your requirements and if there is anything else I can do to help I'll be happy too. Thank you for your time and thank you again for all this.

I'm hard working guy. I always think to be successful in my school, but I had big problems with my finances. Honestly, I was working night jobs to support my family and for my rent. At the time, I couldn't focus in my school because all my family depends on me from back home. However, in this hard time HOST program was able to help me. This opportunity, helped me to pay my phone bill every month. Honestly, my phone bill was one of my problems. So, thank to HOST program for your help . God bless you guys. I wish you to support other students that are struggling with their financials.

I am extremely grateful to have been chosen for this award . At the time when I had been called to the office from class I was really struggling with money as metro wasn’t paying enough to cover my car I had just purchased.  I really thought I was in trouble for something but then as Richard explained it I started to tear up because this meant so much to me . This was the only award outside of athletics that I had been given for the whole duration of my high school career. When I received my first 100 dollars I thought "wow this is an amazing gift and I’m not going to abuse this ". So I didn't. I used the money for help with my car payments or anything school related like athletic fees or the amazing outdoor education program, mostly for my car though as that was my biggest struggle.  I cannot Express enough how much this program helped me and how much I appreciate the opportunity given to me thank you so much !!!

I found that I was able to use the funds in order to act on my new found interest in piano. With $500 of the funds I contributed towards a new keyboard that I was able to learn new songs and practice on. With the rest of the funds I started to contribute $32 a month on piano lessons that would help me with my studies. Given the circumstances I was unfortunately not able to continue my lessons and am saving the funds for further lessons after the pandemic is over. I also occasionally spent the money on fast food to reward myself and motivate me to focus and work harder on school. I also contributed towards a laptop that I could use to do homework and now, during the pandemic, contribute to my online courses. I also was able to bring the laptop to school and use it in class instead of the Chrome books which allowed me to work more efficiently on my work.

I am so grateful to the host program for the assistance and comfort they have provided me. The last year has not been easy. Even before the outbreak of covid 19 life was a bit of a struggle. I thank the host program for each time I've been able to help my mom pay for groceries, or  cover small costs that can make all the difference during these stressful times. Just being able to know that I have a bit to fall back on when times get tough has really helped my situation. The money has allowed me to get the school supplies I need when I need them, rather than holding off, or thinking where my money would be better spent. The money itself is being saved for my education, whether that be to go towards my University fund, or to take the CSC course to pursue my passion for Investment and asset management.

I would like to thank the (host) program for hosting me. This money will become extremely helpful with the administration process at Algonquin college for the January semester. The money has been a huge stress relief on my family and very happy to be part of this amazing program.  if there is any money left over it would be placed towards books or supplies or monthly bus pass. Just knowing that I was granted into the program and was receiving the money actually helped me to make a decision to go to college whereas my decision might have been different if all the financial burden was left on my family.

For me the monthly 100$ hasn’t just helped me financially but it also helped me academically. At the time that I had received the HOST letter I was at my lowest school wise. I had to juggle with school and also sports. It was my last year and I really wanted to balance my school and athletic life. I had realized that because of this, my academic performance was not at its best. Earning this gift made me realize how much my teachers saw a certain perseverance in me that I had blindly forgotten about. It made me realize that they saw something in me that I hadn’t, which pushed me to do better. It then because my goal to not only persevere for myself but also persevere for those who believed, and still believe in me. This gift gave me the motivation I didn’t know I needed and for that I am forever thankful. Thank you immensely.

I am truly grateful for being offered this help throughout my last year in high school. I am a very motivated person who works hard for what I want. This grant has help me minimize the amount of hours I would take a work to then put more focus on school work and spending my last year with friends. I have decided to take a year off to work full time to save money for college. I am looking forward to putting this extra money towards my schooling. I am once again so thankful to be given this offer. This offer managed to reduce my stress through high school and made me realize how much I was really working. I was able to give myself a break and it felt amazing.

I would like the time to thank you for choosing me to be a part of this program, the money I receive from HOST has helped my family in getting food, clothing, shoes, and toiletries. During the Covid-19 pandemic it was nearly impossible to find nor get a summer job to help my dad support us but thanks to HOST we were still able to live normally through it with the little extra help.
It has enabled me to see things a bit differently too by allowing me to manage my bank account and understand the trust I have been shown from HOST. I hope this inspires others as it has me.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for what you did for me including every student that you helped and I hope that you continue helping others. This program helped me a lot especially in my own needs. This program is the reason why I have money to pay for my graduation fee and my basketball fee. Once again thank you for everything and you inspired me a lot and I hope that you continue helping other people and inspire them like you inspired me, I hope that this program will keep going because it's really really helpful especially for us who need help financially. God bless you. I am looking forward to meeting you because I had no chance to meet you. Thank you Richard!


With this program, I am very thankful that it assisted me in having a lot of fun, and helping me be productive with my family. It assisted me with getting gifts for my family members that I wouldn’t have been able to get before, and helped me have some really awesome memories with my friends and go places I will never forget, even if it were as simple as going out to eat, to going to a neat indoor skatepark, this program has helped me so much, and I offer my thanks for that. Thank you for making this year awesome. I’ll never forget what you guys have done for me, it’s amazing.


Ce programme m’a beaucoup aider car je suis une élève qui vit avec une mère monoparentale alors ma condition de vie n’a pas toujours été agréable, de plus je sais que il y a pleins d’autre élèves qui sont dans les mêmes conditions de vie que moi-même alors ce programme m’a beaucoup aider dans le sens que il y a beaucoup de stress et anxiété enlevé. J’ai pu aider beaucoup de gens dans ma famille et ceci m’a fait sentir comme finalement que quelqu’un m’a compris dans le sens financièrement. Je serai toujours reconnaissante qu’il y a un programme comme ceci qui aide plusieurs personnes à passer à travers de moments difficiles, pour continuer je trouve que ce programme me bénéficie beaucoup et peut changer beaucoup de vies familiales ainsi que ceux et celles qui n’ont pas de famille proche avec eux. Pour terminer continuer vous avez fait un impact positive dans ma vie. 

I wanted to thank you so much for choosing me to be a part of the HOST program. I was able to save all of the money for after high school. I will be using it to help pay for my college program and to help with living costs.

I am very grateful to be recognized for my hard work at school. I have a hard time learning and reading and writing and it’s very nice to have how hard I work noticed by my teachers and this program.  

I have had a hard few years and my living situation has changed a lot. Everyone at school has been so good to me and I hope that I can pass along the kindness shown to me to someone else who needs it.  Thank you again for everything


Le programme HOST a fait une grande impacte sur ma vie. Je garde la bourse pour les cours d'université que j'avais pensé que je n’aurai pas avoir la chance d'aller. Mais avec cette bourse ça m'aide de me donner la confiance que je peux aller à université sans d'avoir une dette toute ma vie. Les choses comme les vêtements seront plus facile à acheter pour mes années scolaires de post-secondaire. L'impact de cette bourse et la chance d'avoir cette bourse est énorme pour moi spécifiquement parce que presque toute ma famille peut pas travailler pour des différentes raisons et donc j'ai n'a pas assez pour l'université et ils ne peuvent pas acheter les meilleures choses pour mes études de post-secondaire. Donc, Je remercie toute le monde qui m ‘a donné cette bourse et je veux donner un grand Merci pour le professeur qui m’a choisi pour cette belle bourse qui aide les gens dans des situations financières plus mal que des autres. Merci beaucoup, j'apprécie ca tellement.


J'aimerais vous remercier pour m'avoir donner la chance d'obtenir cette bourse. Recevoir cette bourse m'a donné la chance de faire des choses que je ne pensais pas que j'aurais à faire si tôt, mais m'a donner de l'expérience sur comment le faire. Par exemple, cette bourse m’a montrer comment bien gérer mon argent et ne pas trop dépenser. Avec cette bourse, j'étais capable de planifier d'avance ma première année universitaire par mettre de l'argent de côté pour l'achat de mes manuels pour mes cours de l'année prochaine. De plus, avec cette argent j'étais capable de m'acheter des affaires personnelles comme de la nourriture, quelques vêtements et d'autres affaires qui me rend plaisir. J'aimerais vous remercier une autre fois pour m'avoir donner la chances de subir cette expérience et me donner la chances de planifier mon futur d'avance.

C’est avec du plaisir que j’ai soumis ma lettre de remerciement pour le programme, Aidez Nos Étudiants, en liant avec la bourse de 1000$ que j’ai reçu au courant de l’année.

Avec cette bourse, j’ai décidé d’investir l’argent pour mes études post-secondaires. Jusqu’à date, tous les paies que j’ai reçus est déposé dans ma compte d'épargne à intérêt élevé pour que j’ai le plus de support pour les frais d’études. Sans cette bourse, je me sent comme si je vais mettre trop de stress envers-moi et mes parents.

J’envie de te remercier pour me choisir pour recevoir cette bourse de 1000$ du Programme Aidez Nos Étudiants pour l’année scolaire 2019-2020. Je suis fier de recevoir cette bourse d’études, puis j’apprécie surtout le fait que vous avez décidé de continuer de m’aider avec cette bourse après que j’ai décidé de graduer au premier semestre pour ramasser plus de fonds pour améliorer ma compte d’épargne.

J'ai eu la chance de faire partie du programme et je vous souhaite un succès continu.

The HOST program has given me a sense of comfort and relief from the anxieties of financial support over the course of these last few months. The majority of what I have saved is being kept for emergencies and/or rainy days, but a few dollars here and there have really come in clutch during the times I didn’t get breakfast in the morning or if I needed extra school supplies. When I'm going off to college in the fall, I plan on using the same strategy for any costs aside from tuition pop up, because being prepared is what keeps me confident in my future. I am forever grateful for being selected to receive this award, and kindness shown by the people responsible will never be forgotten.

I’m writing this letter to explain how I have used the HOST program award and how it has impacted my life. I have used the HOST program award for school supplies such as using some of the money I was given to get a laptop. I thought that a laptop would be a good long term investment because it will greatly benefit me in college. I have decided to save the rest of the money because I will be putting it towards college applications as well as college fees and textbooks. This has impacted my life because this HOST program award has opened up a lot more opportunities for me in the educational aspect such as being able to get a laptop to assist me in my studies.

I was very honoured to receive the $1000 award. I would like to thank you for your generous support which helped a lot. It has helped me so much to buy supplies that I need for school. For example it helped me pay for my laptop expenses so I could use it to do my work for school. Also, I saved part of the money for college payments for next year. It has helped focus more on school because It allows me to work less hours outside of school so I can complete homework. This award also helped me achieve better grades for school. Thank you very much for this $1000 award, I'm thankful that I was chosen because this has helped me a lot.

I just wanted to start this off by saying that I am extremely grateful to have had this opportunity. The last year or so has been rocky in the sense that I had been kicked out and had to begin supporting myself financially & physically. I do not make a ton at work with having school as well, so it has been a really helpful top up at the beginning of the months, for groceries and rent. With having corona virus going on as well, and unfortunately being laid off, it has been and will be very helpful in the next couple days. I again thank Richard Lussier very much for this opportunity, and I do hope that anyone involved in this program stays safe & happy throughout this pandemic.

Ce programme ma énormément aider pour acheter des choses de première nécessité. Comme de la nourriture, des vêtements, des articles personnels (shampoing, anti-sudorifique etc), également acheter des médicaments comme des tylénols. Ce programme a été comme un bouche trou quand on manquait de quelque chose. Étant en situation de pauvreté, je trouve que le gouvernement ne verse pas assez d'argent dans l'aide social. 1040$ par mois, quand on enlève le loyer, il reste parfois pas grand chose. Une chance que chez ma famille touche l'ACE. Sinon je ne sais pas comment nous ferions pour vivre. Encore une fois, j'aimerais remercier les donateurs puisqu'avec eux, de nombreux étudiant qui le mérite puissent avoir un avenir brillant grâce à cette bourse.
 Merci a tout le monde et continuer comme ça :).

Donc, pour commencer, j'ai utilisé la plupart de l'argent pour acheter de la nourriture et certaine choses que je voulais acheter, comme des Carte iTunes ou Playstation. J'ai aussi aider mes parents certaines fois quand qu'ils avaient besoins de l'argent. J'ai aussi utiliser un peu de l'argent pour acheter mes dîners quand j'ai sortis des fois.

Aussi, j'allais utiliser la plupart de l'argent du programme HOST pour payer pour un trip à Stratford, mais quand que j'ai bougé de maisons de Kemptville à Ottawa, je ne pourrais pas y aller. Après des longues discussions avec mes enseignants, j'était capable d'y allé, mais après que le COVID-19 est arriver je ne pourrais pas y aller. Après j’ai bougé à Ottawa et je suis maintenant à Franco-Cité et un peu de l’argent du programme Host est aller dans la cafétéria pour que je puisse manger.

This program has definitely opened my eyes about how to save money and how to use it properly. When I first started getting it, I didn’t know what to spend it on or what the worth really was, but as the months passed it was easier to learn how to spend it wisely and make sure that it would last the month. It taught me how to manage my money for future too and that will definitely help in my future with college and my career, being able to get this money is really important because I was in a very difficult situation and I didn’t have the money to take care of myself. Now that I am in a good situation I can help myself by growing from what I’ve learned. Thank you so much for picking me for this opportunity.

First I want to thank you for giving me this opportunity. It has made me realise the value of money and that most things in life come with a cost. The money I have gotten over the past 8 months has helped me so much. It has helped me feel a little more grown up seeing as I am able to spend as I chose and not have to worry about paying someone back. It has also taught me how to save my money as I am a fast spender.

Lastly I just want to say a really big thank you to you for doing this for my brother and me.

I just like to thank you for this award and tell you how it has helped me in my life. My mother was attending a school away and she had one of our cars there and she heard that the schools and borders were going to shut down so my father flew there so he could bring the car and my mom back and you helped me help them pay for their expenses like food, gas and a hotel room. It has also helped me buy groceries and cloths for myself and also taught me about saving and budgeting money. And I just like to thank you again for awarding me this and have a wonderful day.

The HOST program was helpful to me in that it gave me financial security. I knew that it was okay to indulge every once in a while because I had some backup money in my savings account. I plan on keeping the money there until I'm ready to get a proper apartment. I know I'll need money not only for rent but for furniture and utilities. The HOST program gave me 4 months guaranteed rent for where I live now, so if I can't move out soon (which, with the pandemic, is likely) I can at least have a secure place to live for a long while. I also got the chance to not worry too much about getting my paperwork together to get a job, which was stressing me out and inhibiting my focus at school. Thank you Mr. Lussier!


Thank you for giving me the opportunity to receive the Academic Bursary.
It has helped me feel more independent as a person and young adult.  It has made me feel more independent in not needing to rely on my mom to have to buy things for me.  It allowed me to buy things that I need for myself.  I have used it for food and everyday needs I also used the money to help with getting things for my family.
In closing, I would like to say thank you again for the opportunity.  I have really appreciated it, it has been very useful and helped me greatly.








hostprogram@rogers.com    © RICHARD LUSSIER 2016